The choice of a persistent and prolific breed of poultry is an important issue for many poultry farmers. It doesn’t matter if it is a large or small farm, the main thing is for the breed to respond to the host’s requests.
Many people want chickens not only to be excellent, but to be fat enough to be bred for meat. The Adler silver breed of chickens is a rare case when both problems are solved when choosing a single breed.
As you can easily guess from the name, the Adler breed was obtained by specialists from Adler.
The bird has the excellent taste of , it has a good weight gain, while no egg-laying rates fall. Breeders spent more than 10 years at work, the year of birth of the breed - 1965th.
Table of contents
- Description and photos of the breed
- Characteristics of layers: productivity, egg production
- Breeding
- Feeding chickens
- How to feed an adult bird?
- Pros and cons of Adler silver chickens
- Reviews
Description and photos of the breed
The bird has a beautiful silver color, the edging of the wing is dark. These are neat, commensurately developed hens, having a normal-sized neck, pretty copper-colored eyes, a comb that is proportional to the body, and a rather bright yellow leg.
The head is decorated with a yellow beak, red lobes. The tail is not too big, rounded. Chickens smaller, more elegant. In general, as acknowledged by many owners of household farms, breed is very pleasant, pretty.
Reason for rejecting: too long tail, large comb, too long and thin neck.
Temperament - calm. The bird is friendly, not aggressive. Many farmers note the docile nature of the bird of this breed, which is a big plus for the poultry farmer.
Can be bred both in industrial farms and in household plots, although they are more popular with farmers who have not the most large-scale production.
Characteristics of laying hens: productivity, egg production
Adler layers are valued for their high productivity: more than 180 eggs per year( up to 250). At the same time, a large egg, up to 60 g, is light brown. The hen begins to rush at the age of six months. It happens that this happens earlier, which is highly undesirable.
In addition to egg production, another positive feature is quick weight gain. They can be grown as broilers.
- One-year-old layer weight - 2.5 kg.
- The weight of a one-year-old rooster is up to 4 kg.
- Consumption of feed 120 g per day.
- Norm per day: 45 g of wheat and 35 g of barley.
Breeding is a bit of a challenge: the fact is that Adler hens are usually.devoid instinct nasizhivaniya. You may need an incubator.
To create the necessary conditions, the floor of the chicken coop must be lined with a special litter. Adler chickens require sand-ash baths, you need to take care in advance so that they have such an opportunity.
Do not forget that this breed can be characterized by early egg production. Your task is to avoid this so that there is no early loss of the layers. To do this, use the output of young animals in early May or artificially reduced daylight hours.
It is very important to provide the bird with good feed. They feed chickens and adult hens in different ways.
Feeding Chickens
Boiled eggs are given to chickens in the first days of life, then greens and grated vegetables are introduced. Food should be given often, the first decade - every two hours. Subsequently - 7 times a day.
As soon as the babies reach the age of 4 weeks, the food is rebuilt: we feed them 3-4 times a day, we give grain( ground millet and barley), we put a plate with gravel and sand, where we add lime additives.
How to feed an adult bird?
Remember the rules: feed the chickens 3-4 times a day( at regular intervals).
Dry food predominates in the diet. It is given in the morning and in the evening. In the afternoon, chickens should be offered vitamin supplements and wet mash. Winter feeding: try to do so, so that wet food does not get cold .Vegetable supplements are needed: greens, potatoes, pumpkin, etc.
Adler breed needs vitamins and minerals: they need to be provided with bone meal, chalk, shell rock, and makusha.
Adler chicken is extremely disease resistant. If you provide your bird with quality nutrition, you can be sure of its good health. If an infection came to the compound, then we treat the chicken coop in the usual way.
Advantage and disadvantages of Adler silver chickens
The main advantage of Adler chicken is its ability to adapt to the harsh climate.
Adult chickens are also notable for their stamina. In addition, the chickens are unpretentious, uncaptitious, fighting very rarely. Another plus is the unique age of egg production( up to 4 years).Birds of this breed quickly get used to the new owner, and cockerels are particularly gallant.
Disadvantages - reduced incubation instinct, as well as the need for good lighting.
Many farmers give Adler chicken positive descriptions and the most flattering characteristics. Farmers praise for high productivity, adaptability, and excellent immunity.
Real reviews can be read on many agricultural forums, including here:
poultry forum
forum Merry Compound
Thus, we can note that the Adler breed is excellent, productive hens that have tasty meat and excellent viabilityand endurance. Wonderful bird for any farmstead!