Detailed description and characteristics of the competitor variety cucumber

Undoubtedly, vegetable culture - cucumber won the love of summer residents with its useful qualities and wide application in everyday life. Cucumber variety Competitor is rich in high content of minerals and vitamins, used in salads and for canning. Its characteristics will be given in the further description.

Variety The competitor was bred in 1980 by the Crimean breeders. Early ripening variety pollinated by bees , characterized by high yield. It grows in warm regions. The ripening period of fruits on average up to 50 days from the time of planting seeds.

The root system develops approximately 40-45 days, then the development stops. The stem begins to grow rapidly and releases a mustache, which it clings to the support. The leaves are heart-shaped. Fruits are dark green, knobby and covered with small spikes, cylindrical in shape. Fruit weight 90-125 gr. Length up to 12 cm.

The flowering period begins shortly after germination. On the 14th day, the inflorescences fall off and the ovary forms, ripening in 45-50 days.
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Competitor Variety - the advantages of

cucumber Fruits of the Competitor Cucumber

Cucumber Competitor has the following advantages:

  • is a dietary, low-calorie product( 96-98% moisture);
  • slows down aging due to its salt content;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones;
  • high iodine content improves thyroid, heart muscle, and vascular function;
  • fiber content improves intestinal function and cleansing from cholesterol;
  • potassium relieves puffiness, lowers blood pressure;
  • activates the brain, prevents the development of sclerosis;
  • strengthens the gums, teeth;
  • high yield ;
  • good pollination;
  • 98% seed germination and high endurance seedlings;
  • disease resistance( powdery mildew; bacteriosis);
  • long-term fruiting ;
  • grows equally well in greenhouses and open soil;
  • fruit size from 10 to 12 cm, which is convenient for canning.

Description of deficiencies

The disadvantages of this variety are few, they are expressed by the following features:

  • with a lack of moisture a bitter taste appears;
  • when overriding the skin turns yellow, cracks, loses aroma.

Seed preparation

Seeds are best used 3-5 year old. The longer seeds are sustained, the more female inflorescences will be.

Seeds should be soaked for 15 minutes in saline:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 30-35 grams.

Unsuitable, empty seeds that have risen to the surface, collect and discard. The rest is well washed with running water and disinfected, soaked for 24 hours in a weak solution of manganese.
Before planting seeds into the soil it is recommended to germinate. To do this, lay out the seeds in a container and cover with a damp cloth. The fabric is constantly moistened so as not to dry out. When the seeds give a sprout, not more than ½ the size of seeds, they must be planted in the ground. Long-term germination is not allowed, as there will be difficulties with engraftment. Germination is carried out after May 20. Seeds germinate 7-10 days .

Before planting seedlings in the soil must be hardened.

Seedlings are planted in prepared soil in early June. It is recommended to initially plant it under the film. The most optimal temperature is + 20-25 degrees. Soil temperature is not lower than 15 degrees. The soil should be wet, but not wet. High temperature, more than 35 degrees reduces the growth of seedlings. In this case, you need to do the shading.
To seedlings should be planted in rows with a distance of 40-45 cm from each other and at least 40 cm should be between the rows.

Soil preparation for cucumber

The ground for cucumbers should be prepared from the autumn .Cucumbers will grow well in the garden, where tomatoes, onions or potatoes were previously grown. Organic fertilizers are introduced into the soil - cow dung or chicken manure from the calculation: 13-15 kg of manure per 1 sq. M.meter. In the spring they dig up the bed and loosen it, after which they make mineral fertilizers - phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. Fertilizers should be applied three weeks before transplanting.

Planting seedlings

Planting seedlings in soil

To plant seedlings in open ground should be 21-30 days after planting. Two days before planting it in open ground, the seedlings must be fed. To do this, prepare the solution in the following ratio:

  • water - 10 liters;
  • urea - 15 grams;
  • superphosphate - 40 grams;
  • potassium - 10 grams.

Solution consumption - 10 liters per 2 sq. M.meters.

Growing seedlings, planting in open ground

The best way to grow cucumbers on the trellis.

This protects against powdery mildew damage from pests, simplifies maintenance, increases yields, and prolongs the period of fruiting. Harvest easier and more convenient.
Installing a trellis:

  1. Digging trellis poles. The distance between the rows is 70 cm.
  2. Tension the cucumber net or wire of 3-5 rows to a height of 1.5-1.8 meters.
  3. Plant the seedlings in the prepared soil, which will have 4 leaves each. Land on 1 square.meter no more than 15 pcs.
  4. As the stem grows, it is necessary to tie it up to the trellis.

    When landing, a vertical support is provided.

. Care and watering.

. Grade. The main thing is not to overdo it. Excessive watering can be caused by infection with a fungus. Watering cucumbers should be from a watering can, or using a drip irrigation system, moistening the soil around. Prevent soil leaching from stalks to prevent root rot. Water should be warm.
Watering is better in the evening, as moisture is retained in the soil. When watering in the morning there is a large evaporation, and moisture will not be enough. Watering should be done every other day. A low amount of moisture slows growth, as the root system of cucumber does not produce moisture on its own. During the flowering period, it is necessary to feed the fermented solution of cow dung or chicken manure.

Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride

To increase the ability to pollinate, spray cucumbers with a solution:

  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 100 grams;
  • Boric acid - 2 grams.

During the fruiting period, watering frequency should be increased. An insufficient amount of moisture during this period will lead to the bitterness of the fruit.

It is necessary to loosen the soil between irrigations in order to prevent the formation of a crust that prevents the penetration of oxygen.

Types of diseases and prevention of

Mealy dew

Among the most common diseases of cucumber:

  • Mealy dew;
  • Angular spotting( bacteriosis);
  • Cladosporiosis.

For the prevention of these diseases, seedlings should be treated with Bordeaux liquid .The treatment should be carried out if there are 2-4 sheets in the seedlings in the morning or in the evening to prevent leaf burns.
Variety The competitor has become very popular among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness, ease of cultivation and care, resistance to diseases. Observing the simple rules of care, you get a rich harvest.

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