Detailed description and characteristics of potato impala

Every year there are more and more new varieties of potatoes that deserve the attention of gardeners. Since varieties are zoned for certain regions and are well resistant to diseases - among them the variety Impala, the characteristics of which are presented below.


  • Description Dutch varieties
    • Feature
    • Biological features
  • Potato growing Impala
    • Basic requirements for planting materials
    • How to prepare the ground for
    • landing stepwise process of planting
    • Basic requirements for care
    • Features
    • growing yield increasing technology

Description Dutch varieties

potato varietiesImpala
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Indicator Description
Peel Tuber's rind dense and smooth without hornetsEAST.It has a yellowish tinge.
Eyes Smaller and rather rarely superficially arranged.
Pulp Yellow or cream.
Form Most tubers are oval in shape, but they are also round.
Starch The starch content of 12-14% is average.
The average weight of a tuber is 90-150 gr.


Potato bushes Impala are very tall and fairly thick

Impala is an early ripe variety that is suitable for those who cultivate potatoes for sale, also the summer residents of northern regions of Russia are satisfied with the variety. Since, for example, in the Moscow region summer is short and it is necessary that the potatoes grow as quickly as possible. Impala is resistant to various diseases inherent in potatoes .This variety is universal use and has a good adaptation in growing on different soils and climatic conditions.

Impala can grow in both southern and northern regions of Russia.

Biological features

This variety is early ripening, the first crop can be harvested 45 days after the tubers are planted in open ground. Full ripening will be after 70 days .

Root crops of Impala potatoes from one shrub

Yield is stable high. With good and proper care, the bush gives 15-20 pieces tubers of the new crop .All tubers are aligned in size.

Since the variety is early ripening, in the Krasnodar Territory it is possible to harvest two crops per summer.

Cultivation of Impala potatoes

When purchasing this variety, many are wondering how to cultivate correctly in order to get an increased yield from one weave.

Basic requirements for planting material

Seed potatoes Impala

First of all, planting material must have a healthy appearance. The tubers should not be rot, late blight or other diseases. Tuber should be no more than a diameter of 5 cm .If in the planting material there are larger tubers, they should be divided so that each part has a chunky sprout and part of the pulp of the tuber.

Split potatoes are dried for 4 days before planting.

How to prepare the soil for planting

Since the soil is almost irrelevant, the variety grows on any land, but the harvest will differ on different types of soil. Therefore, in order to harvest above the average, preparation of the place where the tubers will be planted is required. For this variety, crop rotation is very important and will be the necessary predecessors:

  • Beans;
  • Maize;
  • Different varieties of cabbage.
For planting Impala potatoes, areas previously used for growing legumes, winter crops and perennial herbs are preferred.

In the fall, the land is fertilized with a large amount of nitrogenous fertilizers. is also recommended to add ash , which serves as potash fertilizer and antiseptic, in spring.

It is necessary to enrich the land so that it gives an increased yield.

Step-by-Step Planting Process

First of all, you need to plant tubers according to all the rulesdecomposed and increased soil fertility.

Planting scheme for Impala
  1. potatoes In the spring, when the ground warms up well, digs up holes with a depth of no more than 8 cm .according to the scheme 35x80 cm. 200 grams are added to each well.ash and put tuber sprouts up.
  2. A comb with a height of 10 cm of the 10 cm
is tucked over the tubers laid out in this way with the help of the chopper.
  • As soon as the first seedlings of the potato appear, it is up to to hilling the rows of planted potatoes.
  • With warm and heated soil, the first shoots will seem after 14 days.

    Basic Care Requirements

    Basic requirements are reduced to watering, loosening and fertilizing. It is worth noting that it is watered only in the absence of rain in the region. Watering is carried out three times per season. :

    1. One month after planting.
    2. At the time of flowering.
    3. 2 weeks after flowering.
    It is rarely recommended to carry out irrigation measures of the Impala variety, but to make them as abundant as possible.

    The next day after each watering is to be fertilized. After the first irrigation, nitrogenous, after the second potash-phosphorus, after the third complex mineral fertilizers .

    Loosening and weeding are carried out simultaneously after each rain or watering.

    It is necessary to fertilize potatoes only after irrigation, so that fertilizers do not damage the potato tubers.

    Cultivation features of

    Considering the extensive experience of cultivating this potato variety, , you can find some features that help to significantly increase the yield per hectare of :

    • It should preferably be treated with before planting; it should be warm, loose and nutritious with a little humidity;
    • Planting to produce at a temperature in the range of + 18-25 degrees, and flowering will be favorable at a temperature of + 17-20 degrees;
    Each bush Varietal Impala has about five stems
    • In the absence of rain to hold watering.
    It is imperative to monitor the planting of potatoes, and not to allow growth to take its course, and then a consistently high yield is guaranteed.

    YDD technology

    To get a big crop, first of all you need to have a healthy potato. Once every five years is to change the planting material. New can be obtained by growing planting material from the seeds of potatoes, but it is much easier to simply buy ready-made in a specialized store.

    To get not one, but two harvests of potatoes, you need to harvest first in cloudy weather, pick tubers, and then plant the potato bush again

    Follow the rules of crop rotation, not planting potatoes after the nightshade. The earth must be nutritious and loose. When embedding the tubers into the ground, observe the rules of planting without saving on the area of ​​planting. If you remove flowers during flowering, this will increase the yield of tubers in one bush on 25% .Timely feeding will lead to higher yields.

    All of these guidelines should be followed to obtain an increased potato yield.

    The Impala potato variety can be grown commercially for , as some regions can get two large harvests, and this will help to saturate the domestic market with lots of tasty potatoes.

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