Full description and description of the cucumber variety Elegant

It is difficult to find someone who is indifferent to cucumbers. Of course, the most delicious this vegetable will be, if it is grown on its own and personally pulled from the garden. But which variety to choose in order to get the minimum of worries and maximum enjoyment when using it? Variety of cucumbers Elegant fully meets these criteria.


  • Brief description and characteristics of cucumber Elegant
  • positive and negative features of varieties
  • Prepare seedbed for planting
  • main landing rules, care and storage

Brief description and characteristics of cucumber Elegant

Feedback from our readers, elegant gained cucumbers sort themselves well-deserved credibility. It is grown, as a rule, in open ground, where it is naturally pollinated by insects.

Cultivation in greenhouse conditions is associated with artificial pollination of the plant.

Elegant in characterization refers to the early-season , which endurely endures the vicissitudes of domestic weather in the spring months.

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With proper care, already 6–9 weeks after planting, the plant will form 4–5 side branches, and makes it possible to harvest the first crop. The fruits according to the description have a beautiful ellipsoidal shape, and reach the length of 13 cm , weighing up to 140 grams .

Pulp of ripe cucumbers does not have voids, and contains a minimum of substances that add bitterness. The fruit has a delicate taste and persistent cucumber aroma.

Exquisite fruit length about 13 cm, weight up to 120 grams

Positive and negative features of the variety

The advantages of this variety are:

  • resistance to major diseases , high resistance to plant parasites;
  • variety is adapted to short-term temperature reductions, is cold-resistant culture;
  • has a decent aesthetic appearance and high taste qualities;
  • by the end of May, the beginning of June, will delight lovers of their own fresh vegetables, on average 50 days after planting seeds in open ground;
  • helps in pollination of other varieties, acts as a catalyst for cross-pollination;
  • acceptable yield up to 7 kg per square meter of bed ;
  • is perfectly suited for preparing fresh salads, but does not lose its qualities when canning.

The disadvantages include an excessive number of male inflorescences, a somewhat rough skin of the fruit, which is very noticeable when used fresh.

The agrotechnology is also complicated when grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse.
Grade graceful pretty difficult to grow in a greenhouse

Prepare seedbed for planting

Site preparation and soil for planting cucumbers Sleek not original requirements, however, to get a decent
harvest is recommended to observe a number of rules of soil preparation and not forget competent rotation .

  1. Like other varieties, the Elegant is light-requiring and demanding of the moisture content of the soil and air .Beds must be formed on the non-shaded, non-windy areas. For more efficient development of the plant, avoid areas of low relief: in the lowlands accumulates cold, which oppresses them.
  2. The most favorable soil for planting are loam and sandy, well-fertilized soils with neutral or slightly increased acidity.
  3. Like many other varieties. The elegant responds well to the organic application of , so the use of organic fertilizers will have a beneficial effect on crop yields.
  4. In accordance with the rules of crop rotation, cucumbers will feel great in places where onions, cabbage, tomatoes, and potatoes used to be fruitful. It is highly undesirable to plant cucumbers after crops belonging to the pumpkin family: watermelons, melons, zucchini and squash.
  5. Manure on cucumber beds is better to make in the fall. Turning into humus, it becomes an easily accessible battery for this culture, having a root system located in the upper layers of the earth.
  6. Before sowing, in the spring, every square meter of a bed is desirable to fertilize 4 kg of humus or compost. At the same time, it is advisable to use the ash as a full-fledged substitute for fertilizers of the potash group, at the rate of 200 grams per square meter of area. If necessary, in the early spring ammonium nitrate and superphosphate of 15 and 40 grams per square meter are applied to the soil, respectively.
  7. To reduce the acidity of the soil, it should be Lime .In this case, we must not forget that the liming should not be accompanied by the introduction of manure, since the reaction between these compounds leads to a decrease in the content of nitrogen components. If anti-acid measures are carried out in the fall, fertilization is done in spring.
If the soil is sour, then before planting a cucumber. Graceful soil needs to be limeed.

Basic rules for planting, care and storage

To do this, select the planting method - with seeds or seedlings, and observe the following rules:

  • for planting cucumber seeds A graceful optimal temperature for heating the top layer of the mail is 15-18 degrees ;
  • , the land in the planting holes is loosened along with the nutrient composition, consisting of peat, humus, mineral fertilizers and sand, plentifully watered with warm water;
  • seeds are dipped into the prepared soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm , then the bed is mulched and covered with garden film.
To obtain greater productivity and reduce risks, you can use the seedling method of sowing.

Seedlings are planted in open ground, when the plant has 3-5 leaflets and the average temperature is 20 degrees .When planting seedlings should be used landing containers: cucumber painful dive transfers. We do not disregard the process of hardening of young plants.

Grade Cucumber Seeds Graceful

Grade Grade Cultivation is standard, does not require agrotechnical delights. And it consists in:

  • intermittent watering of plants with warm water and loosening the topsoil;
  • watering every decade is accompanied by the addition of top dressing;
  • bush of 5-6 lashes is formed by pinching the main stem between the third and fourth leaflets;In the summertime,
  • uses for irrigation to irrigate , which favorably affects the photosynthesis process;
  • This grade of is not susceptible to the main diseases of , but for greater safety, it is advisable to carry out preventive spraying every two to three weeks.
Cucumbers of a variety graceful are harvested as they mature

Collect ready-made fruits as they ripen, when acquiring sizes typical for this variety. You should not wait for the yellowing of cucumbers: the rind of the fruits torn off with a delay becomes coarse, the cucumber loses its taste and commodity qualities.

The best place for storing fresh cucumbers is the lower shelf of the refrigerator or cellar, in these places they retain their freshness and nutritional properties for a long time.

Do not use sealed packaging for storage: the lack of fresh air contributes to the development of mustard green stuff and rapid loss of quality.

The benefits of the Cucumber Grade are obvious. We hope that our recommendations will positively affect the yield.

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