Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse makes it possible to get early harvests. In regions with a harsh climate, such a construction, especially made by hand, is simply necessary, because it is impossible to survive without shelter for young shoots with a weak root system.
If the frost did not have time for a minute, then a small greenhouse made of scrap materials can save the harvest. The size depends on the number of seedlings, and the device can be small in size or look like any large greenhouse.
Convenientlyinstallation of the
aphids possible to make a greenhouse for cucumber with their hands
Provide your family with vitamins, thus saving money on market purchases of tomatoes and cucumbers, can be installation of greenhouses.
This will require a little knack, a minimum of materials and labor .Anyone who can hold a hammer in their hands will handle the installation.
Of course, it is easier to get a finished structure, but the shelter made with your own hands will be more adapted to the climatic conditions and the site. In addition, the owner is always particularly proud when he demonstrates the result of his work.

Many gardeners are happy to demonstrate self-made facilities. As an option to develop an exclusive design, upgrade it after seasonal operation, and then share with all the result.
A greenhouse differs from greenhouses by the following features:
- greenhouse height does not exceed 1.5 m ;
- doors are missing , ventilation is achieved by opening the movable elements of the structure;
- heating is carried out thanks to the sun compost;
- most often the greenhouse is dismantled for the winter.
Advantages and disadvantages of shelter from scrap materials
In order to justify the need to install a greenhouse on the site, you need to highlight its main advantages.
- Thanks to the shelter, it is possible for to control the humidity of the air and soil .It is possible to establish a microclimate favorable for culture by simple manipulations.
- The ecological background of most regions is not very clean, and after the precipitation, many summer residents note the appearance of yellow and brown spots on the greenery. The design protects against heavy metals and other chemical compounds affecting the vegetation on the plants.
- Cucumbers love moisture, but its abundance can destroy bushes. In the rainy season to save cucumber beds from death is extremely difficult. Facilitates this task greenhouse. Shelter allows you to control the humidity of the soil environment.
- The self-assembled structure is easy to dismantle for winter storage.
- A strong wind and spring frosts negatively affect the development of seedlings, and sometimes they die at all. In the greenhouse such an outcome is excluded.
- Simplicity of design: it will be necessary to mount the frame and fix covering material( film, polycarbonate) on its edges.
- It is possible to start growing seedlings earlier, sowing seeds. Harvest through this protection really for 3-4 weeks earlier than the usual term .

Despite all the advantages of self-made greenhouse facilities, their disadvantages should be noted. This is:
- The simple design of the is not always convenient to operate , so it is best to use lifting mechanisms and locks in the design;
- beginner gardeners do not understand the density of the film, use a thin canvas, which is damaged during the first winds or heavy precipitation;
- sometimes all the costs of materials are equal to the cost of the finished greenhouse.
Types of greenhouses for cucumbers
By type of construction greenhouse structures are:
- polygonal;
- arched;
- single;
- are gable.

The most popular are the following types:
- "butterfly" - the frame has the form of an arch with two rising side parts, providing maximum illumination and access of air;
- "snail" - the principle of design development resembles an ordinary breadbasket;
- "Belgian" - a rectangular frame with a hinged lid( opening radius is selected individually);
- film greenhouse - the skeleton is made in the form of an arch or coarse, the sides of the film are fixed on a slat, with which the cover is turned up for ventilation.

Among the materials used, is preferred polycarbonate .He adequately replaced the film, which was enough at best for the season.
Good light throughput, resistance to external factors and simple maintenance endow the polymer coating with advantageous qualities that outperform other materials.
wooden boards, metal rods, pipes, angles, profiles are used for the manufacture of the frame. To reduce the cost of construction, many owners find the use of old wood and metal, which are available in the economy.
In order for the greenhouse to be able to be used during the winter period, it is recommended that be designed in advance to consider the heating system. Possible options:
- biological heating;
- using the stove;
- electrical appliances.
This option of using a greenhouse involves the use of polycarbonate as a coating with an air gap created, which is created between the main surface and the film stretched inside the structure.

Proper device self-made greenhouse
Adhering to the recommendations of experts, you can build a greenhouse in the garden with their own hands. In order not to miss important details, you need to adhere to this sequence when working.
Choosing the right place
The place is chosen solar so that there is enough light for the plants. In addition, the sun's rays will additionally warm up the structure in cold weather. It is worthwhile to take into account the distance to the house and the water source so that the supply of electricity and a hose for irrigation do not create additional problems.
If there are large plantations in the vicinity of the structure, it is better to choose another site. Welcome to flat areas with free access and a reserve for maintenance.

In a lowland one should not install a greenhouse, because with heavy rains the groundwater level rises, which means the root system can rot.
Choosing the type of coating
When choosing a coating, you can show imagination, the modern range is amazing in its breadth. If the preference is given to the film, then it is better to purchase an product with an reinforcing layer. The material is more resistant to tearing, can withstand heavy rainfall, resists winds.
Classic type of coating - glass does not lose its relevance in our time. The only minus of glass surfaces is fragility. The big hail can easily be finished even with a reliable glazing.
A good alternative is polycarbonate , which is not inferior in its properties to glass, but is devoid of fragility. The main thing is to choose the thickness of the sheet.
The advantage of the material is flexibility, which allows you to give the coating a curved shape.

Size calculation
Greenhouses are usually compact, unlike greenhouses do not have doors, so it makes no sense to build large structures. Parameters are determined based on the selected material. When using polycarbonate, the inflection line is taken into account; it must be transverse( across the width of the sheet).
The optimal width of the design is considered to be the indicator 140-150 cm .In a narrow building it will be more difficult to care for plants, and it is more difficult to heat a large area.
Height within 1.3-1.7 m provides a convertible top( like a Belgian greenhouse or butterfly).The gable roof at the highest point reaches an of 1.7-2.2 m .
Required materials
To assemble a Belgian polycarbonate greenhouse you will need:
- wooden softwood boards( at least 25 cm wide, 20 mm thick);
- polycarbonate sheets;
- bars( 40x40);
- fasteners( hardware and hinges).

Assembly principle
Since the Belgian greenhouse belongs to lightweight mobile structures, does not require a foundation .As a base under the frame, you can lay a brick or a cinder block around the frame perimeter.
Installation of a greenhouse includes the following steps.
Clearing the site for the installation of an
If necessary, excavate a pit with a depth of 50 cm , and add a layer of rubble and sand with a layer of 15 cm .After compaction of the pillow by tamping, fertile soil is poured.
Marking on the compiled drawing
The improvised or capital base must be wider than the wooden block used. This will protect the wood from rotting.
Assembling the frame
The first assembled box .The elements are connected using screws, the corners are fixed with special corner fasteners. Hinges are installed along the line of junction between the roof frame and the box.
Cladding with polycarbonate

Leaving the edges untreated is not recommended. During the operation of the greenhouse they quickly form damage, which contributes to the rapid wear of the coating.
Installing the hinged roof on
hinges. The polycarbonate sheathed roof frame is fixed on the box using hinges. This will ensure its mobility for airing and maintaining plants.
A greenhouse made by himself will be a real protection from the vagaries of weather for cucumbers. Proof of this is the generous harvests that are made by gardeners from the northern regions, where it was not previously discussed about growing greens.