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Growing strawberries at home is a simple task. Follow the directions, plant seeds to grow strawberries at home. Believe me, growing strawberries at home all year round will be a pleasant experience.
It is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to strawberries. This divine berry attracts with its appearance, amazing aroma and exquisite taste. Since ancient times, the gift of nature strawberry was considered a special dish. It was served in the richest houses, in palaces. Over time, it became available for all social categories, moreover, it can be grown even on a windowsill. Do not believe, then we invite you to get acquainted with an easy way to grow strawberries at home. This is a great alternative to the plastic-flavored berries that are on sale in stores and supermarkets.
In appearance, the product is beautiful, resilient, amazing color, but you have to figure it out, as you immediately realize - this is not the favorite strawberry with its amazing taste and aroma. Yes, and it is expensive products, where it is better to save and all year round to settle for the divine taste. So, the benefits of growing strawberries at home:
- Savings;
- Natural taste;
- Lack of chemical stimulants;
- Harvest all year;
- Benefit from implementation.
- What is needed for growing strawberries
For planting strawberry seedlings need a large container. The most suitable option - the strong plastic bags filled with soil. In stores for garden-garden lovers, ready-made land is sold, but it is easy to make a mixture for planting with your own hands. It is necessary to mix the ground, peat and sawdust, add a little lime, to reduce to no the acidity of the soil. Drainage wastes should be made at the bottom of the bags, and small cross-shaped cuts should be made on top to plant sprouts there.
Which is better - seeds or seedlings?
Many people are confused by the idea that planting strawberry seeds at home is a disadvantageous and laborious process. However, this is a misconception. The strawberry seeds are really very small, but have good germination, and the plants will be strong and resistant. Before sowing seeds, keep the bag in the fridge for one month. Planting strawberry seeds for growing at home is better in early February, when daylight hours will be longer. If you want earlier, use artificial day lamps, as the culture is light-requiring. Sow the seeds should be directly into the soil without applying on top of the soil. To keep the wet temperature, cover it with a film on top until the first shoots appear. As soon as 2-4 leaflets appear on the seedlings, they should be squeezed into small pots, then transplanted into bulk bags for cultivation.
Planting strawberries is even easier. Planting time - spring, autumn. During this period, strawberries do not grow so actively and take root well.
Selection of strawberry variety
For growing strawberries all year round at home, you should choose repair species that produce crops several times a year. These include varieties:
- "Yellow Miracle";
- "Queen Elizabeth"
- "Everest", etc.
How to care for the culture?
Caring for strawberries that you grow at home is almost the same as in the open garden. Needs watering, fertilizing fertilizer, pest control. For strawberry airing is important, that is, circulation. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically open the windows for a short time in non-frosty weather and ventilate the room. Daylight - natural or artificial should illuminate the culture for at least 14 hours. When growing strawberries on the windowsill, choose the south side.
Another factor of good yield is pollination. It is clear - at home to breed bees and make natural pollination is impossible. But there is a solution, and quite simple. Put the fan in front of the flowers, let the air flow cope with the pollen, or walk periodically with a brush. Strawberries do not tolerate frost and drafts, so you should protect them from hypothermia. Especially home-grown strawberries are very sensitive to cold.
How to feed strawberries?
When growing a crop all year round, you need to use feed for the roots and the upper part of the plant once every 2 weeks. It is necessary to use the complex fertilizers intended for garden cultures. In specialized stores there is also fertilizer for strawberries with a set of carefully balanced beneficial microelements, thanks to which the culture will not get sick and will become resistant to all kinds of pests, temperature changes.
Strawberries planted in the house should be replanted and renewed every 4 years.
Seedlings are obtained by collecting new shoots that are planted in separate containers and replace old and depleted bushes with them. Also, new seedlings can be obtained by sowing seeds.