White, honey and other varieties of yellow plum

In Russian gardens, a yellow variety of plum is rare, and people far from plant growing are often mistaken for cherry plum. There is a grain of truth in this delusion. Many varieties of yellow plums, indeed, are related to cherry plum.

They belong to the group of Mirabel, exclusively popular in France. Some yellow varieties( with a greenish tinge) belong to the green leaf species. Separate descend from the plum Chinese. In this article we will consider the description of different varieties of plums: small and large. And also we learn how different species are called.


  • Common features of kinds of yellow plums
  • Description of early ripening varieties of yellow plum
    • Early plum Yellow Balloon
    • Small plum Altai anniversary
    • Round Grade - Amber Mlievsky
    • Honey
  • middle-grade yellow plums
    • Ochakovskaya white
    • Compote
  • late-ripening varieties of yellow plums
    • Golden large
    • Yellow afaska
    • Egg yellow
  • Care for yellow plum
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General features of the species of yellow plum

Most often in plants of this groupPy round fruit. Rounded oblong meet less often. The main color, of course, is yellow, although some varieties may have a light blush or green tint. The taste of the yellow variety of plums is sweet, very juicy. Often small in size.

Regardless of the type, all yellow plums are united by a characteristic feature - self-sterility. Very rarely among them come across varieties with partial self-fertility. This is due to the fact that yellow plums are a product of selection, they are not found in wild forms. However, self-sterility also has a downside: in the presence of a suitable pollinator, such plums are capable of producing a tremendous harvest.

Like the blue plums, yellow ones are different in their precocity. This characteristic determines which pollinator to choose. Early varieties suitable, for example, the old variety Early seedling. Mid-season - July. Later - Hungarian Moscow.

Description of early ripe varieties of yellow plum

As a rule, yellow fruit of early ripening can be removed at the end of July or in August. These are all-purpose varieties. They are consumed fresh, processed into juices, jams and marshmallow.

Early plum Yellow ball

A small plum with an amazing taste, reminiscent of someone, pineapple, someone peach. The variety is also known as the Golden Ball. It is simple to distinguish it from others: during the period of ripening, the branches of a branchy tree are covered with round yellow fruits, tightly seated on short petioles, like sea-buckthorn berries. This is not surprising, because the Yellow Ball refers to the subspecies of Chinese plum.

For Chinese plum is characterized by a very earlier and violent flowering. Each flower bud produces 3 or 4 flowers. The yellow ball differs from other plants of this group in higher growth: a tree can reach 5 meters. However, the variety inherited the main parental signs:

  • frost resistance( up to -50⁰С);
  • skoroplodnost( enters fructification in the 3rd year);
  • excellent quality, thanks to the dense skin;
  • high transportability;
  • resistance to major diseases of the stone;
  • low drought tolerance;
  • propensity to root out the root collar.

Yellow ball - a variety very productive. And since the weight of each fruit can reach 60 grams, increased attention is required from the gardener. It may be necessary in some years to thin out the fruit or set props so that the branches do not break.

Plum variety Yellow ball

Fine plum Altai anniversary

This variety also has a Chinese ancestor - Manchurian prune plum. Due to this, the Altai Jubilee is able to endure the harsh conditions of the Urals and Siberia. The color of its fruits is twofold: the main color is yellow, the cover on the sunny side is red, with a protective wax coating.

This is a medium length low boom tree with a back-pyramidal habit. Small plum plum( only 14-16 grams), but the taste of the fruit is very harmonious, with some sourness.

Altai jubilee self-sterile plum, but it can be safely planted next to other varieties of , - she herself is an excellent pollinator. Her yield is high, although irregular. Enters fructification in the 3rd year of life.

Unfortunately, like all Chinese women, the Altai Jubilee is not too resistant to damping, and growing it in the middle lane is risky. But this variety is rarely sick with a perforated spot.
Plum Altai Anniversary

Round Grade - Amber Mliyevskaya

A heat-loving large-fruited variety bred by Ukrainian breeders at the Lev Platonovich Simirenko Institute of Pomology. According to some estimates, Amber is the best variety for making plum jam, because when overripening, the content of pectin in the fruit becomes very high.

Bright yellow fruits are oval in shape and can weigh up to 70 grams. The taste is very sweet, with a slight grape tint. The flesh is juicy, with fibers, the bone separates well.

Peel on fruits is a bit thin, therefore, when fully ripe, they are poorly stored. However, Amber can be removed unripe - in the fridge it lies for a rather long time and perfectly delivered.

The tree itself is medium sized, with a compact crown, skoroplodnoe. Begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. With one adult tree in the presence of the pollinator can remove up to 50 kg of fruit.

Winter hardiness of this variety is average. Regions with a harsh climate Amber not suitable. But in areas with mild winters, she feels good. The main advantages of the variety: drought tolerance and weak susceptibility to bone stone diseases.

Amber variety of plum


Honey white( also known as Honey yellow) was bred by LI Taranenko from Donetsk. The variety is also thermophilic, in Russia it is zoned in the Central Black Soil Region. However, the experience of gardeners shows that Honey, grafted on a frost-resistant stock, successfully bears fruit to the north - in the Moscow region, Belarus, in the Kaliningrad region.

Plum Honey belongs to tall grades. The tree can grow up to 6 meters. Fruits are oval, with a transparent yellow skin, waxed, reach a mass of 50 grams. From the lighted side, an orange covering color sometimes appears on them. Pulp - from slightly greenish to intense yellow, depending on the degree of maturity. Honey has a bright, sweet taste with a subtle sour and honey aroma. The bone sits tightly, but the ripe fruit separates well.

With good care, the variety shows excellent disease resistance.

Additional advantages - drought resistance, good keeping quality and transportability of fruits. Frosts of the middle strip Honey transfers well, flower buds do not freeze.

Of the relative, quite surmountable disadvantages, only self-sterility and tall height can be noted.

Tall plums require close attention to regulating their growth. If you allow them to grow freely and not engage in pruning a tree, in a few years the fruiting on the lower tier of the branches will die out.
Variety of Plum Honey

Mid-season varieties of yellow plum

The fruits of mid-ripening plums reach removable maturity from late August to mid-September.

Ochakovskaya white

Just like Honey, this plum is called white, then yellow, due to the wax coating on the fruit. Ochakov plum is easy to distinguish from others during flowering - by large double flowers.

This is an old Russian variety suitable for central Russia. The tree is medium in height, up to 4 meters in height, with a tendency to thickening the crown, therefore, requires vigilant care for the formation.

The fruits of Ochakovskiy are oval, with a poorly visible seam, of a greenish-yellow shade. The taste is very pleasant: sweet, with a musical spice, juicy flesh. Stone, like Honey, half-falling.

Unfortunately, with the high quality of the fruits, this variety has many disadvantages:

  • low ratio of the number of flower and vegetative buds( 8: 100), which is why Ochakovskaya gives very modest yields;
  • flower buds poorly resistant to freezing;
  • irregular fruiting;
  • overall low winter hardiness;
  • propensity of fruits to cracking and shattering.
Plum variety home “Ochakovskaya yellow”


This variety of yellow plum is bred by the Russian breeder A. Veliaminov. Remarkable Kompotnaya plum that has not a tree, and a bush form. The bush grows quite high, up to 3 meters. The crown is spreading, the branches are raised.

Compote - small-fruited variety. Fruits are round, with dense bright yellow skin, weighing only 15 grams, resemble cherry plum. The flesh is loose, juicy, the taste is sweet and sour. The name itself tells about the purpose of the variety.

This small plant gives relatively good and stable yields: 15-20 kg of plums from one bush. The advantages of the variety include its high frost resistance.

Under the name "Compote yellow" in nurseries you can find a tree shape. In taste and color, the fruits of this variety are very similar to the shrub, but their size is larger - up to 30 grams.

Late-ripening varieties of yellow plum

The ripening period for late-plum fruits is from mid-September to October.

Golden Large

Thermophilic variety, Recommended by the State Register for the Lower Volga region. In severe frosts, his shoots are damaged and one-two-year-old wood freezes.

Golden large differs from other yellow fruit plums by partial self-fertility. The main advantage of the variety is large( more than 40 grams), fruits of excellent taste, light yellow, with a light blush, delicate edge and a waxy coating. They are able to ripen in the refrigerator and not lose quality in 1.5 months of storage.

The tree of this variety is medium-sized, with a pyramidal crown, begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. Yields give not record( about 30 kg from a tree), but stable, without periodicity.

Of the other advantages of the Golden Major, there is a high resistance to heat, drought and disease.

Golden plum

Yellow afaska

A very promising Bulgarian variety with exceptionally large fruits( 60-70 grams).The fruits have a great dessert taste and interesting color - yellow, with light greens. The yellow afaska is self-infested, and the American plum Amers is best suited to pollinate it.

Another advantage of the yellow afasca is skimpiness. The first crop variety can bring already in the 2nd year. The plant is vigorous, with high winter hardiness and resistance to sharq. For other bone disease, it is also weakly susceptible.

. Among the minuses of the variety are the poor keeping quality of fruits and their ability to quickly ripen in a tree. Collect the yellow afasku need only manually.

Yellow afaska

Egg yellow

A rare, old variety, first described in 1676.Like many old plum varieties, it has many flaws, but may be interesting to collectors.

Fruits Egg yellow rather large, but mediocre taste, sour. Purpose - for processing compotes, marshmallow. The skin color is bright yellow, the bone is inseparable. Fresh fruits begin to deteriorate after a week of storage.

The plant itself is vigorous, with a round sparse crown. It is resistant to frost and drought, however, it is affected by fungal diseases of the stone fruit. Enters fructification late - from 6-7 years of life. Productivity with proper care up to 40 kg from the tree.

Plum Egg yellow

Care for yellow plum

Care for the yellow variety of plum is no different from care for blue. Some nuances depend on the specific variety, but the general rules are:

  1. Regular watering. Plum loves water( but not stagnant water), and even drought-resistant varieties will react to a long absence of watering with a decrease in yield.
  2. Regular top dressings according to the scheme: in the spring - nitrogen, in the summer - full complex fertilizer, in the fall - phosphorus and potassium.
  3. Regular pruning. The plum quickly grows and “runs away” upwards, and it needs to be formed.
  4. The correct selection of pollinators for samobedplodnyh varieties.
  5. If necessary, yield regulation( thinning of fruits).
  6. Mandatory water-recharge irrigation for the winter ( after leaf fall, before frost).

With proper care, yellow plums for 15-20 years will provide the gardener with excellent fruits and good mood.

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