Properly Growing Spaghetti Variety Zucchini

Squashes for most summer residents are a popular vegetable. Thanks to modern breeders, gardeners have the opportunity to grow vegetable spaghetti. Externally, this zucchini does not differ from other varieties, the pulp is distinguished from the total mass of the pulp.

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Vegetable is rich in minerals, vitamins .Zucchini fruits have a beneficial effect on blood formation, fight cholesterol, have a diuretic effect. They are used for obesity, diabetes.

This is a little familiar to the vegetable, but the vegetable growers who tried this squash appreciated it.

Popularization of the variety is justified by a number of advantages:

  • excellent drought tolerance;
  • long shelf life;
  • unusual appearance;
  • rich taste.
Vegetable resembles Asian melon or an elongated pumpkin; when mature, it acquires a yellow color.
Zucchini squash resembles melon or oblong pumpkin

If you cut it in half, you can see the seeds inside, you need to select them and scrape the zucchini into the pulp. The pulp will begin to separate by the appearance of vegetable chips. It may seem that the insides of the zucchini were rubbed for Korean carrots.

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Nature presented us with an extraordinary vegetable in appearance, resembling spaghetti. The peculiarity of this variety - taste qualities are revealed when it fully matures .After heat treatment, it acquires an unusual taste. Raw vegetable spaghetti is added to salads. Due to its excellent lightness, the culture is perfectly preserved until spring.

Medium late variety - ripening occurs after 95-130 days .Their length reaches 30 cm .As it ripens, it changes color from green to yellow. There are varieties of whitish ripeness. The rind is thick, like a pumpkin. Weight from 0.7 to 1.2 kg. Vegetable growers say good transportability. Grow seeds, less often - seedlings.

The advantages and disadvantages of

Spaghetti reviews are quite ambiguous. Some praise the excellent taste of ripe vegetables, others like the young flesh.

Each vegetable grower highlights certain advantages and disadvantages:

  • In regions where a short summer vegetable does not have time to ripen to the “noodle” state.
  • Growing fibrous zucchini does not require complex measures, everything happens as in the cultivation of conventional varieties.
  • Shrubs love to grow, so they are best grown on high ground.
  • Yield weak with 1 square. meters collect approximately 5-9 kg per season .
  • Thanks to its features and hard skin, it is stored for a very long time.
One of the main advantages of the variety is the unusual tender flesh of the
. In order for spaghetti bushes not to grow, the growth of lashes must be limited by pinching.

Preparation of zucchini seeds for planting

In most cases, vegetable crops are grown from seeds that can be purchased at specialty stores. Who prefers to mess with seedlings, seeds are planted in cups. Seed preparation and cultivation of spaghetti seedlings are made according to the general rules.

The culture does not impose special requirements, however, some rules must be observed:

  1. Seeds must be non-expired , until planting, you must adhere to storage requirements.
  2. Seeds can be soak for 3-4 days .Moisture will allow them to stumble, for this you need to put the seeds in a damp cloth. So that it does not dry out, it needs to be moistened every day.
  3. If the spring is not protracted, seeds are planted in open ground by the end of May. Otherwise, you need to focus on the temperature of the soil, it should be heated to 15 degrees .
  4. To get an earlier vegetable in maturity, you can plant seeds in a greenhouse. Next, transplant the seedlings or open the film so that the squash grows under natural conditions.
Spaghetti varieties of zucchini varieties

If the origin of seeds is in doubt, they are better to germinate in advance, so you can check for germination.

Preparing the soil for growing

Like all varieties of zucchini, the variety of spaghetti likes space. You need to choose a sunny place so that nothing will disturb them.

On hot days, the summer heat and wind adversely affect the crop. Therefore it is necessary to choose a bed protected from the wind. It is good if fruit trees grow around.

  • land should in advance dug up, loose, fertilized ;
  • in loam and clogged soil culture will develop poorly;
  • besides properly prepared soil, you need to take care of regular feeding.
A sunny place is needed for planting, but inaccessible for the winds.

Given the fact that the vegetable ripens for quite a long time, the bushes need to be provided with nutrients for the entire season. Due to the fact that the bushes grow strongly, the seeds are planted over the hills or, conversely, in ditches.

There have been cases when they were grown inside barrels. For this purpose, the barrels are filled with fertile soil and seeds are sown. This method will save space on the beds.

Barrel, braided zucchini, will be an attractive decoration of the backyard.

The technology of planting seeds

Shrubs provide a powerful root system, so the wells make at a considerable distance from 70-90 cm .Seeds are planted dry or after preliminary germination. Well watered, put there 1-3 seed. Sprinkled with earth.

After the germination of sowing, fertilizers are fertilized; until this point, regular watering is provided.

Care after planting

Watering vegetables is better in the morning or in the evening when the sun goes down 1-2 times a week .Frequent watering will contribute to the growth of greenery, rather than fruit ripening.

If watered in the heat of the day, it can be harmful to the plant, burns can occur. Since in most cases, zucchini is grown by holes, watering should be done under the root so that the water does not erode the roots.

Frequent watering will promote the growth of greenery, and not the ripening of fruits.

After watering, wet soil to loosen - this procedure will enrich the ground with air, will provide breath to the roots. Spud bushes every 15-20 days. Weeding is produced at first, then the bush grows well, weeds usually do not grow under it.

If the bushes pinch in a timely manner, they will be more accurate.

Diseases and their prevention

The most common pest is powdery mildew , as a rule, it infects the leaves. White spots appear on top( mealy patina).At the beginning, these specks are small, if the leaves do not die from the lesions.

Spray gray colloid at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of water. You can use a mullein infusion 1: 3.The disease can move from a sick bush to a healthy one, transmitted to other vegetable crops.

Harvesting and storage rules

Young zucchini harvested at different times throughout the season. To get ripe as a noodle vegetable, you have to wait until the end of summer, the beginning of autumn.
To get a noodle-shaped zucchini, you will have to wait for the
collection in the fall

In this regard, the zucchini is more similar to a pumpkin, this is due to the fact that they are intended for long-term storage of by , therefore they harden longer than others.

The first harvest of young zucchini can be obtained after 25-30 days , after flowering. Of course, they will still be small without a fibrous structure. Some use them that way.

After 2.5-3 months, if the skin of the vegetable is firm, and when tapped, a dull sound is heard - it is time to harvest. Inside the basement can be stored until spring.

In the backyard it is very good to have several varieties of zucchini, then the dining table will always be varied. According to the requirements of zucchini spaghetti unpretentious culture. Following the recommendations, you can get a good harvest, even from a small bed. An amazing vegetable will become a favorite in the garden, will delight with its taste and healthy qualities!

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