A good harvest brings a lot of joy for both a professional farmer and a simple summer resident. With the use of modern technology, this has turned into not so much hard work as an additional hobby. Especially if it concerns the cultivation of pepper in the greenhouse or in the garden, which is growing rapidly and gives the harvest of juicy and sweet vegetables. But there are cases when, at the stage of preparation, the seedlings begin to grow poorly and the future harvest may not at all justify the expectations. Why does this happen and what to do?
The table of contents
- The main reasons why poorly grow pepper seedlings
- Poor areapoorly growing seedlings of pepper
The problem with the growth or height of seedlings of pepper often appears as a result of the trivial deviations from optimal conditions vzryaschVania plants.
Poor land when landing
The productivity and growth rate of peppers directly depends on the place of their planting in open ground. Incorrectly selected soil for sowing will lead to a slowdown or no growth at all.
Before the start of the season, it is necessary to analyze and select the zone with maximum fertility or fertilize it in a timely manner and eventually take the soil from those plots.
If there is a clean field nearby, where plants, a bog or a forest have not been cultivated for a long time, then you are very lucky. By spring, moles begin to dig tunnels and clean ground in the process is thrown to the surface, and it is most suitable for flowers and seedlings.
Land thrown by moles - the most suitable for seedlings
Soil with a small percentage of black soil or a lot of sand and the presence of parasites - it is better to avoid.When incorporated into a mixture of soil, such land must be roasted in an oven in order to avoid the appearance of fungi and parasites, and also to additionally fertilize.
A purchased ground mix can also damage a plant. Before buying, you should study the composition of such products and choose only the one that is suitable for peppers. The most dangerous is considered a mixture of soil, saturated with a huge amount of synthetic fertilizer , it harms the plant, its fertility and the health of those who will eat such peppers.
A well-proven mixture of 1 part of old sawdust, 2 parts of turf, 4 parts of peat and 1 part of humus, and watered at the end with a solution of potassium permanganate with water.
Lack of seed preparation
Pepper seeds have some peculiarities in storage and preparation for planting. If they are not used in the period of 3-4 years , then they become unsuitable and any cultivation attempts will fail. Therefore, these deadlines should be adhered to and check the date on the packaging before purchasing and sowing.
Before sowing seeds, you need to carefully check the date on the packaging
For a maximum percentage of sprouted shoots, seasoned farmers conduct a procedure for selecting suitable seeds from missing seeds. Before planting, pepper seeds are treated with with a 3% solution of salt in pure water.
They are immersed in the solution for 10 minutes, as a result of which unfit seeds float. The seeds that remained on the bottom of the tank with the solution, washed in pure water and dried.
is considered a frequent mistake. The absence of seed treatment with water and antifungal substances .This affects the growth rate, the number of sprouts and the presence of fungal lesions.
The secret is that the dried seeds are washed under warm water and placed in a room with a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. Allow them to be saturated with moisture, sprayed with a solution of the fungicide and leave them there until germs appear.
For pepper seeds to be saturated with moisture, it is recommended to germinate them in water
Incorrect time of picking and planting in open ground
Important omissions in the cultivation of peppers include banal ignorance of the characteristics of varieties.The result will be a mismatch between age and size at the time of landing. Many in this case may not even realize that the problem of poor growth does not exist, and the sapling was sown at the wrong time before planting.
There are three types of varieties:
- Early - sowing two months before planting.
- Average - for three months.
- Late - 75 days in advance.
It happens and vice versa, when a seedling outgrows, and the transplant of such plants leads to the loss of part of the crop.
Improper illumination and temperature control
Error in setting the temperature or insufficient lighting , lead to slow growth and in the worst case, the death of a young plant.
Pepper seedling lighting should be sufficient.
Deviations from normal conditions most often occur due to a lack of knowledge about the technology of cultivation, improper construction, or the simple omission of farmers. The average optimal temperature in the range of is from 25 to 27 degrees Celsius. Lowering to 15 degrees Celsius will result in slower growth, and higher levels will dry out sprouts.
The lack of light leads to abnormal growth and pulling up the stems in the direction of the sun, they become thin and weak, and in the future this will lead to poor yield or the pepper may stop growing.
Incorrect installation of containers on a cold window sill, a hot battery and in a darkened part of the room. But this problem is easily solved by choosing the right place or installing a lamp. Therefore, properly equipped and selected room will allow more efficient to grow seedlings.
Watering and feeding mode.
Watering and feeding the peppers during the period of growing the seedlings does not take much time, but errors in this process lead to many troubles. According to the technology, for normal growth, only requires two top dressings and maintaining soil moisture through spraying the sprouts with drops of warm water.
Watering sprouts should be done by spraying with warm water.
Abundant hydration leads to a thickening of the stem and the appearance of cracks on it.It is not necessary to pour water into the soil, this will lead to the leaching of seedlings from the ground or their damage. Excessive addition of water will turn the soil into simple dirt, which will cause the roots to rot. Drying the soil will cause the plant to dry out and die.
Top dressing occurs with special nutrients or growth stimulants diluted in warm water, which in small doses of are added to the soil.
Folk methods of care for weak pepper seedlings
Often, natural growth from fermented yeast and sugar is used to improve growth. It saturates the soil with beneficial substances and a positive effect on seedlings.
Take 1 tbsp.spoon of yeast, 2 tbsp.spoon of sugar and diluted in water in proportions of 1:10.Weak sprouts on the third day will get stronger and start growing at home before picking at a normal pace.
An additional effect will give an infusion of sleeping on the water for 5 days. It is prepared from sleeping 1 cup and 3 liters of boiled water.
Spilled brewing as a fertilizer
Bird droppings - a source of potassium for seedlings of pepper
is used to saturate the soil with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. It is diluted in warm water 1: 2 and insist 3 days, after watering open soil 1 time before planting.
uses ash from an campfire to level out pH and protect against pests.
Potassium and phosphorus in its composition favorably affects peppers sprouts. Add it at the stage of soil preparation in a small amount.Additionally, in the event of potassium deficiency, use crushed banana peel , which is added to the soil. With a lack of calcium, powder from eggshell is used in small quantities.
For disinfection, use decoction of onion peel diluted with water.20 grams of dry husk insist 3 days on 5 liters of water and irrigate the soil.
Growing pepper seedlings at first glance seems to be time consuming and time consuming, but knowing the characteristics of the plant and all the nuances of technology, working with it will bring a lot of pleasure and many tasty fruits in the future.
- Poor areapoorly growing seedlings of pepper