The remote control does not work from the TV: how to repair with your own hands

The remote control does not work from the TV: how to repair with your own hands


Today, many household appliances are remotely controlled. If the remote is broken from the TV, audio equipment or from the air conditioner, we experience terrible discomfort. But do not get upset, because many troubles can be eliminated, well, in extreme cases, buy a new console.


  • 1No response to button presses
  • 2Some buttons are pressed and working, and some do not work
  • 3The most popular buttons do not work

No response to button presses

In many respects repair, or rather, its complexity depends on the type of failure. Sometimes it's enough to clean the console of dirt with your own hands, and in some cases you need something to solder.

A very common situation is when you press the buttons of the remote, and nothing happens: the TV does not work, the channels do not switch, the sound does not change. That is, the TV does not react to manipulation with the remote control, there is no communication between them. This can happen if:

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  1. the batteries have completely sat down;
  2. the panel repeatedly fell to the floor.

With the first situation everything is clear - you need to install a new battery, and this will be completed repair. The device can even be repaired by a child.

In the second case, the situation is more complicated. Most likely, communications in some places of soldering on the circuit have broken. If the batteries are all right, there is one simple way to test the remote before you disassemble it.

  • Turn on your mobile phone camera.
  • Point the remote at the camera as if you were taking pictures of it, and press any button on the remote control.
  • If the signal from the console goes, but on the mobile screen you will see a glowing thick point.

If there is no signal, the control panel will have to be disassembled, the board will be examined and a full repair will be performed. It should be disassembled carefully, so as not to scratch and break the case, and it's not always easy. First they take out the batteries and inspect the niche for them. In the presence of cogs, they are unscrewed, if the console is snapped, then gently opened with a thin screwdriver or a hard plastic card, inserting it into the slot between the top and bottom.


To get a good look at the board and see the malfunction, you can use a magnifying glass. Repairs by one's own hands can be made by someone who knows how to handle a soldering iron. Most often, the LED falls off, the contact areas of the batteries go off or the quartz resonator is damaged.


Shake the board and listen. If you hear a rustle, the quartz resonator is cracked inside and it will have to be replaced. He looks like a small soldered box. Its cost in the radio market is low.

Some buttons are pressed and working, and some do not work

It happens that the remote control is very dirty, the juice has been spilled on it, or the room has simply increased humidity and oil condensation has formed inside. In this situation, repair by one's own hands is not too difficult.

  • The panel must be disassembled, and the board wiped, removing the plaque from it. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  • Similarly, wipe the contact pad keys on the rubber part, at the same time, the body, so it was nice to take in hand. Do not rub hard to avoid damaging the contacts.

There are reviews that, after alcohol, the remote does not work at all. Chinese flimsy analogs can really break down. If you are afraid of such a turn of affairs, then you can use ordinary water and dishwashing detergent. Make a soapy solution, dip a soft sponge into it and wipe all the details. Then rinse under a gentle stream of water, pat dry with a soft cloth and leave to dry.

Separately, it is necessary to clean the spring contact. If there is a lot of soiling, you can use a sandpaper or rub it with a hard sponge. When all parts dry, they are collected together. As a result, you have repaired your own hands with your own hands.

The most popular buttons do not work


Some buttons in old consoles are simply erased from frequent use. And to be more precise, conductive dusting is erased, and the remote control does not work when you press the worn-out keys. In this case, the old remote can also be repaired. And it's not difficult to do it yourself.

Open the console and take the rubber part. On the back of the buttons you need to paste a thin foil, for example, from a chocolate on one side of which paper, and on the other - a metal foil. To stick it it is necessary silicone glue, or glue of the "moment" type.


There is a conductive adhesive, which provides a more reliable contact, but it costs much more.

Sets with glue and buttons with spraying are also sold. They are specifically designed to repair the pu. In place of old, worn down to the bottom of the buttons you just need to paste new ones.

Finally, the broken or lost remote should be replaced. Buy a universal remote control device in the store and use it for health. If you want, you can find a remote that is completely analogous to yours, then it will not even have to be specially tuned.

You will be interested in: how to clean the remote from the TV, repairing TVs with your own hands

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