Instructions for the use of Cliper insecticide

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Kliper is an insecticide-acaricide of Russian origin. The tool is manufactured by ZAO FMRus and is an analogue of the American Talstar. The drug is designed to control pests of vegetable crops in hothouse farms.

Properties of the preparation

The chemical is used to protect vegetable and agricultural field crops, including tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and flowers of closed soil.

The active substance of the drug Clipper - bifenthrin - synthetic pyrethroid. It effectively fights against the following pests:

  • mites,
  • aphids,
  • whiteflies,
  • thrips.

Insecticide is suitable for protecting fruit trees and vineyards from leaf rollers, mites and moth. On grain crops it is used against bugs, ground beetles, thrips.

No less successful bifenthrin destroys insect larvae.

Insecticide Clipper can be mixed with many fungicides and insecticides when used in tank formulations.

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Method of operation and form of release

According to the principle of action, the drug refers to contact-intestinal insecticides-acaricides. The active substance quickly paralyzes the nervous system of parasites, as a result of which insects cease to feed and die. In addition, Clipper reduces the incidence of crops with fungal infections, since pests carry their spores on themselves.

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The preparation is available in the form of an emulsion concentrate in canisters of 5 liters capacity and 1 liter bottles. To prepare a working solution, it is diluted with water in the required proportions. The period of storage of the funds is at least three years.

Advantages of insecticide

In comparison with other drugs of similar action, Clipper has a number of important advantages:

  • economy, since it acts immediately on several types of pests;
  • low toxicity for humans and farm animals;
  • the agent does not penetrate into the tissues of plants and does not accumulate in them;
  • the drug does not cause resistance in insects;
  • complex action against different types of insects.

On vegetable crops of the closed ground spend one processing for a season. In greenhouse conditions, the agent is not washed off the leaves with sediments and retains the effect for two to three weeks.

Application rules

The rates of consumption of an insecticide can vary depending on the height of the plants, the stage of development of parasites and the type of sprayer. The average consumption rates and methods of application of the Cliper insecticide are indicated in the table below:

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According to the results of insecticide field research, at least 75% of adult individuals die, and more than 85% of their larvae die on the third day.

Additional drug options

As a result of the experiments, the destructive effect of bifenthrin on the bark beetle was revealed, in particular, on its variety - the typographer. This species of bark beetle and its larvae can destroy huge forest tracts in short terms.

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Currently, the insecticide Clipper is popular as an effective remedy against the bark beetle. The recipe is attached to the drug.

In addition to the printer, the tool is effective against the birch barkhammer, larch bark beetle, various species of barbel, sapwood, spruce beetle, glass beetle, woodworm beetles.

Precautionary measures

Insecticide Clipper refers to low-toxic agents. Nevertheless, when working with it, you should observe safety measures - wear protective goggles, a respirator and special clothing. When working outdoors, choose a windless day. It is necessary to consider the toxic effect of the drug on bees.


The presented agent is an excellent complex protection of vegetable crops and garden trees from the main insect pests.

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