Virtually every person has a dacha. It doesn't matter whose she is grandmothers, grandfathers, parents or her own. And every year at the same time everyone is in a hurry to grow crops of vegetables and berries. One of these crops is potatoes, the cultivation of which, everyone should know. How to plant potatoes tell further.
Table of Contents
- The Nuances of Planting
- How to Plant in Spring - How to Set Up Them with the Asset Platform
- In what weather
- How often to plant
- potatoes How to plant
- granulated feed How to plant
- manure Motoblock or shovel
- What are green manures and why do they need
- Procedure
- precipitation. Sprouting tubers and preparing the soil.
- . Cultivation at the cottage
- .Before this period, such an action cannot be done, because the culture may simply disappear into the cold earth. If the climate in your area is cool, then you should wait until the earth warms up to at least 10 degrees .
How to plant in spring - step-by-step process
In order to plant potatoes properly, you should follow the step-by-step instructions:
- should be kept warm a few weeks before planting, then cover the boxes with some translucent material and leave in a cool bright place. When they release green shoots in the spring, it’s time to plant them in the ground.
- Disinfection with boric acid or manure solution.
- Soil preparation for planting.
- Planting potatoes.
- Creating an optimal mode for growth.
When green sprouts appear on the tubers - it's time to plant them in the ground
Planting potatoes in May
You need to plant potatoes according to the lunar calendar. In May, such dates can choose 9, 11 and 13 numbers .
Up to what number can you plant
potatoes? When determining this date, it should be taken into account that the vegetative period of this root crop is 90 days.That is, if you plan to plant on July 1, then at the end of September, you can fully harvest.
On which days you can’t
Folk omens say that potatoes should not be planted in the ground on the following days:
- On Wednesdays.
- On Saturdays.
- During Palm Week.
If you ignore these rules, the tubers will deteriorate and not give further growth.
Is it possible to plant potatoes in cold land
Potatoes can be planted only in warm earth
You can not plant potatoes in cold earth because it can simply freeze in such weather and you will lose the whole crop, it is worth time.
If you hurry and still take such a step, then you need to pay particular attention to warming up the and ensuring good conditions for its vital activity in order to get a harvest.
How to use - large or small
. Small tubers are called samples weighing up to 30 grams , medium - 30-80 g , and large - more than 80 g .
Very often, many gardeners use medium-sized potatoes, believing that this may be the best choice. But it is these patterns that usually grow from weakened plants.The best way to plant there is only 2:
- Plant small tubers, but throw in several pieces at once in the planting hole .
- Plant cut from large tubers .But on such objects must be at least three eyes.
When planting cut tubers, they should have at least 3 eyes.
. Can you plant fresh tubers
? If someone thinks that this method is unacceptable, then he is greatly mistaken. The use of fresh potatoes when re-planting allows you to improve the yield several times and save the owners from problems with the storage of seed material until the spring period.
This method is best used for those countries in which the period without frost is 180 days. This is observed in Odessa, Kherson, Poltava and other cities. For Irkutsk, this method is not suitable.
A distinctive feature of the landing of this type is that to grow a new crop will be slowly .
In what kind of weather
You should plant potatoes only when there are frosts and the air temperature rises to 14-16 degrees .The ground at this time should warm up to 10 degrees .
There is a national sign that a root crop should be planted after the leaves on the birch become the size of a coin.
Potatoes can be planted only when the frost has passed
How often to plant potatoes
Potatoes can be planted several times a year, taking into account the fact that the full-growing period is 90 days.
How to plant
in granulated animal feed Granulated animal feed finds its use in digging up areas before the onset of winter. It is then that he is introduced into the soil to improve the characteristics of the applied soil.
Planting with manure
If you want to significantly increase the yield, it is better to use manure for fertilizer.It can be applied by 2 methods:
- Fertilizing the land before the winter period. Submitted in the amount of 10 kg per 1 square meter.
- Fertilizer per well. When planting occurs, should be after laying a tuber sprinkle it with manure.
Manure is used to increase the yield of potatoes.
. Motoblock or
shovel. You can plant potatoes using two methods:
- Manually using an shovel. One of the advantages of this technology is simplicity: one person simply digs a deep hole, and the second one throws over tubers and fertilizer. When the second one completes the sowing, the first one falls asleep the finished hole. After the process is completed, the ground is leveled with a rake, which allows water to remain in the ground.
- Using the motoblock. The advantage of this method is the speed and low cost of manual efforts. The process begins with cutting furrows, after which germinated seeds are thrown there. After that, the wells can be instilled manually or using a cultivator.
What is green manures and why are they needed?
Siderats are plants that are grown to improve the fertile properties of the soil.What gives such a reception?
- Soil enrichment with nitrogen , which makes up some of the plant nutrition.
- Soil loosening and structure improvement.
- Elimination of erosion.
- Enrichment of the earth with nutrients and organic substances.
- Reduced weed growth.
- Elimination of pests and diseases.
- Earth protection against overheating.
Planting procedure
Germination of tubers and soil preparation
For the cultivation of potatoes, tubers should be germinated for 2 weeks, , while removing white sprouts. Lay out the material for landing need a thin layer on the floor in a bright place. Readiness can be determined by the presence of green sprouts on the potato, but without additional specks.
If we are talking about the detailed preparation of the soil, then it is worth starting with its fertilizer even before the onset of winter. When it is time to plant, should provide the necessary moisture and soil loosening .Digging should be replaced with splicing using forks. This allows the earth to be enriched with oxygen.
Peculiarities of growing at the cottage
If you have your own dacha, then when growing potatoes, first choose its variety.
After all, someone prefers a root vegetable with yellow crumbly flesh, and someone with a white one. After that, you need to determine the method of growing , of which there are now a great many. But do not forget about the fertilizer of the soil.
Hilling helps protect the root crop from frost.
Hilling of potatoes should be done after the plant rises 10 cm above the ground .This will allow with the help of filling to provide protection to the tubers from frost. And after the potatoes grow to 40 cm, you need to fully pile up the beds, well covered with earth aisle.
Very often leaves, branches or hay - organic materials can be added to the bedding mix. This will allow longer to retain moisture in the ground, as well as prevent weeds from sprouting for a long time.
Watering and care
After the potatoes began to bloom, high-quality watering is a prerequisite for a good harvest.It should be 2-3 times, if the summer is very hot, and if on the contrary, 1 time is enough. But weeds need to be removed much more often, as well as to monitor the Colorado beetles.
Watering potatoes
Initially, you need to harvest 60 days after planting potatoes, but the main part should be waited until the tops are completely dried.
Cleaning a ready-made crop is only necessary with a fork, so as not to damage the mounds. To grow crops in one place can only be 4 years, after which you need to give the earth a rest and move the plant to another place.
How to grow in a “double-crop” way.
In many southern countries, gardeners use any methods to grow as much crop as possible every year. And therefore, the potato growing method twice a year has already been developed, given that only early ripening varieties are used.
The features of the method are:
- Good samples of potatoes need to be washed and cut, after which is kept in a special solution for one and a half hours.
- Sprouted culture 10 days in the garden, covered with a small layer of soil.
- After this, on July 10, you need to plant the finished material in the ground and wait for the harvest.
Cultivation of potatoes is a simple process if you follow a few basic rules:
- Compliance with the process of preparing the material for planting and soil.
- Creating an enabling environment for for germination.
- Plant nutrition.
If you follow all these rules, you can achieve a good result even with minimal effort.