Fruit trees in our gardens are the subject of close attention to insects, affecting almost all parts of plantations. Leaves and ovaries, flower buds and already ripe fruits, small and large branches suffer from pests. In case of mass infection of aphids, caterpillars of various species, the moth mite can seriously damage the garden, weaken or even destroy it.
Which uninvited guests are the most dangerous? How to treat cherries from pests, and when is it better to carry out such work?
Cherry Weevil
Small, golden-reddish beetles up to 5 mm long from an early vein feed on cherry buds, young foliage and flowers. And such damage speaks of the serious danger of pests, however, weevils do not disdain and pour fruits, eating up the recesses to the very bone. Here, the pests of the cherry lay their eggs, and the hatching larvae continue to damage, destroying the seed core. The spoiled fruits fall off, and the larvae of them move to the ground, where they safely pupate and wait for spring.
In early spring, when the snow melted, but the buds have not yet awakened, cherry weevils can be manually shaken onto the improvised materials spread under the trees, collected and burned. This method is convenient if stunted varieties grow in hell, but it is completely unsuitable when a pest threatens large trees 5–7 meters high.
Therefore, the device of trapping belts is more competent and long-term. They will save planting not only a vein, but also for most of the summer.
When attacking weevils, they use chemical protective equipment, as well as traditional methods. How to spray cherry from pests in this case? Modern insecticides help irrigate crowns, stumps and tree trunks. The treatment is carried out with an early vein, after flowering and in the fall, a field of leaf fall.
In addition, cherries can be treated with a daily extract of chamomile fragrant or pharmacy. A bucket of hot water will require 100 grams of vegetable raw materials and half a bar of shredded laundry soap.
Mucous and other species of sawflies
If larvae appear on the leaves, at the same time resembling slugs and caterpillars, then the cherry saw is threatened by a slimy sawfly. The pest of cherries shown in the photo and the control of it must be under the special control of the gardener.
Smooth greenish-black larvae in length do not exceed 4 - 6 mm and appear on young foliage. Once on the upper part of the leaf plate, the sawfy eats away its juicy part, without touching the veins and the lower part. As a result of this impact, the damaged tissue dries quickly, and the leaves on the tree are covered with spots resembling burns. Mass infection leads to premature leaf fall, weakening of plants and their poor wintering. In the fall, the larvae enter the soil, and in the spring they fly out, becoming adults, ready to continue the insect.
No less dangerous for cherries and close relatives of the described pest: yellow plum and pale-legged, cherry sawflies. They also damage the leaves and ovaries, and closer to the autumn, they move to the ground and overwinter safely at shallow depths.
Insecticide control is used to control sawflies, if this does not damage the ripening crop. With minimal infection, the larvae are hand-picked or rinsed with a stream of water onto a film or cloth spread under a tree.
Instead of chemical preparations for treating cherries from pests, experienced gardeners recommend taking strong infusion of smoking tobacco.
Cherry aphid
Cherry or black aphid appears on the tops of young branches in the first month of summer. Quickly breeding insects, pests of a cherry for a few days cover the succulent parts of the shoots with a dense ball. Eating on plant juices, aphids lead to the deformation of the affected leaves and stems. As a result, the garden suffers, productivity decreases:
- The growth of trees stops or stops.
- Plants are weakening, and fungal infections can easily develop on the affected aphids.
- The chances of getting a crop next year are reduced.
With the appearance of the cherry pest depicted in the photo, the fight against it should consist not only in the processing of chemical preparations, but also in compliance with agricultural technology.
- to reduce the population of garden ants carrying aphids across cultivated plants;
- to conduct competent regular pruning of sick and fattening shoots;
- not to get involved in the introduction of excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers, provoking the formation of young foliage;
- clean shtam from the old bark and whitewash trunks.
In addition to treating cherries from pests with the use of insecticides, trapping belts are effective in the fight against aphids, as well as the treatment of plantings with soap-soap solution and infusion of mustard powder.
Cherry fly
Not harmless harmless flies can do with the appearance. A cherry fly, for example, a dangerous pest of a cherry, due to which one can lose almost the entire crop. The larvae laid off by insects feed on fruits and spoil them. When the cherry falls to the ground, the grown-up insect for wintering leaves in the surface layer of the soil.
No less dangerous are miner flies. Cherry pests are found along the leaf paths. Winding tunnels inside the leaf plates say that the laid eggs turned into larvae, ready to go out and become a new generation of adult insects by spring. In case of mass infection, the leaves suffer so much that the tree cannot, how to prepare for winter, as a result of which it freezes, it hurts, it gives a smaller crop.
Butterfly hawthorn, goldfinch and other cherry pests
From early spring, not only bees but also different types of butterflies swirl over the cherry orchard. Not all of them hunt for nectar. Hawthorn, goldfinder, cherry moth, similar to cabbage soup, are bright representatives of cherry pests.
The caterpillars of these species actively eat the buds and foliage, so it is important to recognize the enemy as soon as possible and start fighting him. In the caterpillar stage, insects are harvested by hand or sprayed with chemicals. How to process cherries from pests, the gardener decides. But when choosing an insecticide, it is important that the chemical provides long protection and does not harm the crop.
Since during the season many butterflies manage to give two or three generations, the treatment is carried out not only in early spring, but the appearance of foliage, but also at the end of summer.
Cherry pest control and prevention measures
No matter how fast and effective modern insect control tools are, processing cherries from pests will not give proper results if there is no competent prevention.
Throughout the season, fallen leaves are regularly picked and destroyed. The same is done with mummified, nevzreshvshimi fruits.
Pest control of cherries, as pictured, should consist in irrigating plants with chemicals. But this is not the main stage. The main works are carried out in the fall and include:
- pruning of diseased, dry and damaged branches;
- cuts, as well as cracks in the bark and damaged areas with penetration are treated with garden pitch;
- fallen leaves, branches and the remaining fruits are carefully picked and burned;
- loosen the soil under the trees and carefully dig up;With the onset of the first cold weather, the
- garden is sprayed with a 5% urea solution.
In the spring, they again check the condition of the trees and carry out complex treatment against insects and diseases of fruit crops. Most often, this purpose uses systemic tools that are effective against a whole range of hazards. Irrigation is important not only the trees themselves, but also the ground beneath them. Re-spraying is necessary after flowering. Another treatment can be done in the summer.