Description and rules for planting pears Forest beauty

Forest Beauty is an autumn pear variety. This variety of pears is very popular among Russian gardeners, due to its high yield. Homeland pears varieties Forest beauty is Belgium. On the basis of this variety, more than six dozen varieties of pear varieties were created. They were created for a specific region and significantly surpass the original variety in their characteristics.

Content of the varietiesalways with the description of the tree and the fruit. Trees of the Forest Beauty variety are of medium or high size. The first ten years the plant grows vigorously, then growth slows down. The crown is a wide-pyramidal shape. The branches hang down slightly. With a large load, they can fall almost to the ground. This makes harvesting easier, but the has the risk of breaking branches. To avoid this, the branches must be tied up.

The plant is characterized by medium foliage. The flowers are small, pinkish, resistant to temperature extremes. This is a frost-resistant culture.

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Forest Beauty pear fruit varieties have a slightly elongated, ovoid shape of medium size, weighing from 150 to 300 grams. Their skin is thin, but rather dense. To the touch it is slightly rough. The mature fruit has a golden yellow color, in places that were located under the sunlight, there is a pink blush. The flesh of the pear is tender, juicy, yellowish-white, sweet-sour to the taste.

Forest beauty is distinguished by high yields. The tree begins to bear fruit for 5-7 years. The fruits ripen in late August.

When they are not collected in time, pears can quickly overripe and rot. In this connection, it is advisable to start the harvest in advance, 9 or 10 days before the fruit ripens. This period falls on the end of August, about 20 - 30 number. After removal from the tree, the pears are kept in safe form for no more than three weeks.

Tree with ripe pears Forest beauty

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Pear variety Forest beauty is distinguished by unpretentiousness. What is one of its main advantages. Trees can grow in both dry and wet soil. But the best characteristics of a pear of this species manifests when it grows in nutritious and loose soils.

The advantages of this variety include:

  • tree durability;
  • frost resistance;
  • heat and drought resistance;
  • high yield;
  • juiciness of fruits.

In addition to the advantages, this variety has several disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is the poor resistance of the plant to some diseases, in particular - scab of fruits and leaves. The fact that the fruit on the tree very quickly overrides is somewhat inconvenient. Fresh fruit harvest is stored for a short time.

Planting pears

For the Russian Beauty variety, loose black soil is preferable. It should be noted that this plant feels good on other soils, except clay soils.

It is very important to take care of the lighting, it should be enough.

It is recommended to plant seedlings in early April, leaves have not yet appeared. In central Russia, seedlings are planted in the fall, the most suitable month is October, because at this time the earth contains a sufficient amount of moisture. This fact will well affect the development of the root system.

When purchasing seedlings, it is better to opt for two or three years. It is necessary to pay attention to the root system. It should be well developed.

The procedure for planting pear trees includes the following steps:

  • dig a hole one meter deep and 70 cm wide;
  • mixed with fertilizer from the pit: 2 buckets of sand with compost, 3 tablespoons of potassium sulfate;Place the
  • mixture in the pit and form a mound;
  • will prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and two glasses of hydrated lime, pour it into the landing hole;
  • water;
  • planting seedlings carried out after 10 days;
  • seedlings before planting placed in water for 2 hours;
  • tree to lower into the hole, its roots spread over the mound;
  • to fill the ground so that the root neck is above the ground at a distance of 5 cm;
  • compact soil;
  • grind the soil using peat and humus.
Ripe and juicy fruits of the Forest beauty, ready to harvest

Plant care


Forest beauty is a heat resistant variety. But this does not mean that the trees do not need to be watered. The most suitable method of irrigation is the method of sprinkling. If it is not possible to organize such a procedure, watering is carried out as follows:

  • form a groove around the tree at a distance of 20-30 cm from the trunk;
  • pour water into the groove( 50 liters per tree).
Young trees should be watered often - once a week;for adult trees, the watering procedure is repeated three times in one season: before flowering, during the making of the fruit, during the ripening period of the fruit.


In order to save the pear from disease and pests, pruning is necessary. In addition, it will help increase yields. Pruning is carried out in early spring and in autumn.

Pruning is carried out several times:

  1. In the first year after planting the seedlings. Pruning is done at a distance of half a meter from the ground.
  2. In the second year after planting, only the four strongest branches are left. Thus form the skeleton of a tree.
  3. In subsequent years, the skeletal branches are cut by one quarter.

In addition, all dry, excessively long, broken, defective branches are subject to removal.

The procedure tool must be well sharpened. The cut points will need to be treated with a special tool, copper sulfate will do.

Winter Preparations

In order for the plant to be ready for winter, some activities need to be carried out. The first mulch pristvolnuyu area. This procedure is performed using sawdust, humus, peat.

Young trees should be prepared more thoroughly, you need to warm the trunk. Straw, leaves, paper come in handy for this.

Preparation of pears for the winter. Warming the trunk.

On the eve of frost, the trunk can be whitened, and young trees can be covered with a solution completely. To prepare a solution for 10 liters of water take 2 kg of lime and a half kilogram of clay.

Top dressing

For the first time, the top dressing that was laid in the hole will be enough for the plant. After three years will require additional feeding.

Mineral fertilizers are applied every year, and organic fertilizers are much less common - once every three years in the autumn period. It will take from 5 to 7 kg of humus under one tree.

The order of feeding:

  1. During the flowering period - urea.
  2. After flowering - a solution of nitroammofoski.
  3. End of June, the plant will need fertilizers, which include potassium and phosphorus.
  4. In the autumn period to a depth of 10 cm make 150 grams of wood ash per 1 square meter.


The fruits of the Forest Beauty variety cannot be stored fresh for a long time. Therefore, the harvest is carried out before the pears are fully ripe.

Pears finally ripen by the end of August. They will have to be removed before this deadline. For storage, you can use trellised containers. Her sides will need to make paper. Fruits are placed in a container with stem up. One row should not be in contact with another, for this, each row is laid with paper. A container with a crop is placed in a cool room, the humidity of the air should be no higher than 90%.

Harvest and size of pears Forest beauty

From pears of this variety make preparations for the winter: jams, preserves, compotes.

Diseases and pests

Forest beauty has gained popularity among gardeners due to its resistance to diseases. There are almost no pests on it.

On the leaves of the Forest Beauty, scab is often wound up - a special type of fungus. For a long time, the fungus does not manifest itself, and when the leaves begin to cover black spots, the disease will already develop to the point that it begins to destroy the organic fibers of the foliage. In a matter of time, the entire crown of the pear tree will be covered with scab.

Young plants are most susceptible to scab, while adults can resist this ailment.

The temperature of the air and the humidity level affect the intensity of the scab disease. In hot weather, the disease can recede.

It is difficult to treat the affected plant, therefore it is advisable to take preventive measures.

Scab prevention measures:

  1. Every year, trim the crown to penetrate the foliage of sunlight.
  2. In autumn, the fallen leaves are picked and buried.
  3. To prune affected shoots.
  4. Spraying the plant with Bordeaux mixture.

It is important to carry out prevention against other diseases and insects. In order to protect the plant from fruit rot, chorus or speed is useful. Processing of these drugs produced during the blooming of the kidneys or at the end of flowering. During the summer, carry out the prevention of the moth. Processing is performed with acrata, match. From pear moth helps treatment chlorophos.

Timely processing will protect the plant from diseases and harmful insects and ensure good yield.

The variety of pears Forest beauty is very popular among gardeners. Pear trees of this variety are frost-resistant and unpretentious in care, and the fruits have a unique juicy taste and aroma.

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