I select seed crops for planting from good productive bushes, with large, even tubers two weeks before the main harvest. There are two main methods of processing potatoes - gardening and germination. I spend the first right after selection for seeds. The second before landing - in the spring. But even between these basic operations, seed tubers need special care during storage. There are also other methods of processing potatoes before planting.
- soil. At the same time, the parent tuber plays the role of an insurance fund in the water supply of a potato plant in the first periods of its growth, when a weak, not yet developed root system cannot provide the plant with moisture during daytime hours. At night, the potato( this distinguishes it from other crops) is able to consume water from the air with the help of leaves.
Gardening can also be carried out in the spring, simultaneously with germination. Sprouting before planting is a highly efficient agrotechnical technique that accelerates the emergence of shoots, contributes to the rapid development of plants and the formation of the crop.
↑ to content ↑Germination
The tubers prepared for planting are laid out in a thin layer in boxes of 10-12 kg and put for 5-7 days in a warm( 18-20 ° C) room for the awakening of the kidneys. Then transfer them to a light cool( 10-12 ° C) place. At this temperature, germination of sprouts slows down, daylight prevents their stretching, while there is an intensive planting of tubers. Every 7-10 days they are carefully tedded for better coverage. At the same time, the sick and the weak are rejected, which are clearly visible when gardening and germinating.
содерж to content ↑Disinfecting
tubers Before planting, treat seed with a solution of potassium permanganate to prevent diseases. Convenient, quick processing to do in a galvanized trough. A box with germinated tubers immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate( 1 g per bucket of water) and incubated for 30-40 minutes. You can use a solution of copper sulphate with zinc sulfate( 10 g each for a bucket of water) or boric acid( 50 g for a bucket).
Please note: to dissolve copper sulfate, use only wooden, glass, enameled ware. Do not use galvanized or metal. If there is no suitable container, you can use a hole in the ground with a size somewhat larger than standard boxes lined with oilcloth or plastic wrap.
Potatoes are dusted with wood ash right after bathing, which adheres well to wet tubers. You can pour ash directly into the wells. Wood ash is known to contain potassium, which regulates the water regime of growing plants. If the level of potassium decreases in the leaves, the plant fades faster, the formation of tubers slows down, and, consequently, the yield decreases, as well as the keeping quality, they quickly darken.
Potassium in wood ash is easily soluble, and from the ash left in the rain and snow, there will be little benefit. It is stored in a place inaccessible to moisture.
содерж to content ↑Planting potatoes -
technology I plant potatoes in grooves 5-8 cm deep. Such a small embedding depth contributes to the rapid rooting and germination of tubers in a well-warmed layer of earth. Later varieties can be planted somewhat deeper.
In order to enrich the soil with nitrogen, in the same place, I sow leguminous crops( peas, beans, beans) that can absorb free nitrogen from the air. After planting with a hoe, I close up the rows, immediately forming a ridge with a height of 7-10 cm. Ridges in the form of crests during a cold, damp spring warm up and ventilate better. And with heavy rains, shallow tubers prevent them from getting wet.
содерж to the contents ↑Care
Care such. After 5-7 days after planting, or after the rain, I spend the harrowing of the ridges with a rake, destroying thread-like seedlings of weeds. At the same time, soil aeration is improved. A week later, I repeat the operation. Until the potatoes sprout, it is done quickly and efficiently.
In rainy, damp weather, along with weeding, I continue to increase ridges. When dry, hot weather leave them as is. In my opinion, landing in the grooves has several advantages over the square-socket method. First, less effort is expended on earthing - the ground is heated only from two sides - no need to spin around each bush. Secondly, when watering the space between the rows is easily filled with water.
содерж to content ↑Fertilizer
for fertilizers besides wood ash, I prefer bird droppings. I bring it in advance to the area intended for planting potatoes. In addition, I spend in the spring root feeding bird droppings. Poured between the beds, it also contributes to weed control, which “burns” when in contact with it, and ridges piled on furrows prevent fertilizer contact with seedlings. After raining or watering the aisle with poured bird droppings, I “dip it” deeply, mixing it well with the ground.
↑ to content ↑When planting potatoes
Potatoes are planted when the soil temperature reaches 7-8 ° C, at lower temperatures, the sprouts develop at the expense of the mother plant, without forming roots. Sometimes for better soil heating, black paper, film, roofing material are used: the earth, heated under such materials, cools more slowly at night, this contributes to the formation of roots.
By adhering to the planting of these simple care activities, you can get a very early harvest, and by the time of a massive gathering a significant increase.
It should be remembered that good seeds are a prerequisite for a good harvest.
Germinated, stratified potatoes sprout faster, bloom faster, ripen faster. Large tubers intended for planting should be cut 10 or more days before planting. The resulting cut surface of the cut does not rot in the ground, and a fresh cut is an excellent medium for the development of rot.
Landscaping for seed tubers is useful because the resulting solanine is an antiseptic substance.
Of the main nutrients, potatoes consume the most potassium.
For manure of the potato field, manure can be used rotted. Fresh manure causes a strong development of microorganisms, which themselves absorb a significant part of ammonia nitrogen not only of the manure itself, but also of the soil, which often leads to a lack of nitrogen.
The direction of planted rows has a significant effect on yield. Rows planted in the north-south, north-west or southeast directions, are evenly illuminated by the sun throughout the day than, for example, the rows of the west-east direction, therefore, increase productivity, starchiness. Potato plants require a lot of moisture, especially from the beginning of flowering, when there is a period of intensive growth of tubers.
Crop rotation plays a significant role in the final result. Potatoes greatly deplete the soil and, grown on the same field for several years in a row, even when using advanced agronomic techniques will not give tangible results. In addition, such a field from year to year is more infected with fungal, viral diseases, which leads to a shortage of crop. You can not grow potatoes after crops related to solanaceous - pepper, tomato, eggplant.
- Planting potatoes - ways - under cardboard, mulch, double rows