Septic "Leader": review, reviews, advantages and disadvantages

When the device battery drainage using local treatment items that make the collection and recycling of household waste. If you are interested in purchasing a fully equipped factory system, pay attention to the domestic septic tank "Leader", working on the principle of a four-cleaning.

In the present article we describe how to install the operating principle, producing a deep degree of purification of domestic wastewater. We are familiar with the most popular models of this brand. Independent domestic masters we find installation guides and useful tips on the operation.

The content of the article:

  • Description of the construction of VOCs from the "Leader"
  • The operating principle of an autonomous system
  • How to choose the right model?
    • Overview lineup LOS Leader
    • Wiring diagrams and sanitation
  • Advantages and disadvantages of brand structures "Leader"
  • Recommendations for installation and maintenance
  • Actual cost of septic tanks and the price of the service
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Description of the construction of VOCs from the "Leader"

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Compact but spacious structure is a container, the interior of which is divided into several compartments. The volume of the inner chambers, respectively, and the size of the tank as a whole depends on the amount of incoming waste.

The material of construction - low pressure polyethylene, characterized in wear resistance and resistance to high and low temperatures. The walls of the polymer is still good because they can withstand the pressure of the soil, do not rust and are not covered with mold.

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Ideal for stand-alone septic sewage

Septic brand leader - the perfect solution to organize autonomous sewerage country houses, small hotels, restaurants

Priority technical specifications Housing

Septic housing made of crosslinked polyethylene having high strength properties. The material is resistant to aggressive media, mechanical impacts and sudden temperature

The use of lifting equipment to install

Despite assurances products in casing ease the installation of a septic tank into the excavation to make better use of a construction machine with

Multistage waste water purification station in

In the model number of the brand leader modifications presented with three or four working chambers, passing through each of which increases the degree of purification of the final

Receiving chamber septic tank Leader

In septic cells producing all kinds of wastewater streams comprising mechanical filtration, biological and chemical processing. As a result, waste water can be discharged into the ground

Installation close to the foundation of the house

body strength, long service life, high degree of purification allows the sewer plant next to the foundation of the house

Modular device principle

Modular buildings connection principle allows to construct sewer capacity for receiving, processing and recycling of waste of any volume

Hatches sewer chambers

Neck chambers sewage facility closed hatches green, organically fit into any country landscape

Ideal for stand-alone septic sewage

Ideal for stand-alone septic sewage

Priority technical specifications Housing

Priority technical specifications Housing

The use of lifting equipment to install

The use of lifting equipment to install

Multistage waste water purification station in

Multistage waste water purification station in

Receiving chamber septic tank Leader

Receiving chamber septic tank Leader

Installation close to the foundation of the house

Installation close to the foundation of the house

Modular device principle

Modular device principle

Hatches sewer chambers

Hatches sewer chambers

When you purchase one of the models of the "Leader" for everything independent sewerage you get the following set:

  • housing;
  • Japanese manufacture compressor (HIBLOW);
  • two types of gravel for filling: limestone and granite;
  • set polymer ruffs;
  • manual and warranty card.

There are two options VOC "Leader": both consist of several functional compartments for different purposes. The first modification is for gravity drainage process.

Driving device VOCs "Leader"

Schematic diagram of an apparatus VOC "Leader" six functional compartments, the compressor duct and cranes, loading (gravel), airlifts and aerators (+)

The second type is called "leader n", as further provided with a drain pump.

Driving septic tank

The latter chamber to the pump models, called tertiary clarifier, more volume, so the whole body of 0.4 m long because of the additional equipment (+)

Inside the structure is divided into 6 process vessels, each of which has its own meaning:

  • 1 - septic tank that receives sewage; It occurs in the primary fermentation and separation of waste;
  • 2 - bioreactor with artificial seaweed that facilitates oxidation anaerobes substances;
  • 3 - stage aeration tank 1, wherein the waste continues to decay, but using aerobes;
  • 4 - secondary clarifier separating the clarified effluent and the activated sludge;
  • 5 - stage aeration tank 2, in which the further oxidation and neutralization of the phosphate;
  • 6 - tertiary clarifier to separate the precipitate.

The first settler is not fitted with equipment to the remaining set additional details and poured filler. The bioreactor and deep treatment chamber is charged with artificial seaweed.

Aeration tanks are provided with perforated diffusers and downloads, granite and limestone. In the settling basins, but the first set airlifts for pumping sludge.

The latest camera models "Mr. Leader" is a drain pump through which treated wastewater is pumped to destination - in the absorbing well, in a pond or a gutter.

The operating principle of an autonomous system

Biological treatment - a multi-step process, which is carried out by microorganisms, aerobic and anaerobic. To processing occurred more effectively in a first step, in the settler, there is a mechanical separation of the particles.

Solid, insoluble components drop to the bottom as sludge, grease floats to the surface, thereby partially clarified liquid. Here begins the fermentation of waste.

In the next compartment - bioreactor - fermentation takes an active phase. The chamber is filled with artificial seaweed, is a product of a polymeric scaffold Ershov type.

Anaerobes, for the life of the oxygen which is not needed to form a colony on algae. By processing the incoming waste water, they facilitate the process of oxidation.

Installation in the pit

To control the effluent treatment process, and maintenance at the top of the housing are above the neck of each chamber. They appear on the surface, while the rest of the structure is filled with soil

The third chamber is intended for further clarification of the liquid. Oxygen entering the compartment by a perforated polymeric tubes, and aerobic bacteria breeding on the porous load (gravel filling) in the form of activated sludge, continue to oxidize and recycle organics.

Further drains separated: the clarified water is fed on to the next treatment stage, and the excess sludge is removed via airlift.

The next chamber, aerobic bioreactor with polymer loading, produces advanced treatment has already been partially clarified effluent. Simultaneously neutralized phosphates - for this compartment is placed on the bottom limestone gravel, creating an alkaline environment.

The resulting precipitate during cleaning is also removed via airlift. From the latter the purified liquid chamber is expelled, by gravity or forced (pump).

absorbing well

One of the options for drainage - drain in absorbing well. This model is well mark "Leader" is made in the factory of IPA and recommended for installation in a complex biological purification with the station

With the accumulation of solid sludge in the settling tank called scavengers, the remaining engineering works can be carried out on their own.

How to choose the right model?

When selecting station bioclearing many factors to consider, from the possibility of connecting to the power supply to the product specifications (performance, capacity, etc.). To avoid mistakes, it is best to consult with a consultant - a specialist from the manufacturer, who will recommend a suitable model.

Overview lineup LOS Leader

Knowing the technical characteristics of the septic tank and the number of permanent residents in the house of people, you can select a suitable setting for the performance. Dimensions of the device depends on the performance: the higher it is, the greater size. With productivity growth and also increases the weight, but the weight of the pump models are always higher than without it.

In total there are 28 models. At their labeling was taken into account and the pump discharge amount salvo. For example, if the reset salvo is 600 liters, the model name is "Leader-0.6", a similar device, equipped with a pump - "Leader-0.6H".

The most compact design - "Leader of 0.4" and a "Leader-0.4H". They are designed for volley reset 400 liters and have a capacity of 0.2 to 0.5 m3/сутки. Given that one person accounts for about 200 liters / day, the smallest size model is suitable for homes with 1-2 Residences.

Model Leader 0.6

Featured a family of 3 people will need septic "Leader-0,6" ( "Leader-0.6H"), which has a capacity from 0.4 to 0.75 m3 / day and the amount of discharge of 600 l salvo

Is the volume model of consumer devices, that is designed for private use - "Leader-3" ( "Leader-3"). Based on performance (2 to 3.6 m3/ Day), it is able to serve a group of people from 10-15 people.

Performance linked power compressor, Supply air to the aerators. For models "Leader 0.4... 1" is a compressor with power of 40 W, modifications, 1.5 - 60 W, etc.

The diameter and height of the body are slightly different in size, the main difference for the length. This should be considered when the excavation device.

Lineup Leader

Table general specifications modifications septic "Leader" for use in houses and in cottages. Line models presented to the "Leader-3" - the best option for home use (+)

, Hotel, sports facilities provide more powerful versions - to the model of "Leader-25" ( "Leader-25H").

Wiring diagrams and sanitation

When selecting the reset circuit of purified water with one of the main factors is the presence of the reservoir for discharging processed waste. The role of this body of water can play a ditch, drainage ditch, pond.

If there exists the possibility of laying pipes obliquely (0.02 m / m), it is rational to use gravity a method in which waste water without the aid of additional equipment comes in a septic tank, a septic tank of - in ditch.

However, it must comply with two other conditions:

  • the pond must be near the LOS;
  • sewer pipe should extend out of the building is not less than 0.3 m from the ground surface.

Gravity drains displacement method is used without connecting additional electrical equipment, hence it is economical.

drainage ditch in Scheme

If the basement or ground floor is equipped with WC, need additional equipment for the forced displacement of sewage environment - drain pump. Recommended brands: Sololift, Grundfos, SFA Sani (+)

Next sewerage scheme differs from the first only the final destination of the drain instead of the ditch or pond used absorbing well.

He may be required if:

  • cuvettes (ditch, a pond) is offline or away;
  • Vacation portion stored in the environmental area;
  • neighbors do not give consent;
  • there are other reasons why the open discharge is undesirable.

Absorbs water well will function properly in sandy soils with high filtration efficiency.

Scheme of wastewater into the well

Well absorption - is separately constructed structure, which is a perforated plastic bottomless reservoir or sump of concrete rings with a filter sand and gravel or sand and gravel bottom (+)

If the reservoir is designed to drain waste, too small (bottom thereof is above the drain pipes) or located at a far distance, rational use of wastewater pumping scheme. The latest camera set drainage pumpWhich provides the forced movement of the fluid.

Driving the pump wastewater

By adding additional cameras, which is also equipped with a hatch for maintenance purposes, the model body "Leader n" is longer than 0.4 m septic "Leader" (+)

The problem of the connection may be encountered if the sewage is present on the ground floor or basement, and possibility gravity drainage waste not, there is a pipe coming out of the house too low to the ground (less than half a meter from the surface).

In this case it is necessary to equip the so-called sanitary sewer pumping station before the septic tank - a separate well equipped fecal pumps. SPS is optional.

Driving with KNS connection

Domestic waste water of a building first enter the intermediate container (CND), and then forced way (using fecal pump) are sent to the VOC "Leader" (+)

Connection installation and sanitation require a professional approach, so the advice or supervision of representatives of the company that performed the installation supervision, can not hurt.

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absorption well

To recycle the purified clarified water and extracted from the waste stream during the processing, the system uses a simple dirt afterpurification

Drive for purified water

Elapsed processing in septic tank effluent can be accumulated in the storage capacitance to be used hereinafter for the care area and watering plants

waste water disposal system in the ground

If there is no need for the accumulation of water technical category, and the area is enough space for the organization horizontal ground aftertreatment system, constructed leach field or set group Infiltrator

Reset peperabotannoy water gutter

The simplest and most economical option of recycling waste water - its output into the gutter which drains will forward to the central urban sewage treatment facilities

absorption well

absorption well

Drive for purified water

Drive for purified water

waste water disposal system in the ground

waste water disposal system in the ground

Reset peperabotannoy water gutter

Reset peperabotannoy water gutter

Advantages and disadvantages of brand structures "Leader"

One of the advantages possessed by the devices of the brand leader, concerns regarding the location of the construction of a house. Due to absence of odor and quiet operation, a septic tank equipment can be placed on the minimum allowable distance - 5 m (SNIP).

It should be noted and other standards, e.g., to the nearest borehole - 25-30 m with cohesionless sand (gravel, detrital) soils in the presence of 45-50 m connected, i.e. argillaceous rocks (loam, sandy loam).

Residents of the cottages, not the first time users of septic tanks, noted benefits such as:

  • High-efficiency purification of sewage - a plurality of chambers capable of clean processing liquid is 95%;
  • the ability to work without dietary supplements that are recommended to add in a septic tank experts of some companies;
  • stable operation even at long intervals regular feed effluent, which does not require preservation;
  • lightweight portability outages - when a force majeure system is able to operate normally for 2 weeks without changing the properties of purified water;
  • the possibility of using one of the drainage circuits with orientation to the reservoir type or the presence of facilities for discharge of purified liquid;
  • compact construction, enabling economical to distribute the free territory of the site;
  • possibility of installing in or on clayey ground portion with high groundwater without specifically provided concrete base (a stable concrete slab at the bottom of the pit - a condition of septic tanks mounted at competitors).

The manufacturer recommends to select the construction so that the useful volume of the device was about 3 times greater than the daily amount of sewage. Many consider it a disadvantage, in fact, such a ratio makes it easy to maintain and clean volley discharges the liquid by at least 95%.

Septic neck Naroscheny

Expandability necks also relates to advantages. It is necessary for the penetration of a septic tank below the normal level. This need arises in the northern regions with deep freezing ground

Another plus, you may find buying a purification system Leader directly from the manufacturer. No extra charge or cost of the equipment that belongs to the middle price segment, is much lower.

One of the disadvantages considered poor functioning of the installation at low temperatures and the need for additional heat insulation, however, the problem concerns any VOCs.

Some users report a bad smell, but it appears most likely due to incorrect installation or untimely removal of sediment or silt. In the opinion it can be seen that the advantages of septic Leader outweigh its disadvantages.

Recommendations for installation and maintenance

Pit for the installation of better dig into the side of the road to prevent the septic tank from accidental collision. The body is a single tank, so that even a small breakage or seal failure can lead to complete replacement device.

Installation of a septic tank in the summer

Installation must be done during the warm season, because the air temperature at the time of insertion of the device in operation should be at least + 12 ° C, and the water temperature, which is poured into the housing before working - not below + 15 ° C

In addition to the basic rules of the installation of a septic tank in the pit, you need to know a few more nuances of engineering:

  • for outdoor sewerage necessary to use plastic pipes with Ø 100-110 mm;
  • bias supply line - 0.02 m per meter of length;
  • bias discharge pipe - 0.05 m per meter (should not be too long);
  • the base of the pit is filled with sand or sand and gravel and compacted thoroughly (mixing concrete or concrete slab installation not necessary);
  • the fluid inside the enclosure should reach a level weirs;
  • Warm hatches, intended for maintenance, must be kept in a closed form.

Several comments focused on the compressor installation. It must be in the winter in a heated room (basement, utility room), for ease of maintenance - about the output of sewage holes. To operate the device, the power point.

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Step 1: The rules of selection of septic Leader

For autonomous device septic sewage gain based on the total volume ratio for the influx of day 3: 1

Step 2: Development of equipment for excavation

Development of septic pit for faster and easier to carry out the mechanized way, but in order to save valid and manual labor

Step 3: The geological conditions for installation

With regard to the geological conditions for the installation of a septic tank leader there are no restrictions at all. Station may be immersed in clayey soil, and a mirror at a high ground water

Step 4: Liner Communications

By wastewater streams fed station and connect communications: sewer and electric lines for technical equipment

Step 5: Stacking trench with communications

The trench is filled with paved communications clean river or quarry sand to a height of 0.5 m from the top face of the tube. The remaining space is filled with soil previously rolled away

Step 6: Mount the supports for the container

If the bottom of the pit does not suit a concrete slab, is attached to the container supports, providing installation Horizontal

Step 7: Installation of a septic tank excavation and landfilling

Septic tank installed on leveled and tamped bottom of the pit and fill it with sand. Backfilling performed in layers, to 30 cm, which accurately ram

Step 8: sewer manhole

External sewage branch necessarily equipped with manhole for maintenance. If longer length of sewer tracks 25m, establish additional

Step 1: The rules of selection of septic Leader

Step 1: The rules of selection of septic Leader

Step 2: Development of equipment for excavation

Step 2: Development of equipment for excavation

Step 3: The geological conditions for installation

Step 3: The geological conditions for installation

Step 4: Liner Communications

Step 4: Liner Communications

Step 5: Stacking trench with communications

Step 5: Stacking trench with communications

Step 6: Mount the supports for the container

Step 6: Mount the supports for the container

Step 7: Installation of a septic tank excavation and landfilling

Step 7: Installation of a septic tank excavation and landfilling

Step 8: sewer manhole

Step 8: sewer manhole

When a precipitate recess procedure, the compressor should be disconnected.

During operation of the septic tank watch over the compliance of the performance to the nominal value. If it exceeds declared by 20%, you should think about installing a more powerful replacement. When using biological station should be revised range detergents: in their composition should not include petroleum or chloro.

The main part of the owner of the septic tank service "Leader" can produce on their own. Once in three years, will have to replenish the lime filling in the aeration tank 2, with the same frequency will have to clean the wall of the housing and weirs.

Annually polymer should be washed Ershov load, and the surplus activated sludge air lift pump via the first compartment (receiving chamber). Yl removed the accumulation, roughly every 3-6 months. Once a year for the export of accumulated sediment will need help scavengers.

If you plan to seasonal operation of the sewage treatment plant of the brand leader, it will be necessary in the winter to make conservation. What it is, you learn from our recommended paper.

Actual cost of septic tanks and the price of the service

set the price, which includes a housing and the necessary equipment, if purchased in different regions is different. For example, in February 2017 the "Leader of a 0.4" worth 76 thousand in Moscow. rub., the same model in St. Petersburg 5 thousand. rub. more - 81 thousand. rub. The cost of modification to the pump even higher.

Price list with Moscow prices:

For comparison - the prices in St. Petersburg:

The cost of the CND:

To save, better to buy from an authorized dealer, not an intermediary.

In addition to the purchase of a septic tank, you can use the services of consultants. For example, the consultation on the subject with the preparation of the estimates and the connection scheme will cost 1 thousand. rub. (On weekends - 2 thousand. rub.).

You can order and installation of the station - it will be about 30% of the purchase price (without excavation - 20%). Package annual service - 12 thousand. rub.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Several videozarisovok will give you an idea of ​​the look and function of biological treatment station.

Video # 1: How does the installation:

Video # 2. Roller, giving an idea about the quality of sewage treatment:

Video # 3. Quality control of cleaning in the cold winter:

As you can see, septic "Leader" has worthy technical characteristics for efficient use autonomous conditions. To effluent quality satisfies the stated performance, we recommend to operate the installation according to instructions.

Tell us about your own experience in the construction of an independent sewage treatment plants with the brand leader or a similar setting. It is possible that you have information that could be helpful to visitors. Please write comments, ask questions, and share your photos in a downstream block form.

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