We get acquainted with different types of mint on a photo with names and the description

is able to help you. Cultivating Mint - Plentranthus

Like any ancient plant, mint is described, accompanied by myths and legends. Culture is mentioned as an object of trade in the ancient world. Spicy herb is used in cooking, perfumery and medicine. One of the many names of the plant is “chill”, it accurately conveys the first sensation from inhaling the mint aroma. Description and photo with the names of varieties of mint will help to understand the features.

General information about mint

A perennial plant loves domesticated soil, grows in shade or in sunny places, unpretentious. It is not demanding to feed, fairly moderate watering. All species and varieties of mint are propagated by the growth of roots, petioles, rooting of leaves, seeds. In the garden plots, the plant is best grown in pots or on a site fenced for roots.

Since the herb is used for culinary purposes, harvesting of the ground portion of almost all varieties can be carried out at the end of flowering. This is the moment when the plant has the highest concentration of essential oils. Store dried leaves and petioles in a glass in a dark place. They are used as a seasoning for dishes and as one of the parts of herbal tea.

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Industrial cultivation of various types and varieties of mint allows you to apply the resulting menthol essential oils in perfumery and medicine. Menthol aroma soothes, makes you concentrate.

Students in the Middle Ages were instructed to wear a mint wreath on their heads to improve brain activity. If you put a mint leaf in your wallet, there will be a profit. If you rub mint, forest midges will fly around.

Especially often for medical purposes they use peppermint. The content of essential oils in culture depends on growth conditions. In warm regions it is more saturated with useful substances, and there it is cultivated on an industrial scale. The extracted oil contains a lot of menthol and other volatile derivatives of esters. Varieties of mint, photos of which are presented, differ not only in the form of leaves and inflorescences, but also in the properties that make the culture necessary.

Read also: Mint at home as a continuation of summer

The use of mint is based on the beneficial effects on the human body:

  • relieves inflammation in the airways;
  • has a spasmolytic effect;
  • has anesthetic and antiseptic effect;
  • relieves panic and discomfort.

Photo of peppermint

Cultivated plant obtained by crossing wild-growing, water mowers and spikelet mint. It was obtained in England, hence another name, English mint. Altogether, based on peppermint, 25 species have been created; 15 are cultivated in our country. The plant is a good honey plant, while the flavor remains in the product. Peppermint leaves contain up to 4.4% oil. It is this sort of grass that is often grown in the apothecary garden in the country. The plant is unpretentious, but does not like the presence of weeds. After 3-4 years, the site needs to be replanted again, as the old bushes lose their decorative effect. Mint is used in landscaping as a background plant, its height reaches a meter. This species is cultivated to produce menthol on an industrial scale. Menthol oil is in demand both in pure form and as an ingredient in perfumery. Menthol is the basis of some dosage forms.

In the photo field mint

This type of mint is used by Tibetan healers to create fees for treating tuberculosis. They also use this type of medicinal plant for the treatment of the digestive system and for external rubbing or dusting. In traditional medicine, it is recommended to use field mint for use in gastritis with high acidity, for liver diseases, intestinal swelling. As a powder, mint stops vomiting, nausea passes.

It is noted and collected statistical data that if the mint field used for weight loss, the effect is surprising. Breathing in the aroma of mint during the day, a person naturally effortlessly reduces food intake by about 1,800 calories per day. The experiment was conducted in America on a large group of women.

In the photo is lemon mint.

This type of mint is called melissa, honey cake, bee mint. The names themselves say that this is a great melliferous plant. Melissa is a cold-resistant plant, but in the northern regions requires shelter for the winter. Medovka propagated by seeds, layering, petioles. Since in the first year it grows slowly, they practice growing seedlings. The shrub can be from 14 to 125 cm high. Fragrant, mainly the upper parts of the shoots.

Read also: How to dry mint correctly to preserve useful substances?

In thickened plantings on a rainy summer, lemon balm can get fungal diseases. The shoots are cut to flowering, dried in the shade, used in cooking. Seasoning is appreciated for the special taste. She combined the citrus scent and the freshness of mint. Such seasoning makes any dish exquisite. In culture, there are 8 varieties that are included in the Rosreestr RF.They differ in leaf color, bush height and winter hardiness. But the main difference will always be the created fragrance and its subtle notes.

Ombalo flea mint in the photo

For a long time this type of plant has been used as an insect repellent. The difference of this bush is that it is not menthol that prevails in it - pulegon, limonene. The plant is short, no more than 30 cm tall, creeping. Ombalo rooted easily from the stem and resembles creeping thyme. Foliage has dense pubescence, flowers are collected in a false whorl. The plant is thermophilic, decorative, good honey plant. The same pulegon is present in other types of mint, which scare away insects - melissa, room.

Picture of Curly Mint

Curly, spiky, garden, meadow, German - it's all the same plant. A variety of mint is used for plots of prosperity and protection, helps to endure separation.

This mint has a pungent odor based on linalool ester, but there is no menthol in this form. The leaves contain ascorbic acid and dietary supplements. The bush grows in height of 30-100 cm. This plant, as well as all other grades of mint breeds.

Catnip photo

Another name for this plant is catnip. It has lemon flavor and attracts cats. For people in magic, grass attracts love and courage. The plant is used in the creation of pharmaceutical gardens, stony compositions. It attracts catnip with its decorative and long flowering. The plant loves moderate watering, does not tolerate water stagnation. He has no diseases and pests.

Like all mint, catnip is used in traditional medicine. It is used as an anti-inflammatory, tonic and expectorant drug.

Wild mint photo

This type of mint has another name, oregano. The plants are low, perennial. Lower shoots lay down and rooted. Therefore, the plant as it covers the ground. The leaves are used both for cooking in cooking, and for flavoring tea. As a therapeutic, the plant is used for colds. Oregano scares the mole.

Read also: How and when to sow mint on seedlings?

The plant is unpretentious, propagated by seed, rhizome division, cuttings. After three years, the bushes should be replaced, since the yield on old plants is reduced. Wild mint is affected by smoldering. To combat the pest used soda solution.

For storage, shoots with leaves are used, cutting them off above the soil at a height of 6 cm. They keep the dry collection in a tightly closed package for several years.

Menthol Mint

Menthol mint is a variety of peppermint. The difference lies in the higher content of menthol. One leaf per cup of tea makes the taste already redundant. The plant reaches 65 cm in height. In the first year of the growing season, the crop is harvested after 3 months, in the following years, at the same time as the leaves grow, they are already fragrant and have consumer properties. This type of mint is resistant to diseases and pests. The main species are dark stalks and a very sharp aroma.


Three types of room mint are known. The home plant will adapt to any conditions and benefit its presence. Among the many species, as indoor, use:

  • molar tree;
  • Scandinavian ivy;
  • Plectrantus Ertendal.

Most known and growing, as a pot culture room molar mint. It really emits phytoncides, which scare away not only the mole, but also other insects.

The varieties of spicy culture presented in the material do not exhaust diversity. Many more plants of this species are not included in the description. But they all differ in their beneficial properties, decoration and application in different spheres of human activity.

Video about growing room mint - plectranthus

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