Literally every garden has pears. But in order to have a good harvest, and pear could bear fruit, you need to make a little effort, including timely feeding the tree in the fall. This will not only enhance the immunity of the tree to various diseases, but also directly affect the taste and appearance of the fruit. In our article we will talk about what constitutes the autumn feeding of pear, than its feature.
The contents of the
- .will allow the tree to replenish the spent beneficial trace elements throughout the growing season, while giving strength to resist the unfavorable loweredJuly temperature in the winter.
In the process of fruiting, the pear loses a lot of strength and additional nutrition becomes necessary. This is not just an opportunity to significantly improve the plant immunity, but guarantees a successful wintering and a good harvest of next season.
Does tree yield depend on top dressings made in autumn
The productivity of a pear fully depends on its condition, creation of optimal growth conditions and of course on the availability of the required amount of micronutrients necessary for fruiting. To get a good harvest, it is recommended to fertilize the plant correctly in the fall.
Feeding is performed by in the area of the pre-wheel circle. These manipulations should begin after the full harvest of fruits, when a third of the foliage has already turned yellow.
Top dressing is done in the area of the pre-circle when a third of the foliage has already turned yellow.
For young seedlings, it is worthwhile to do something different: fertilization is done under digging.can be fed to the tree in the second year of sprouting. This is not necessary before. But this is only on condition that the right amount of fertilizer was applied to the pit during planting. This complex of nutrients is just enough for a couple of years. Well, and then you need to feed the pear.
Features of fertilization in the fall
In order for the pear to move normally after hibernation, it is recommended that you master all the subtleties of autumn recharge. After all, the lack of beneficial trace elements is as dangerous as their surplus. You need to know the "golden mean".If the tree has little power, it will be difficult to recover after winter, and if there is a lot of it, it will wake up early. And suddenly spring frost? This is also not good.
Perform initial autumn fertilization costs in September , immediately after harvest. In this case, it is better to use potassium and phosphorus containing fertilizers. The procedure will allow the wood to develop properly and provide budding for the winter.
The later you feed the plant, the less time it takes to prepare for wintering.
As soon as all the foliage has fallen, and you have cut off the old branches, you can proceed to the second stage of the autumn feeding. Here you can use fertilizers with boric acid, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and copper. The main thing is that does not have nitrogen - this will prevent the tree from falling asleep before wintering.
The second feeding of the pear is done after pruning
Another important point: it is necessary to to plentifully water the tree before winter. For this you need for each pear in two buckets of water.
Schedule for supplemental feeding
Any fruit tree, including pear, must receive the right amount of nutrients in time. Otherwise, a good harvest and tasty fruits can be forgotten.
- The first time you need to feed a pear immediately after hibernation .Fertilizers need nitrogen, and it is important to water the plant well.
- Then it is worthwhile to fertilize the pear, as soon as the first flowers appear .Fertilizers must be nitrogenous.
- Mineral fertilizers are used in the autumn, when they have harvested and the leaves began to fall off.
When it is drought outside, it is recommended to use foliar application of nutrients. Because in the usual way, trace elements are unlikely to get to the root system. In this case, use only organic matter by spraying the crowns after sunset.
It is prohibited to apply fertilizer without abundant irrigation beforehand.
It is prohibited to apply fertilizer without abundant irrigation, otherwise the nutritional components will not reach their destination.How to fertilize a pear tree before winter
There is a huge amount of fertilizer that you can use to feed a pear. But when, how and in what quantity to use these or other complexes, how to fertilize them, we will talk further in our article.
Organic fertilizers
It is possible to use organic matter to feed pears, but is best done in the springtime .Practice shows that organic gives the best effect at this particular time. While in the fall you should pay attention to the mineral complexes.
Proper autumn top dressing is the use of mineral fertilizers. They can be bought at any specialty store or you can create it yourself. Consider one option in more detail below.
For mineral dressing, it is necessary to dissolve one tablespoon of potassium chloride and two tablespoons of superphosphate in ten liters of water. It is recommended to make the solution not under the barrel, but into the pre-circle.
Comprehensive fertilizer for
pear Folk remedies
If we talk about folk methods of feeding pears and other fruit trees in the fall, you can use wood ash. To do this, for each square meter of digging you need to evenly distribute about 150 g of ash.
The depth of the bookmark must be within 0.1-0.2 m .It is recommended to use such fertilizer both for mature trees and young saplings.
It is important to remember about mulching trees after adding water and fertilizer. In this case, you can use peat, rotted humus or the pine bark of .The main thing is that the mulch will allow for a long time to retain moisture at the roots of the tree, while at the same time giving it the opportunity to feed on beneficial microelements in the soil for some time.
Autumn feeding of pears is a prerequisite for proper preparation of the tree for wintering.Compliance with simple rules and regular care will make your garden as prolific as possible, and the fruit tasty with little or no investment. Fertilizer expenditure is immaterial.
Moreover, you can always take advantage of popular improvised nutrients and recipes. There are many. The garden always will thank the good owner with a big and tasty harvest.