Flizeline wallpaper: choice, gluing and painting


  1. Advantages of non-woven wallpaper
  2. Disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper
  3. How to choose non-woven wallpaper?
  • Color of wallpaper
  • Depending on the type of surface, non-woven wallpaper can be:
  • Width of fabric
  • How to glue non-woven wallpaper?
    • Surface preparation
    • Preparation of wallpaper and glue
    • Wallpaper gluing
  • How to paint non-woven wallpaper?
  • Finally
  • .

    Flizelinovye wallpaper - one of the most popular for today, finishing materials for the walls. All this thanks to a huge assortment of such wallpapers and their advantages, because, among other things, they evencan be painted and repainted several times, and the interior in the room can be updated very quickly and without much effort. But even despite the huge popularity of this coverage, today not everyone who is going to carry out repairs knows which of themMain advantages, how to choose non-woven wallpaper and how to paste them.

    To begin with,what is nonwoven fabric. This material is based on cellulose fibers, which retains almost all properties of paper, but it is more durable and durable. The wallpaper can be both non-woven and non-woven, if a coating of a different material is used on top.

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    Advantages of non-woven wallpaper

    Among the main advantages of this type of coverage are the following:

    • non-woven wallpaper is enoughthick, so they can mask small cracks and unevenness on the walls;
    • fire safety andfire resistance;
    • if used wallpaper for painting, theneasy to change colorcover or repair it in case of damage;
    • pure fliseline wallpaperable to pass air and moisture, and therefore, will maintain the optimal microclimate in the apartment. True, if a vinyl layer is applied from above, all these properties are reduced to nothing;
    • The vinyl layer on the wallpaper is able to absorb dust, itdoes not burn out, and the appearance of the wallpaper will always stay on top;
    • in the process of installation, these wallpapers are also quite convenient, because theyDo not stretch and do not tear,and glue you need a wall, and not a wallpaper;
    • coating can beglue to any surface: concrete, plasterboard, plaster, particle board, etc .;
    • such wallpapereasy to care for, and they can be washed even with a rag or a vacuum cleaner: neither the vinyl coating nor the paint layer will suffer;
    • if you decideget rid offrom this coverage, it will donot difficult, and do not have to tear it away from the walls for a long time.

    Disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper

    There are not so many shortcomings, but still they are, and they need to be considered if you chose this type of coverage for your home. So, the main disadvantages are:

    • if the wallpaper is too embossed surface, thenthe top layer can be damaged. Consider this if you have animals or small children;
    • they canaccumulate dust, so you have to regularly clean the wallpaper;
    • price for non-woven wallpaper is slightly higher, than on other types of wallpaper, which is explained by the possibility of their multiple staining. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to stop the choice on materials of doubtful quality from unknown manufacturers in attempts to save.

    How to choose non-woven wallpaper?

    To decide which coverage best suits a particular room, you need to study the characteristics of all possible types of non-woven wallpaper. All of them can be divided intotwo main types:

    • wallpapers in whichnon-woven fabric - stand alone material. In this case, the wallpaper consists of several layers of non-woven, the uppermost of which, as a rule, has some relief structure. Such material can be stained several times after gluing;
    • wallpaper on non-woven basis- a material in which a layer of another material is used on top of the non-woven layer: paper, textiles, but more often vinyl. Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven basis retain some advantages of non-woven: ease of installation and the ability to hide Some roughness of the walls, but about such characteristics as air permeability or ecological compatibility, it is no longer it is necessary. Such wallpaper can be completely smooth, embossed or foamed and can also be used as wallpaper for painting.

    Color of wallpaper

    Flizeline wallpaper initially can be:

    • colored;
    • white.

    Unpainted wallpaper is designed for subsequent decoration, but remember that the more layers of paint will be applied to the wallpaper, the less noticeable will be the relief. Some colored wallpaper can also be painted later, but it is desirable that the paint color is close to the original one. Wallpaper for painting is great for rooms such as kitchen or hallway, where walls are constantly exposed some influence, and with the help of dyeing, you can not only decorate the surface, but also quickly get rid of possible defects.

    Depending on the type of surface, non-woven wallpaper can be:

    • monotonous, designed for painting latex or acrylic paints;
    • smooth with an already finished pattern;
    • with silk-screen printing;
    • relief.

    The texture of the wallpaper is better to choosedepending on the interior of the roomand their own design requirements. Thus, large patterns and a noticeable relief can hide some defects in the surface of the walls. But if the interior is done in gentle colors, it is better to choose a smaller picture. Also, remember that the more pronounced the pattern on the wallpaper, the more times you can repaint them without losing terrain.

    Width of fabric


    Another parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing non-woven wallpaper is itswidth. So, on sale there are, in general, wallpaper with a width, and 1 m. For larger areas of the room is better Choose wide wallpaper to simplify the installation process and reduce the number of joints to minimum. In small rooms it is better to glue narrow wallpaper, as there will be less trouble and less waste.

    Well, and, of course,buy only one wallpaperso that the pattern and color of them are identical. Preference should be given to proven and proven manufacturers.

    How to glue non-woven wallpaper?

    With the gluing of these wallpapers can cope with almost any, because the process is as simple as possible. So, first you need to make sure that everythingnecessary toolsis available, but this:

    • roulette;
    • level;
    • knife;
    • pencil;
    • cushion with long nap;
    • a putty knife and a brush for smoothing the wallpaper;
    • a metal spatula;
    • a container for water and glue;
    • sponge;
    • the wallpaper itself in the required quantity: first you need to measure the height and width of the walls to understand how many rolls you need. It is better to take the wallpaper with a small margin, so that later there are no difficulties with finding the material of the same party.

    Surface preparation

    Non-woven wallpaper though can hide some uneven walls, but require a surface maximally uniform color, so that in the future, through the layer of new wallpaper, the color of the old wall coverings.

    Old wallpaper must be removed with a spatula, you can pre-wet them. From the old paint also need to get rid of, and in this case sandpaper can be useful. After the wall has been treated, the surface is better primed. If the walls have strong irregularities or cracks, then it is better to get rid of them first and carefully level the surface. Also before the sticking, remove all the sockets and switches.

    Flizeline wallpaper is glued to butt, and eventually after installation, the surface is ideal, but to achieve this effect, you need to try a little andapply markup to the wall. So, from the corner of the room, using a tape measure, a distance equal to the width of a roll of wallpaper is deposited. Then, using a laser level or a plumb line, a strictly vertical line is drawn, from which a segment is plotted accurately The same width, again draws a vertical line, etc. Such marking will help to stick the wallpaper as accurately as possible walls.

    Preparation of wallpaper and glue

    Before gluing it is better to cut the wallpaper in sufficient quantity for all the walls of the room. If there is a large pattern that needs to be correctly aligned, then the process becomes a little more complicated, but manufacturers often point to packaging, how many centimeters you need to leave on the allowance for docking drawing. By the way, it is not superfluous to cut the wallpaper to measure the height of the walls at different points in the room, with a pitch of 30-50 cm, and then take into account the results obtained when cutting wallpaper.

    Before cutting the wallpaper you need to wash the floor well or lay it with plastic wrap. Then you need to lay out the wallpaper face down, measure the necessary length, taking into account the allowance for docking figure, make a notch, once again check whether the pattern of neighboring panels is the same, and only after that cut off.

    For gluing non-woven wallpaper you need to usespecial glue. Prepare it is simple, and for this it is necessary to follow the instructions on the package: in a certain amount of water carefully pour out the adhesive powder, stirring constantly. After that, the glue is left for a short while, so that it swells.

    Wallpaper gluing

    The glue is applied to a wall section whose width is equal to the width of a roll of wallpaper, but some experts advise to smear a slightly wider part of the wall in order to provide the edges with the maximum fit. By the way, before you read carefully the manufacturer's instructions, because in some cases it will be necessary to miss more and wallpaper. In any case, the glue must be applied as evenly as possible.

    Start to glue wallpaper better from the top down, gently pressing the canvas against the wall, and smoothing it with a brush or roller from the center to the edges. If you glue wallpaper with a pronounced texture, then use a better wallpaper roll, and press them without fanaticism, so as not to damage the surface. After gluing, cut off excess parts of the wallpaper from below and from above, leaving 2-3 cm under the baseboard. To cut off excess is convenient with the help of a spatula and knife, and it is better to move the distance of the wallpaper strip so that the cutting line is as flat as possible. Now with a slightly damp sponge, it is necessary to wash off the glue residues, otherwise they will give a characteristic shine after drying.

    The next cloth wallpaper glued to the back to the previous: after drying the wallpaper does not shrink, so the gaps between them will not arise. The entire installation process is the same, but you need to make sure that the pattern on the two canvases is the same. After gluing we roll the joint with a roller, remove excess glue, and proceed to gluing a new strip.

    It is not recommended to glue the whole web in corners, as in rare apartments these corners are strictly straight and ideal, otherwise there will be unnecessary wrinkles and other defects. One strip of wallpaper should be pasted so that it goes to another wall of the corner with an overlap of 2 cm. On the other hand, a strip of wallpaper is also glued with a slight overlap, and then the excess is removed so that a piece of wallpaper rests against the corner. It should be noted that the angle itself needs to be carefully glued with glue.

    How to paint non-woven wallpaper?

    When painting the wallpaper for the first time, it is necessary to wait until they are completely dry, and then repaint the surface when you like. It is better to use for paintingwater-dispersion composition on latex base: this paint is safe, environmentally friendly and quickly dries. Apply it better with a roller: foam or with a long pile to better paint the relief of the wallpaper.

    The process of painting non-woven wallpaper is not much different from the usual painting of walls. It is important, if you are painting paint, it is better to prepare immediately enough of its stock, otherwise in the future it will be difficult to repeat the required shade. Paint is gradually poured into the tray, roll out the roller in it, squeeze out excess paint, and then roll it over the wall. Paint is better applied in a couple of layers to get a uniformly painted coating without white spots.

    Wallpaper in the corners, as well as joints with the ceiling and floor skirting better paint over with a brush. Preliminary skirting it is better to cover with a building tape, and after drying of a paint to remove it. Now you need to wait a little while the paint dries, and the process of gluing and painting is completed.



    Today, non-woven wallpaper is a popular finishing material, which is explained by its excellent performance properties. This is one of the few types of wallpaper that you can paint and repaint. In addition, this coating can hide some wall defects and provide them with an excellent appearance. To enjoy all the advantages of non-woven wallpaper, you just need to choose the right material and paste it correctly, and the above tips should help you in this.

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