Description and characteristic of a grade of a tomato Bear Paw

Gardeners who do not have adequate experience in the cultivation of tomato crops, tend to pick up plants that do not have high requirements for grooming. One of such examples is considered to be a bear bear tomato, specially bred for consumers who prefer large fruits. Next, let's talk about the description and characteristics of this variety.

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Description and characteristics of tomato bear paw

Tomatoes ripen for three and a half to four months. The main stem in the growth is not limited, so that throughout the season the tomato bushes will have to constantly pinch. Experienced gardeners are advised to carry out the formation of bushes in one - two stems, timely tying them to support columns.

The growth of the stem should be stopped at around one hundred and twenty centimeters, otherwise the quality of the fruits will decrease markedly.
Tomato bear paw close-up

The plant is intended for cultivation in greenhouses and in conditions of open ground, if climatic conditions permit. Twenty-five to thirty brushes form on each bush. The fruits are large, reaching eight hundred grams, but in most cases their average weight ranges from three hundred to four hundred grams.

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Vegetable rounded, bright red. The pulp is sugary, there is little seed in the cells.

Tomatoes are recommended primarily for fresh consumption because of their fragrant taste. The flesh is good in soups, dips and sauces. Tomato juice is prepared, able to retain its beneficial properties for a long time.

Fruits contain a large number of useful components. The presence of iron helps people with heart problems or anemia. Tomatoes perfectly stabilize the health of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, restore physical metabolism.

The foliage of a plant is ordinary, green, and looks like a bear's paw. Tomato bushes perfectly tolerate the dry season.

Natural growth region and peculiarities of cultivation in other regions

recommended plant for cultivation in areas with temperate or warm climates. For colder areas, the tomato plant is intended for growing exclusively in greenhouse conditions.

Tomato bear paw on an

shrub Advantages and disadvantages of

Like other tomato cultures, the variety has its advantages, including:

  • excellent resistance to moisture deficiency;
  • size of fruits, their commercial quality;
  • excellent plant yield;
  • resistance to a large number of diseases inherent in the nightshade;
  • taste great.

The disadvantages include spreading bushes in need of strong supports. Some gardeners note the sourness of the vegetable, which is not pleasant to all consumers.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Consider the option of growing tomato culture seedlings.

Sow can be in special boxes or peat tablets or cups. The soil composition should be mixed from garden soil, peat, sand and humus;

Tomato seedlings bear paw

The best place to plant seeds in March. They are pre-tested for germination and disinfected. Planting is carried out in a moist soil, the containers are covered with plastic wrap, placed in a warm room. Approximately in a week shoots appear. At this time, the seedlings are revealed and transferred to the window sill.

For the sprouts to develop well, they need a sufficient amount of light and a temperature regime of twenty-four degrees of heat.

Post-leaving care

Water the sprouts with warm water. Picks perform after the formation of the third true leaves. During the growth, the seedlings are fed with complex fertilizer compositions, quenched to transplant to a permanent place.

Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

This should be done not earlier than the seedlings will be two months old. As a rule, this period falls on the second half of May, when the soil in the garden beds warms up well. Soil is loosened, holes are prepared, in which complex mineral compositions are laid at the rate of one spoon per bush.

The landing pattern will be most optimal if you place no more than three seedlings on one square meter. With too thick plantings will cause illness and lower yields. The landing ends with the installation of supports and tying bushes.

Harvesting the Bear Paw

Care of the variety after transplanting

You can water the plants infrequently, but quite abundantly, using warm water.

Watering with cold water causes a massive discharge of the ovary.

Periodically, the soil should be loosened, removing weeds.

For the period of growth, tomato bushes are fed three to four times. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic matter. Before the beginning of flowering, nitrogen-containing complexes are introduced, after the formation of the ovary, plants will need potassium and phosphorus. If the nutrients are not enough, the yield of the crop will decrease markedly.

Features fruiting grade

Prerequisite - pasynkovanie on the entire period of growth. When irrigating, the soil should be mulched right away using dry nettles or pine needles. Weeding is carried out when the weeds reach a height of fifteen centimeters. Care must be taken not to damage the root system of tomato bushes.

Tomato bear paw in the context of

Diseases and their prevention

The plant at its genetic level is already reliably protected from a large number of diseases, but preventive measures will not be superfluous. When planting, the soil composition must be shed with manganese solution.

Mulching will protect the plants from root damage from rot.

From the Colorado potato beetle, tomato bushes are treated with water and ammonia diluted in water. Aphids can be defeated by spraying the foliage with soapy water. Insects will disappear if you use chemicals. But they must be applied before the bushes form the ovary.

This tomato plant can be a good choice for your garden. Large and juicy fruits will decorate your table. Fulfilling all the rules of care, you get a great harvest of delicious vegetables.

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