When you can plant radish in the open ground with seeds

Radish is one of a number of unique vegetables. It is rich in vitamins( A, B9, K, C), microelements, organic acids, essential oils, amino acids, vegetable fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Radish contains volatile production - substances that inhibit the growth or kill bacteria, making it a natural antibiotic with the broadest spectrum of action, improves immunity, improves metabolism, digestion, removes fluid from the body. A number of useful qualities of the vegetable can be continued, but this is enough to want to plant and grow a root vegetable in your backyard or cottage.

Table of contents

  • How long can you plant a radish
  • The most popular varieties for sowing
  • Root predecessors
  • Soil preparation and planting seeds in open ground
    • Seed preparation
    • What scheme to sow
  • What should be taken into account when planting seeds? You can plant radish

    For this vegetable planting dates are of paramount importance. First you need to decide for what purpose you are going to plant and grow radish - for long-term storage and use in the winter or for eating in spring and summer.

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    Before planting, it is necessary to determine the storage period for future root crops.

    Early small-fruited varieties are sown in March. Fruits ripen in 40-45 days, poorly sharp, juicy - a rich source of early vitamins.

    Summer varieties are early, ripen in 55-60 days, so the optimum planting time is the end of April, the beginning of May. Radish is not afraid of low temperatures, gives friendly shoots even at t +3 - 5 degrees.

    Winter mid-season varieties intended for long-term storage ripen in 100-110 days. In order to have time to harvest, in the middle zone of Russia, near Moscow, in Siberia, it is necessary to plant radish at the end of June - beginning of July( the deadline is the first decade of July).

    Early winter ripening root crops are sown in late July - early August.

    The radish is sown in open ground with seeds: in the middle of summer, it sprouts fairly quickly, is not afraid of frost in early spring, so does not need to grow seedlings.

    In addition, some gardeners on the forums have expressed the opinion that during transplantation of seedlings, the root can be damaged and the root crop will bloom.

    The most important condition for proper growth is short light day .With a long light bottom, the vegetable gives arrows, blooms, becomes unsuitable for food. That is why the radish is sown in early spring or in the second half of summer, when the light day becomes shorter.

    The main criterion for successful growth of radish is the short daylight

    . The most popular varieties for sowing.

    . In order to enjoy the taste of healthy, juicy root crops all year round, several varieties with different ripening periods are sown.

    The most useful and rich in vitamins and microelements is black radish .It tastes sharper and, in all respects, is significantly ahead of the “colored relatives”.Consider a few of the most popular and high-quality representatives.

    1. Round black .The variety is mid-season, ripening time - 80 days, has the best taste and medicinal qualities, high-yielding - 7.5 kg / sq.m, suitable for long-term storage. The root crop is round, the weight is from 250 to 500 g, the peel is black, the flesh is white, juicy, the taste is bright, sharp.
    2. Winter long black .Fruits of elongated shape, black. The flesh is white, crunchy, juicy. Even after long storage does not lose useful properties.
    3. Margelanskaya( Chinese) .Fruits are green with light green flesh. This radish is not as useful as black, but you can eat it much more - it tastes very juicy, slightly spicy, without bitterness. They are sown in summer, until July 5-10, as the variety is late-ripening, high-yielding, has excellent keeping quality, right up until the spring.
    4. May early .Early summer variety with juicy, tender flesh, the taste of the floor is sharp, does not darken for a long time.
    5. Winter white .Medium sharp taste, dense tasty flesh, high-yielding, long retains its presentation.

    In addition to these, there are many more varieties of varieties: Odessa 5, Daikon, Summer round white, Oilseed, and other specialties of the developers, and the developers are the developers of the developers in the wild, as well as the summer round white, white, white, oilseeds, elephants and others.and it should not be grown after cabbage, radish, turnip.

The rest of the garden crops are good predecessors: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beans. Winter varieties of radish can be planted in the garden after harvesting green onions, lettuce, green peas, beans.

Preparation of soil and planting seeds in open ground

Likes well-lit, sunny places, wet and loose, deeply dug soil .For spring planting the beds need to be prepared in the autumn: add humus, mineral fertilizers, in acidic soils - ashes.

Seed preparation

If you want to get a high-quality crop, root crops of the same size, the seeds must be calibrated - small grains, irregular shape, empty or half-removed, leaving only large healthy grains of the same size.

First of all, radish seeds need to be calibrated.

. To obtain friendly shoots, you can( but not necessarily) process seeds with humate or growth stimulant before planting. Processed seeds go less into the arrow, bloom.

According to which scheme to sow

Before planting, the ground is dug to a depth of 30-35 cm, level the surface, make grooves 2 cm deep , between rows - 30 cm .Seeds are introduced into the grooves, covered with earth and the beds are well watered.

The soil must be kept wet before seeds emerge. As soon as the first shoots appear, they are thinned, leaving the strongest. The next time it is necessary to thin out the shoots no later than a month to avoid thickening. The distance between the remaining radish sprouts should be 15 cm .

Further care is to constantly maintain moisture and loosening between rows - radish loves oxygenated soils.

Things to consider when growing radish - care tips

After planting the radish the soil should never dry out

To avoid common mistakes, get tasty, juicy root crops with dense pulp, you need to follow some rules:

  • should not be allowed to thicken , thin out in the phase of 2-3 leaves, then after 15-20 days;
  • watering should be frequent , the soil should in no case dry up;
  • for ash radish is never much - adores ash, it can be added before planting, at the 3-4 leaf phase, and during the appearance of cruciferous flea - sprinkle over the entire surface of the bed, even on the leaves;
  • the quality of fruits will be well affected by top dressing with boron, magnesium, and table salt - they will increase the sugar content, improve plant growth.

Radish is a unique and useful product that must be included in a healthy diet. A good harvest from the garden will help protect you from colds and other diseases throughout the winter. Growing is possible in almost all regions, even beyond the Urals, the main thing is to sow properly and follow the rules of care.

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