Sweet pepper is one of the most beloved and common vegetables. Among the many varieties of peppers, Claudio is of particular interest to gardeners, as valued for its qualities of taste and containing in its composition of beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals. A description of this variety can be found in this review.
- B Antiviationalspecialists of the company "Nunhems" and is in the group of the Dutch line of vegetable crops. Refers to the early varieties of culture, since the period of aging from transplanting to open soil or greenhouse is approximately 80 days.
Early pepper variety Claudio
The plant forms a powerful, upright, medium height shrub. Large leaves painted in bright green color with a slightly wrinkled surface. Due to the large size of leaves, vegetables are protected from the negative effects of the sun.
Cubed drooping fruits have a characteristic glossy surface. In the technical ripeness phase, vegetables have a dark green color, and when ripe they acquire a bright red color.
The weight of one fruit can be equal to 200-250 d. With the observance of the agrotechnology of cultivation and favorable climatic conditions, the vegetables are thick-walled, their wall thickness is 12-14 mm. Juicy flesh with spicy sweetish taste has traditional delicate aroma of classic sweet pepper, without pronounced bitterness.Advantages and disadvantages of the
variety Pepper Claudio has a number of advantages:
- high crop yield culture;
- excellent taste characteristics and appearance;
- energy seed germination characterizes the simultaneity of their germination and uniform uniform ripening of peppers;
- the possibility of growing, as in open beds, so in greenhouse conditions;
- the ability to easily adapt to different climatic conditions ;
- preservation of the presentation during transportation;
- fruit varieties universal purpose, used in fresh and canned form.
Claudio peppers are juicy, fleshy with an excellent, savory-sweet taste and a pronounced multifaceted spicy aroma
Besides the weighty advantages of the variety, there are also disadvantages, which include:
- increased soil moisture;
- low rate of transition from the technical ripeness of the fetus to its full staining .
pepper cultivation technology It is recommended to take some nuances into account before planting this vegetable in your garden. Its cultivation includes certain techniques and is carried out in several stages.
Planting pepper seeds for seedlings in an
container Planting seeds and growing conditions for seedlings
You need to grow Claudio peppers using seedlings, obtained from seeds that are sown in the last days of February or early March.
The soil substrate should be friable and fertile and rich in organic matter.Growing seedlings includes the following operations:
- Before planting, the seeds need to be on 5 watches placed in water, the temperature of which is not higher than 50 ° C.After the time has elapsed, put them on a cloth moistened with water for three days in a room with a temperature regime not lower than 20 ° C.
- Place the prepared planting material in boxes to a depth of 1-2 cm , keeping a distance between landing units 1.5 cm.
- Good pour and cover with glass or transparent film to maintain the required level of humidity.
- In order for the seeds to germinate well, you need to place the containers in the room, the norm of which temperature should be 24-26 degrees above zero .It is important to bear in mind that seedlings love good lighting, dry air, moist soil and do not withstand drafts, so it is necessary to create optimal conditions, taking into account the preferences of the culture.
First shoots of Claudio
- pepper After 15 days, the first shoots of will appear, and you will need to pick one. This technique contributes to the formation of the roots and strengthens the seedlings, since as they grow they become cramped, and they do not receive the required amount of nutrients. To do this, carefully, without damaging the roots, transplant sprouts into separate forms.
- Put containers with seedlings into heat and water with warm water, without over-wetting the soil, in order to avoid the development of a disease like blackleg. You should also ensure that the soil does not dry out.
- Provide proper care for the seedlings , which consists in spraying the plants, airing the room, fencing off drafts. And on the tenth day after the picking, fertilize with urea and superphosphate.
After 60-70 days after sprouting, seedlings should be transplanted to a permanent place.Transplantation in open ground.
. The site should be open, sunny and windless, and the ground light, nutritious and loose with good aeration. Cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkins are good predecessors.
Planting seedlings in May, when the threat of frost has passed, and the earth warms up to 13-15 C. The planting is carried out in the late afternoon, this will allow the seedlings to adapt more quickly to the new place.Claudio seedlings are planted on beds or in greenhouses in May, when there is no threat of frost.hours
- The selected area is well watered, loosened and fertilized, using phosphate and potash substances.
- In order to maintain the plant from breaking down, it is necessary to install pegs during planting, for which the bushes will be tied up as they grow.
- The seedlings should be watered well, so that they do not experience a lack of moisture during the transplantation process.
- Dig holes, observing the distance between landing units 40-50 cm , and the distance between the rows - 60 cm. The depth of the landing grooves should correspond to the size of the root neck of the seedling and after disembarking was equal to the ground surface. It is important that the bushes are not located close to each other. This may affect plant formation and yield.
- To plant the seedlings together with the earthen ball, deepening the hole and half filling it with fertile soil, pour it well and fill the hole to the top while leaving the cotyledon leaves above the surface of the earth,
- .
Diseases and pests
Pepper, like all vegetable crops, is susceptible to insects and various diseases. In order not to miss the initial stage and to have time to eliminate the infection of a significant number of plants, it is required to become familiar with the signs of diseases and how to combat them.
Common diseases that threaten the plant include:
- Black leg , a disease that can be identified by the dark color of the root collar with a grayish coating. Gradually, the rot affects the root system and causes the death of the plant.
- Phytophlorosis is considered a serious fungal disease. Leaves, stems and fruits are covered with brown spots with a pale green area near them. In dry weather, the infected areas dry up, and in wet weather they begin to rot.
- Bacterial spotting can cause irreparable damage to the bushes at the stage of germination. On the leaves and stems, black spots appear with a yellow border, and on the fruits darkish bulging dots with a watery border.

To prevent diseases and attacks of pests that lurk at different stages of development, you need to work in advance, observing the following rules:
- at the stage of growing seedlings apply only soil equipped with fertilizers;
- to process seeds; to perform root and foliar top dressings, which will help the plant to cope with the stresses associated with violation of the technology of cultivation of culture;
- when irrigating not to use cold water , as well as to avoid waterlogging and drying of the soil;
- when detecting infection of plants urgently carry out all methods for its elimination, by treating the bushes with protective agents.

Following these recommendations, the peppers will not be threatened, and an excellent harvest is ensured.
Pepper Care Package
When growing peppers, care is important and must be done according to the rules. Therefore, the following set of main works should be carried out:
- to conduct regular watering, especially in dry weather, since lack of water can cause the plant to wilt, which will lead to its death;
- loosen the ground to improve air flow to the roots and circulation of airborne water vapor in the surface layer, which is beneficial for plant growth and development;
- carry out weeding; getting rid of weed crops;
- spud pepper bushes during the flowering period;
- to remove the first and large formed flowers of the , which will help to direct nutrients to the formation of the plant itself and the laying of new fruits;

- stepchildren to remove stepchildren and leaves of the lower tiers to ensure the ventilation of the crown and warming it with sunshine;
- tie the stalks of to reliable supports as needed;
- for the active development of the culture to systematically introduce the nutrients using organic and mineral fertilizers;
- inspect the bushes for diseases and pests and, if they are identified, take the necessary measures.

fruits Pepper Claudio is one of the favorite varieties among vegetable growers, because the seeds sprout together quickly and quickly, care does not require special efforts, and compliance with certain rules will allow you to grow a good crop, distinguished by sweetness and richness of fruits.