Strawberry varieties for giving Siberia

ContentsYou can pack strawberries in small containers at almost any time in the supermarket, but you want to plant some of the best varieties in country gardens to enjoy the naturalKusom unprocessed berries. Breeders took care of summer residents not only warm regions, but also created amazing varieties of strawberries for Siberia. Now in this harsh climatic region in the beds grow a large amount of strawberries of different varieties.

Strawberry Requirements for Siberia

In the southern regions, with proper planting and care, you can grow any kind of berries. Juicy fragrant fruits of different sizes delight kids for a long time. The selection of varieties for cultivation in Siberia must be approached more carefully, given that plants must:

  • Be frost-resistant in order to withstand the severe frosts of Siberia.
  • Quickly restore the green mass of the bush.
  • Resist rotting fruit and damage from strawberry mites.
  • To have a bountiful harvest of berries with good taste and suitable for transportation.
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It is difficult to find strawberry varieties that fully meet all the above points, but you can always find the best ones. In order to please the family with fragrant berries, several varieties should be planted with a different fruiting period, taste, size of berries.

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are grown. Growing strawberries in Siberia

First you need to choose a place to plant berries, prepare the soil, and then buy carefully selected varieties. He does not like strawberry beds on which solanaceous crops were grown before planting. Place of landing, choose not flooded in spring, open to the sun's rays, with rich in humus and loose soil.

Growing strawberries in Siberia under the conditions of watering, weeding, feeding, mustache removal, mulching will not cause any special difficulties. Preparation of beds and holes should begin in the fall. Before digging per square meter of bed, a mixture of humus bucket, 0.5 liters of wood resin and 30 g of mineral complex fertilizer is applied. If replanting varieties are to be planted, the amount of the applied mixture should be doubled.

For large-fruited strawberries, prepare beds with a width of no more than 50 cm. Leave a distance between the beds of up to 80 cm. It is best to plant reparative varieties on wide beds in one row. The optimal width is 1 meter. A distance of 40 cm is left between the holes. In the fall, 1/5 of a bucket of humus, 0.5 cups of ash, and 20 g of mineral fertilizer are brought into each well.

To plant the seedlings in early spring. Immediately cover the seedlings with covering material for 10 days. Rebuilding strawberries do not reveal until the beginning of the ripening of the first berries. Three years later, transplant plants to other beds. You can add wood ash to strawberry ridges at any time.

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Varieties recommended for cultivation in Siberia

We made a selection of the best varieties of strawberries for Siberia, the early, average ripening period.

Berdskaya Early

Non-ceremonial variety pleases with matt-red berries of conical rounded shape, medium size, sweet-sour taste. When following the rules of plant care, they produce a stable, high yield. In Siberia, recommended for cultivation under the coating.


Variety bred by Russian breeders. On large bushes with wide, large leaves of light color, red, medium-sized, sweet and sour berries ripen. Early and plentiful harvest. The variety is great for growing for sale. To obtain a good harvest requires timely feeding and watering. Low temperatures for plants are not particularly dangerous. This variety is resistant to harmful insects and fungal diseases.


The variety was bred as a result of crossing by Polish breeders of the well-known varieties: Cavalier and Zeng Zengan. Summer residents call this sort Black Prince. During the technical ripeness of the berries have a bright red color and sour taste. Ripe berry is colored burgundy and sweet. Fruits with juicy, dense pulp, a rhombic round shape weighing up to 36 g. Dark green bushes give up to 1 kg of berries. It tolerates low temperatures, is particularly resistant to drought, but is often exposed to white and brown spot. Timely processing with special preparations will help preserve the quality of the harvest.

Omsk Early

A specially eaten strawberry for Siberia is the result of the work of Russian specialists. High-yield early variety is rarely affected by disease. On the bush of medium height ripen small pink and red berries with an amazing aroma and sweet-sour taste.

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Non-ceremonial variety of medium early ripening. Belongs to dessert varieties. Up to 2 kg of berries weighing up to 30 g can be harvested from one bush. Ripening takes place amicably, and the berries taste sweet. Children just love this strawberry. Mistresses with pleasure preserve it and freeze. Plants practically do not get sick and tolerate frost well. In order to achieve a good yield, it is recommended to land the plant only in spring. Mustache formation is minimal.


The average term of maturity is an excellent result of the work of the staff of the Novosibirsk Experimental Station. Powerful bushes are distinguished by a small number of outlets and whiskers, bright foliage. On thin stems develop small juicy dark red berries.

Festival Chamomile

An excellent result of selection works of Ukrainian scientists. The variety has an average ripening period, the first large harvest, rich aroma and special sweetness of the berries. This strawberry is suitable for transportation, fresh consumption, canning, preparation of juices, desserts. The variety is resistant to various diseases, tolerates low and high temperatures.

Carefully selected strawberry varieties for Siberia’s summer cottages will delight you with their harvest if you can provide them with good care. Regular watering, timely fertilization, transplanting plants to the prepared areas will improve the taste of berries.

Video about strawberry varieties for Siberia

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