The climatic conditions of some regions and the adverse environmental background adversely affect the development of cucumbers. As a result of external factors, there is a low germination of seeds, a shortening of the fruiting period, a decrease in the taste of the fruit. For these reasons, and to obtain an early harvest, gardeners grow crops in greenhouse conditions. To increase the yield of cucumbers from one square meter can be carried out by planting plants in the greenhouse.17-days-olds.
Table of Contents
- How many crops can be harvested from 1 meter square growing on the shelves;at home
- In a cardboard box
- In a wet fabric
How much harvest can you collect from 1 meter square growing on beds
Tepary conditions for the plants are most suitable: creating a desired temperature and high humidity. Cucumbers react to both factors very positively, as a result of which it is easy to harvest a good crop. In addition, there are many advantages of this method of cultivation:
- the ability to enrich the soil composition with nutrients or completely replace it;
- to limit the access of precipitation to the bed;
- reduce the risk of plant infection;
- early harvest and prolonged fruiting;
- control irrigation( the amount of fluid and its temperature);
- competent introduction of dressings.
It is necessary to prepare the greenhouse for planting in the fall. The surfaces of the structure are washed out and treated with lime mortar for the purpose of disinfection. The soil is fertilized and covered with a thick layer of mulch. In the spring, after cleaning the soil and walls, the soil is enriched with organic matter( manure, humus).
The disembarkation is carried out in rows, so that it is more convenient to make a garter of lashes on the trellis. 3 bushes are planted on a square meter. The interval between rows is at least 50 cm, so that it was convenient to move along the beds.
Productivity is more dependent on the selected variety and type of greenhouse. The following varieties are among the most prolific varieties:
- Tumi - up to 11 kg from a bush;
- Amur F1 - from 30 to 50 kg per m2;
- Herman F1 - up to 25 kg per m2;
- Prestige F1 - up to 28 kg per m2;
- Ekol F1 - up to 9 kg from a bush.

Proper storage methods for fresh cucumbers
Growing a good crop is half the battle. It is important to keep it for fresh consumption and preservation. There are many proven and new technologies that can be adopted. How much can you store cucumbers depends on storage conditions.
Storage conditions in the refrigerator
In order for cucumbers to retain their marketable appearance and taste longer, it is recommended to use the refrigerator. Knowledge of some rules and techniques will allow you to enjoy the aroma and freshness of green stuff from 3 days to a month and to increase the shelf life.
Vegetables Station
For about 3 days, the fruits do not change their qualities if they are placed in a tray for vegetables. At the same time to conduct special training is not necessary.
In an
plastic bag For up to 10 days, the fruit remains usable when packed in a plastic bag and covered with wet gauze. Keep the packaging open for air circulation.
paper towelsIf you wrap each green leaf with a paper towel and put it in a plastic bag without closing it from the top, the shelf life is increased to 2 weeks.
In a tray with water
The cucumbers will remain dense and fresh for up to 3-4 weeks when stored in a tray with water. To do this, liquid is collected in the container by 1-2 cm. All fruits are placed into it vertically with the tails down. The tray itself is placed in the vegetable compartment. Water needs to be changed every 2-3 days.
In egg white
Extend the shelf life of cucumbers to 1 month by using egg white. This will require the preparation of the fruit - wash and dry with a paper towel. While vegetables are dried in a natural way, you need to separate the white from the yolk and whisk it a little. Then each cucumber need to dip and dry on the grid. The resulting protein film prevents evaporation of moisture, with the result that green stuff is stored for a long time( at least a month) in the vegetable tray of the refrigerator.

How to keep cucumber at home
Enough methods for storing cucumbers in the room.
In a cardboard box
A cardboard box or a wooden box provides the shortest time( 2-3 days).The harvest is laid out neatly in a container and placed in a room with a temperature regime of at least 10-15 °.
A little longer to preserve the fruit will be when the mode is lowered to 6-8 ° - up to 10 days.
In a wet fabric
For about a week, greens are fresh when wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a cool room with a temperature of 6-7 °. Where it is important not to allow the fabric to dry so as not to disturb the moisture regime.
Regardless of the method used, it is necessary to inspect the vegetables every 3 days and remove the damaged specimens.

The main mistakes when storing crops
The home method of storing cucumbers has its own nuances. What kind of methods they did not invent to increase the shelf life of cucumbers, while allowing for gross errors. Among the most misguided advice are the following.
- Packaging of fruits in cellophane where there is no air access to cucumbers. With such storage, the microenvironment is quickly formed, which leads to the spread of rot.
- Filling a vegetable tray or container with cucumbers and other fresh fruits, vegetables that produce ethylene. The substance provokes biochemical processes that accelerate the ripening of greens.
- It is not allowed to leave container with cucumbers in a lit room. Under the influence of ultraviolet peel changes color, yellowness appears.
- Put the fruits in boxes or boxes only need to dry. If the harvest occurred in the rain, then you need to give time to dry. Wet cucumbers quickly wither and rot.
- Before preparing the fruits for storage, they are kept at room temperature for several days. This is a mistake. Fruits should be prepared as soon as possible and sent to the refrigerator or to the cellar.

It is completely easy to build a greenhouse, the choice of materials allows you to choose the best design option. For residents of regions with a harsh climate to grow any culture is quite problematic, and greenhouse conditions allow for 4-6 months to replenish the diet with fresh vegetables. Proper storage will prolong the period of replenishing the body with vitamins and minerals that cucumber is rich in.