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Aromatic, beautiful and tasty strawberry Alexandrina is suitable for growing in the garden and flower beds. This useful fruit crop has high decorative qualities, so it is often used for vertical or horizontal landscaping. But its main purpose is to give a rich harvest of berries all summer.
Characteristics of the variety
This is a repair grade of small-fruited strawberry garden, which does not give a mustache. In the state register of varieties is intended for cultivation in the West Siberian region, which speaks of its resistance to an unstable climate.
Repaired bezusaya strawberry Alexandrine forms compact shrubs up to 25 cm high with large leaves. Therefore, when planting seedlings in the open ground, the distance between plants is kept at least 20 cm.
The plant blooms in the first year after planting in mid-May. Fruiting occurs in June and lasts until October, while on the street there is a positive temperature. Fruits have an oblong shape, bright red color and sweet and sour taste. Tasting assessment - 4 points. The first harvest is the largest fruit. Berry weight reaches 8 g. Fruits stay on the bushes for a long time even after full ripening, darken and acquire even greater sweetness. Berries contain a lot of vitamin C.
Description of the strawberry variety Alexandrina:
- resistant to frost;
- drought tolerance is average;
- has strong immunity against pests and bacteria;
- is exposed to fungal diseases, especially in a rainy summer.
In general, the variety is unpretentious, adapted to the changing climate and daily sharp temperature changes. To minimize the likelihood of plant damage to fungal diseases, observe the planting scheme and ensure a good airing of the bed.
Cultivation from seeds
A good planting material gives rich harvests 2-3 years in a row. To get it, you need to properly prepare the seeds and provide them with good conditions for germination.
Strawberry Alexandrina does not give a mustache, which means that only seeds reproduce.
They retain a high percentage of germination for 5 years, but for amicable shoots it is better to take material that is not more than 2 years old.
Stages of cultivation from seeds of strawberries Alexandrina:
- soaking seeds in warm water for 2 days;
- stratification 2 weeks;
- sprouting seedlings;
- landing in the open ground in May.
Works on growing strawberries begin in February. Collect the snow, allow it to melt and soak the required quantity of seeds in the thawed water for 2 days in the room conditions. A shallow container is filled with a mixture of sand, peat and turf. The snow is laid overhead and the previously soaked seeds are scattered over the snow. The container is closed with polyethylene and put in the refrigerator for stratification. After 2 weeks, the container is taken out, put in a warm, consecrated place and moistens the soil as it dries.
Seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks. Seedlings are kept away from the bright sun until it gets stronger. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves of strawberries Alexandrina dive into separate containers. The soil is nourishing, breathable.
Strawberries grow very slowly, so the measures to grow it begin in the midst of winter.
By May, when the threat of recurrent frosts passes, small rosettes, together with a clod of earth, are transplanted into prepared holes in the beds. The distance between the plants is 20-30 cm, the distance between the rows is 30-40 cm. The land around the bushes can be mulched with straw or sawdust.
After rooting in the open ground to stimulate the growth of the bush, the strawberries of Alexandrina are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. This is an infusion of mullein or specially designed store preparations with high nitrogen content.
Caring for the plant is simple. You do not need to remove the whiskers, you do not need to pollinate the plant either, the flowers are bisexual. Caring activities are reduced to watering in the dry season and in fertilizing 3-4 times per season.
The second fertilizer is produced during the budding by phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The third is during the second wave of flowering and fruiting in July.
By the end of summer, the feeding is stopped to allow the plant to prepare for the winter. In October, the aboveground part is cut and mulched with a new layer of straw or sawdust. Special covering material to protect the plant from frost is not used. Strawberries perfectly winter without shelter.
Alexandrina is a tested variety of garden strawberries, suitable for cultivation in a temperate climate. High taste and ease of care makes this plant one of the most popular in the amateur summer resorts.