Description and characteristic of cucumber variety meringue f1

Cucumbers are among the most popular garden crops, which are loved by both adults and children. This demand for this vegetable pushes breeders to invent ever more innovative and improved varietal varieties. It is to such innovation that one can confidently attribute the variety of cucumber Merengue. In this article we will talk about the description of the variety of cucumbers and consider the technology of their cultivation.


  • Characteristic features and meringue
  • cucumber varieties Advantages and varieties disadvantages
  • Recommendations for planting seeds
    • Soil
    • inoculum
    • Planting seeds
  • Care culture
  • Diseases

Characteristic features and varieties of cucumbers meringue

meringue is a hybrid that was derived Dutchbreeders in 2007.This variety in terms of ripening refers to the early types of cucumbers. The versatility of its use allows it to be used both fresh and processed( as salted or pickled cucumbers in jars). Culture positions itself as suitable for cultivation in all regions of our vast country.

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Varietal variety is excellent for growing in the country household plots and on an industrial scale. The universality of growth allows you to grow crops, both in open soil and in greenhouses. The plant does not need pollination, which allows it to grow in greenhouses without much hassle.

Culture is a tall shrub with medium weaving ability. Leaflets are medium sized, saturated green. Fruits of the correct cylindrical form, accurate, in the size do not exceed 10-12 cm, and weighing no more than 100 grams.

First harvest begin to harvest in 35-40 days after planting seeds. Fruiting culture throughout the growing season, but the largest number of ripe crispy cucumbers harvested at the beginning of fruiting, which is very convenient for winter harvesting.

Cucumbers meringue on a bush close-up

Tastes are excellent, the lack of bitterness in the fruits is genetically determined.

Productivity is ample. In open soil, 2-3 kg is collected.ripe vegetables on one square meter. In the greenhouses with proper care it is possible to achieve yields up to 10 kgfrom square meter.

The variety is resistant to common diseases of cucumber, such as powdery mildew, spotting, mosaic virus. Fruits do not deform and do not turn yellow.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

This type of cucumber has many advantages:

  1. Decent yields.
  2. Drought tolerance.
  3. Immunity to temperature extremes.
  4. Excellent taste.
  5. Versatile to use.
  6. Universality in cultivation.
  7. Excellent presentation and transportability.
  8. Accuracy of fruits, their identity and long shelf life.
  9. Disease resistance.
  10. Unpretentious care.

The only disadvantage of the variety is its not too good resistance as such a common disease as perinospora, or downy mildew.

Seedling meringue, ready to be transplanted to the greenhouse
Judging by the numerous reviews of gardeners and gardeners, this varietal variety of cucumbers significantly differs in price and quality from different suppliers. If you believe these reviews, the highest quality seeds from suppliers from Moscow and Ukraine, respectively, and the price is much more expensive. Quality and price are much lower for suppliers from Rostov, Volgograd and Kazakhstan.

Planting Recommendations


This varietal variety is planted with seedlings and seeds. The seedling method of planting will simply somewhat accelerate the ripening of the fruit. Regardless of which planting method is used, the soil is loamy with good breathability. In order to achieve a good harvest, it is necessary to prepare a plot from autumn: clean it from weeds, fertilize with manure and dig up.

It is strictly prohibited to use chlorine-containing fertilizers for this variety. Salted soil is also not suitable for plants.


In order for the harvest to be good, you need to use only high-quality and prepared seed. Seeds are better to buy ready-glazed. Such seeds are already disinfected and processed by growth promoters. The germination rate of such seeds is almost 100%.

Crop of cucumbers meringue

If you purchased ordinary seeds, then you should prepare them yourself. First, the seeds are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate, then they are germinated in wet bags. Already germinated seeds harden, bringing them out for several days in the cold.

Planting of seeds

Plant seeds in exclusively heated soil, the temperature of which should not be less than 12 degrees. If the plants are planted in open soil, it is necessary to completely eliminate the possibility of night frost.

With a horizontal growing pattern, no more than two plants are planted on one square meter. But this method of cultivation has proven to be the least effective.

It is best to use vertical cultivation, in which a bush is formed by the method of a garter to supports, a grid, or trellis. This method is less traumatic for the plant and allows placing 4-5 bushes on one square meter. Seeds are planted in the hole, not more than 3 cm in depth.

3-4 seeds are planted in each well. If all seeds sprout, they must be thinned. The first shoots appear after 6-7 days.


Any variety of cucumber loves cleanliness. The plant needs timely care, which includes loosening the soil, cleaning weeds, watering and fertilizing.

Merengha loves various fertilizers. Crop yield depends on them. You can feed the seedlings throughout the entire growing season, but with a break of at least 2-3 weeks. Any organic fertilizer is suitable for this purpose.

Organization of drip irrigation for the meringue variety

. Diseases

. The variety positions itself as resistant to diseases, but still this variety can be damaged by a disease like .If this happens, the culture should be treated with suitable products that are sold in all specialized stores.

Harvest should be collected every 2-3 days. Do this carefully so as not to damage the ovary.

Cucumbers Meringue with proper care will provide you with an excellent harvest with excellent taste of the fruit.

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