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planting grouse and care in the open field does not require special skills, so each grower can cope with this task. It is enough to know the characteristics of these plants, as well as to provide the most favorable conditions for their growth.
Ryabchik and their varieties
Ryabchik, or the people of paradise tree, resembles a palm plant. This is a perennial flower with a specific odor that scares away such small animals as mice, moles and shrews. Grouse are considered primrose in the gardens, flowers of many varieties appear already in early spring. The average duration of flowering is 20 days. Planting hazel grouses in the open ground is carried out in the autumn, the care of flowers is similar to the care of lilies.
Perennial species:
- Hazel grouse. This variety is the most popular among gardeners, due to its bright color and unpretentiousness. Plant height reaches 30-35 cm, the flowers are rich purple in color with a checkerboard pattern.
- Hazel Grouse. Royal variety, which is considered the brightest representative. Plant height can reach 1 m. Bright red-orange flowers are much larger in diameter than other representatives of this flower.
- Grouse Russian. The presented variety is currently listed in the red book. Plant height not more than 40 cm, bright flowers of chocolate color. In its natural environment, hazel grouse is found in the mountains or on the steppe plain.
- Persian Grouse. It grows exclusively in warm regions. Plant height can reach 1.2 m. Up to 30 purple flowers can be located on the stem.
Planting flowers
Many gardeners are wondering when it is preferable to plant grouse in open ground. It is believed that the most favorable time for planting flowers is the beginning of autumn. When choosing a place, it is necessary to remember that plants like sunlight, a penumbral place will be acceptable only for some species. The depth for each flower is individual, it should be 3 times the size of the bulb.
Planting hazel grouses in the open field and caring for them in the suburbs differs from caring for plants in the south of our country in terms of the depth of planting bulbs and watering volumes. This is due to the difference in climate, in the winter season in the Moscow region there can be severe frosts, and in summer a large amount of precipitation can fall. Therefore, it is not necessary to rely on all the recommendations, without taking into account the local climate conditions. Charcoal is acceptable for drying the soil and as a fertilizer.
Planting hazel grouses in spring in open ground is permissible only for late-flowering plants. Planting is as follows:
- Preparation of the flower hole, which will not be too wet. Often in the hole add coarse sand, which helps to get rid of excess moisture.
- The bulbs of the plants must be pre-dried.
- The onions are neatly placed in the prepared soil sideways, even minor damage can lead to rotting.
- The hole is lightly dusted with sand.
Plant care
Planting hazel grouses in the open field does not imply special care. It is important to remember the following care rules that apply to many colors:
- Plant bulbs should be moistened at least 2 times a month, as dry soil is detrimental to flowers.
- After flowering, often this time falls on July, it is required to completely cut off the part of the plant located on the surface of the earth.
- Plant nutrition is carried out twice a season.
In a snowless winter, the plant must be additionally covered to prevent bulbs from freezing. For this perfect spruce or reed.
Planting grouse and caring for them in open ground during flowering periods suggest fertilizing with fertilizer. Flowering plants should be fed with complex fertilizer in a dry form, combining it with humus. The resulting mass is sufficient to scatter around the perimeter of the site and only after that pour water.
In the cold period, it is important to add minerals such as potassium and superphosphate to the usual fertilizer. Fertilizer is carried out in the usual way.
These plants require special hydration, and in case of improper care, bulb rot can begin. To eliminate this disease, one should carefully dig the plant out of the soil and treat rotted bulbs with a weak manganese solution. After this procedure it is necessary to completely dry the plant and only then plant them again in the ground.
Special care is needed for emperor hazel grouse in open field. Often for a long time the plant does not bloom, the problem may be in insufficient depth in the soil, which leads to freezing of the bulbs.