An experienced gardener is unlikely to ask what a parthenocarpic cucumber variety is. The specific term on the seed package perplexes beginners, those who only recently started a summer cottage and built a greenhouse on it. Contents:Parthenocarpic cucumber
If the word parthenocarpy is translated from Greek, it will mean "virgin fruit."Simply, the fruit is obtained without the participation of male flower pollen, that is, without pollination.
If you cut parthenocarpic greens, then there may be no seeds at all on the cut or they will be very small that are not formed. With the advent of cucumbers of this type, a new stage began in the development of greenhouses. No need for pollination.
Quite recently, hives with bees were placed in industrial greenhouses; now they are not needed. Choosing the right variety for the greenhouse solves the problem.
Advantages and disadvantages of cucumbers
We first evaluate the advantages that a summer resident who planted parthenocarpic cucumbers will have. The first plus - yield .In bee-pollinated varieties it depends on insects, in self-pollinated on weather and insects. The crop is affected by low light, excessive soil moisture.
Parthenocarpic varieties show a stable yield, regardless of insect pollinators and weather conditions. You can plant cucumbers under the covering material, the fruits will be successfully formed in complete isolation.
These varieties are successfully grown:
- In the apartment on the windowsill.
- On the loggia.
- In the greenhouse.
- In the open ground.
- Under temporary shelter.
. The second plus is the taste and quality of the fruits of the .Due to the lack of seeds, the pulp has a pleasant delicate structure, the same in density. There is no bitterness in cucumbers. Zelentsy are excellent raw materials in the production of canned vegetables.
The best varieties
As always, the search for suitable varieties begins in spring. I want to have an early harvest without much hassle. Consider a few, proven in practice, parthenocarpic varieties.
Pasamonte F1 - a hybrid, returns early. It takes a little more than a month( 35 days) from the emergence of seedlings to the removal of the first cucumber. Cucumbers can be pickled. They are good in salads. Seeds before packaging are specially treated, so they can be sown without prior preparation.
Emelya F1 is a hybrid that will delight with yield and excellent immunity. Even in adverse conditions, it gives a full crop of cucumbers( 15 cm) with a smooth, green color. The first wave of the crop 40 days after germination.
Herman F1 is a hybrid with a stable yield, little susceptible to infections. Fruits with white thorns are formed by 7-8 pieces in a bundle, have the same size( 3 * 12 cm).Purpose is universal. The first cucumbers ripen in 40 days.
Features of cultivation in open and protected ground
Parthenocarpic cucumbers are best grown in a polycarbonate greenhouse .In protected soil conditions, it is easier to care for cucumbers with a beam type of fruiting. Maintain the optimum temperature and the necessary humidity.
Planting Seeds
Seeds can be planted directly into the ground or sown in peat cups for seedlings. Germination of purchased seeds is not guaranteed, therefore, 2-3 dry seeds or 1 of them are planted in the hole( cup).
Dig the soil before planting, add a quarter of a humus bucket, ½ cup of ash to each well. The soil before planting seeds should warm up.
seedlings. Seeds will not grow if the temperature of the at a depth of 12 cm is less than 15 degrees .The bed should be covered with PVC film. The film will retain moisture in the soil, it will accelerate the germination of seeds.
Care of the first shoots of
When the first shoots appear, remove the film and replace it with covering material. During the day, you can clean it up, and at night throw it on young shoots. Between the holes is to put 1.5-5 l plastic bottles with water.
During the day, the water heats up, and at night it gives off heat and maintains the air temperature. During this period, abundant watering is not needed. The earth should be moderately wet .Water for irrigation to take warm, defended.
Watering and weeding
If you have planted cucumbers, then get ready to water them every 3 days with .During the period of active fruiting and hot weather every 2 days. Water before watering to defend. It should be warm. One watering can should be enough for 2 plants.
Weeding will also take time. mulch will help. mulch - a layer of dry grass( 10-15 cm) will cover the soil and reduce the amount of weed grass on the ridge. Mulch also reduces the evaporation of moisture and reduces the likelihood of frequent cucumber disease - powdery mildew.
This type of cucumber responds well to all types of top dressings( root, extra-root).Before fruiting 1 time in 7-10 days to feed herbal infusion, infusion of mullein or a solution of ammonium nitrate.
In bad weather - foliar top dressing:
- milk with iodine;
- water plus boric acid.
Pinch and feed
Pin center stem parthenocarpic cucumbers do not need .This is a feature of this species. For self-pollinated and bee-pollinated species, you need to pinch the main stem over 5 leaves.
But it is necessary to pull out all the ovaries and flowers in each of the 4 lower sinuses. This technique is called blinding .The goal, which is pursued by this - to send nutrients to the development of the plant.
Forming an
shrub An stalk is tied to the trellis after 4 leaves appear. As you grow, you need to form a bush:
- Starting from a height of 0.5 m to 1.5 m, pinching shoots above 2 leaves.
- After 1.5 m - above 4 sheets.
- When the top of the stem reaches the top of the trellis, throw it over the top wire.
- At a distance of 0.6 m from the ground, pinch the top of the main stem.
Harvesting and storing the crop
Every two days should inspect cucumber lash and pick cucumbers.
In this case, Zelentsy do not outgrow, the formation of new ovaries is accelerated. It turns out that the timely collection of fruits contributes to increasing the yield of .Collected cucumbers stored in a cool, dark room or in the refrigerator.
It is worth acquiring parthenocarpic cucumber varieties for their country economy. A rich harvest of Zelentsov will provide: the correct scheme of planting, timely feeding and measures for the formation of the bush.