Furnaces-fireplaces for cottages: design features and subtleties of choice

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Every summer resident or owner of a country house necessarily faces the need to heat his home. And for modest summer houses, and for more solid all-season buildings, there is sure to be a suitable option today that there is plenty to choose from.

Varieties of fireplaces

If boilers of different types - this is an exceptionally practical choice, then the desire of a person to create a cozy atmosphere in the house necessarily leads to the idea of ​​a fireplace.

And here you can face a serious choice:

  • Traditional fireplaces, although they can heat at least part of the house, but require significant investment, up to the construction of a special foundation for such an oven.
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  • Decorative bio-fireplaces do not require the installation of a chimney and other attachments, but they are designed only for decorative purposes, so they can not trust the heating of the whole house.
  • Fireplaces that work on electricity or gas can be used wherever there is reliable supply of these energy sources.
  • Furnaces-fireplaces for cottages are truly universal devices used for both heating the house and cooking food. Most models work on solid fuels. Such devices can be equipped with an open, semi-open or closed furnace, made of steel and cast iron, use the principle of building air heating or be connected to a water heating contour.

Features of stoves-fireplaces of long burning

  • Modern models of such furnaces are highly efficient. Achieve a high efficiency allows a thoughtful design, selection of material, as well as secondary combustion of gases contained in the smoke. This not only increases the heat transfer of the equipment, but also reduces the amount of soot formed on the chimney.
  • Combustion modes. Manufacturers produce furnaces-fireplaces for cottages, providing for several combustion regimes, including with economical mode, when on one fuel tab it is possible to keep the room temperature as long as possible and effectively.
  • Furnaces-fireplaces for cottages are equipped with heat-resistant glass, with self-cleaning function. The special design of the furnace does not allow the soot to contaminate the glass, and ash to fly out of the furnace during combustion. There are models of ovens with removable ash scaffolds, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the cleaning process of the device and protects the floor and furniture from ash.
  • Furnaces-fireplaces provide the greatest possible, even distribution of heat. And modern engineering solutions help to heat several rooms simultaneously with the help of a stove.
  • Furnaces-fireplaces for a summer residence do not demand the device of additional foundations or rearrangements of partitions in the house. They are easy to install, accompanied by minimal costs and alterations.
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What kind of stove-fireplace to choose for a summer residence?

When choosing a furnace for your own home, first of all, you need to calculate the required capacity of the device. And here it is better to focus on the data, which is an average of 10 square meters. meters of the area is spent 1 kW. However, such a calculation can be considered very approximate, since it does not take into account always existing partitions in the house, features of the structure configuration, its number and other factors. Therefore, when buying it is better to lay 30% of the estimated capacity for a kind of stock.

Most of the models of stove-fireplaces for cottages work on wood, but there are samples of pellet equipment, as well as cast iron models on coal.

Chimney installation of the furnace is mandatory for it will depend on the removal of exhaust gases and smoke, as well as the quality of the combustion process, so its calculation and device should pay special attention. If the house already has a chimney, you need to make sure that its size and the thrust created in it is enough for the normal functioning of the stove-fireplace.

When selecting stove-fireplaces, you should pay attention to the possible additional functions of such equipment. In some cases, the heating furnace can be equipped with a hob or even an oven.


Not a small role is played by the material from which the furnace is made:

  • Cast-iron stoves-fireplaces for dachas according to the reviews due to the properties of the material are able to retain heat much longer, however such constructions are quite massive.
  • Steel furnace-fireplaces are lighter, but they heat up quickly, they also quickly give off heat. Therefore, it is very important that the steel models are made of high-quality and relatively thick steel plates lined with chamotte.

The rule for selecting fireplace stoves for cottages can be considered a very simple remark: a small mass of the furnace at high power - this is the right reason to immediately abandon the purchase of such a model!

Improve the quality of the steel furnace can be coated with soapstone or ceramic tiles. This method increases the warm-up time of the stove, which will give off heat after burning the fuel. Thin steel stove-fireplaces for a dacha quickly heat the room, but very quickly cool without maintaining a flame.

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Safe operation of the stove-fireplace, which is installed on a floor made of wood or other combustible materials, is impossible without laying ceramic granite, tile, steel or glass plate. At the same time, the dimensions of such a platform always exceed the dimensions of the furnace. Similar work is carried out if there are inflammable partitions in the immediate vicinity of the heating device.

Air oven-fireplace

The most demanded today is the furnace-fireplaces for air heating at home. They are relatively inexpensive, have a simple efficient design, quickly warm up the entire volume of the room and economically use fuel.

However, in spite of a number of constructive improvements, stove-fireplaces for long-term burning are effective Only in rooms organized by the principle of the studio, where its configuration is as simple as possible, and there are no internal partitions. If the house is divided into traditional rooms, then at any capacity of the equipment, it will not be possible to create an equally comfortable environment in all corners of the building.

The principle of long-term combustion, realized, in particular, in air heating systems, thanks to the special design of the furnace allows to create optimal conditions for slow combustion or even smoldering of fuel, getting from it a maximum of heat output at a minimum costs.

Furnace-fireplace of long burning with a water circuit

Such an oven can rightly be called a correct solution to the problem of heating the house with any layout and number of storeys.

Despite all the existing advantages of air heating stoves, they can not transfer heat to isolated rooms. The heated air from the furnace rises, moves to the windows, and then, slowly cooling down, again comes down, heading back to the furnace. Moreover, the cooled air to the furnace fits on the floor, which is accompanied by an unpleasant effect of a draft. The room where the oven is installed will be heated, and the remaining rooms will remain cold.

In this case, the issue of choosing a fireplace stove for dacha leads homeowners to models with a water circuit that can easily be integrated into the radiator heating system of a residential building. Furnace-fireplace with a water circuit, the main part of the heat produced by it gives the water that enters the heating system, which enters the radiators under the windows, creates a serious heat curtain. Air exchange in this case is already in the opposite direction, which means there is no draft or cold in isolated rooms.

Read also:Fireplaces for country cottages - choose an advantageous option

At the same time, the efficiency at furnaces-fireplaces with a water circuit can reach 80%, which can be considered a good achievement for solid fuel equipment.

Tips for choosing fireplace stoves

Responding to the urgent question for many gardeners, how to choose a fireplace oven for a dacha, one can not ignore the mode of using a country house or cottage. If the trips to the country are occasional, then the need for a furnace with a water circuit and the subsequent arrangement of a radiator system may not be. It will be enough to buy an air-heating device for long-lasting combustion, which at a minimum capacity will cope with the task and quickly warm up the room.

Choosing a stove-fireplace to give long burning with a water circuit, according to reviews already using such people, it can be concluded that such models are justified in homes where people live all year round. With a competent organization of the heating circuit, comfortable conditions can be created not only in a single-story structure, but also in a more spacious one, for example, a two-story house.

The choice of fireplace stoves for dachas today is very wide. The equipment can be found for all tastes and needs.

At the same time, the price range of furnaces is extremely wide and can amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

The most popular models are foreign manufacturers:

  • Finnish companies - Kastor, Helo and Harvia;
  • the Czech trade mark -ABX;
  • the Serbian company - Guca;
  • the German brand -Schmid;
  • as well as Italian firms-EdilKamin and La-Nordica, and many other brands.

Neither the style nor the quality of such products is not grievous, but the price may not always be affordable. Therefore, it is not superfluous when choosing a stove-fireplace for a dacha, it will turn to models produced by domestic companies, for example, under the brands Termophor, Ermak or Vulcan.

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