What kind of care does Cordilina need at home?

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In the interior, a false palm tree with beautiful leaves is common. Here is a photo of Cordilina, home care for her is simple. The main condition of a tropical resident is keeping warm. The bare trunk of the plant is obtained by gradually dropping off the aging leaves. Cordilina grows slowly and in room conditions can stretch to the ceiling over the years. However, if the stem is cut off, the tip takes root and can again become a fluffy short flower.

Proper care for Cordilina at home

In nature, there are more than 20 varieties of Cordilina. Since they grow, albeit in the tropics, but on different continents, each of the species has special requirements in the content. However, the original appearance of a false palm tree is worth it in order to be allocated a place in the apartment. The result of proper care at home for Cordilina will be a photo of a beautiful flower.

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In order to obtain such an instance, you will need to create the necessary conditions for the development of the flower. In cultivation using several varieties. Most often, the most unpretentious - Cordilina Upper and Kiwi.

It is necessary to place a flower indoors, guided by the principle - the darker the foliage of a flower, the less light it needs. However, within reasonable limits, choosing between the north, east and west window. In winter, the Cordilin plant, regardless of the variety, fits the southern window:

  1. We should not forget, the main enemy of the tropical plant is drafts, it should be protected from cold blowing, airing the room. Usually, opening the window, the plant is carried out to another room. The first sign of adverse conditions will be yellowing of the leaves.
  2. Like other tropical plants, Cordilina, when taking care of home, requires soft, warm water without chlorine and hardness salts for irrigation. Weekly in the summer in the water should be added fertilizer for ornamental plants. The earth clod should not dry out, but it is not necessary to flood the plant either. Poor drainage will lead to decay of the stem at the base. It is optimum to water in the summer when the earth dries from above, and in the winter to wet a lump, without allowing full drying. The lower the temperature in the room, the less Cordilina flower needs watering.
  3. Creating the desired microclimate depends on the total humidity in the room. If the central heating batteries work and the air in the apartment is dry, wetting the leaf blades is good. But it is with warm content. In the summer, spraying is carried out daily, which will save from the introduction of a spider mite.
  4. Temperature in the care of Cordilina has differences in winter content. Varieties of subtropical origin must be kept in cool conditions at 5-10 degrees. Therefore, they can be cultivated in the southern regions during the landscaping of the territory. Of the indoor species, only the Cordilin Benx requires wintering. General requirements - in the summer of 22-26 C, in the winter of 18-21.Sudden temperature drops for a false palm are not allowed.
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If you follow the simple rules of home care for Cordilina, she will give flowering, as in the photo.

Possible problems in the maintenance of a flower

If the content of a flower does not correspond to its physiology, it loses its beauty. However, the situation is easy to fix, just look at the leaves, and they will give a signal:

  • the tips and edges of the leaves turn brown - dry air, not enough water, drafts;
  • appeared brown spots on the leaves - small watering;
  • curl and become soft leaves - the plant is cold;
  • leaves turn yellow - dry air, not enough nitrogen in the soil.
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Yellowing and dropping of the lower leaves is a normal natural process. Cordilina does not need shading from the sun, but if the leaves are with water droplets, they may remain stains from sunburn.

When caring for Cordilina, you must carefully inspect the aboveground part in order to notice the pests in time.

Transplantation and reproduction of cordidin

A powerful plant quickly depletes the earth, so the annual transplant of young plants is required. Later this procedure is carried out in a year. At the same time, reproduction by root offspring takes place, which are easily separated and take root well in a new pot. For breeding Cordilina, you can use the side shoots on the trunks or even cut off the top, which is rooted in water or sand and peat mixture. Growing a false palm from seeds is a longer process and is not used at home.

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The soil for a plant is required to be composed of fertile greenhouse soil with the addition of peat and sand for friability. Adding crumbs of charcoal and vermiculite will not interfere. The earth must be nourishing and breathable.

Separated from the mother bush, the roots are first rooted in a mixture of sterilized sand or perlite with peat in equal proportions. You can get roots in the water, later planting the stalk in a light substrate.

If the trunk of the palm tree is stretched upwards, it can be landed by cutting off the top of the head and rooting it in the water. Get a new squat bush. The remaining stem in the pot can produce side shoots. New roots in the heat are formed within a month and the plant is ready for planting in a permanent place.

Cordilina Care Tips - Video

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