Cleaning the well with your hands: the best methods to clean the well at the cottage

Any exploited tank needs cleaning. And well, fills the surface water is no exception. But even knowing the need for the regular conduct of the procedure, not all owners are willing to to lay out large sums of money for professional services.

Some perform the cleaning yourself - work is quite time-consuming and is associated with certain risks. However, adhering to the procedures and in compliance with safety regulations, it is realistic to return to its former purity of the source water intake without the involvement of professionals.

We will tell you the reasons most often occurs vessel blockage, we describe how to carry out preventive and comprehensive cleaning of the well with their hands, and give maintenance tips water intake point.

The content of the article:

  • When it's time to clean the well?
  • The causes of pollution
    • Poor facilities closing cover
    • Wrong gate made by meltwater
    • Rupture suture compounds
    • The offset design of the rings
  • wells purification technology
    • Preventive manual method
    • Cleaning the drain means
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
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When it's time to clean the well?

Done right, well able to last for decades. Even solidly the equipped facility eventually becomes soiled.

Deciduous dropped by foreign objects can become a cause of biological processes. A metal impurities can degrade and does her condition, making potentially dangerous to human health.

That needs to be cleaned well in the country, will show a number of features:

  1. Water has acquired an unpleasant odor and strange taste.
  2. Kolodeznaya water changed colorIn its structure began to meet threadlike fibers.
  3. On the walls of the structures formed clay plaque.
  4. Fell dynamic and static water level.

Drinking water quality is recommended to check each year. The procedure to perform better in the offseason. check and analysis of the water from the well the concentration of impurities in it and the substances bought in specialized laboratories SES.

Signs of deterioration of water quality

Yellow shade indicates a high concentration of iron, green color indicates to the active propagation of algae and brown-black indicates the presence of organic matter decomposition products

The causes of pollution

One of the main causes of water pollution in the well is the use of irregular structure, with the result that it is simply silting.

Silting mine walls

Sedimentation often occurs if the suburban area nobody lives, and the well are only occasionally

For the same reason, a break in the use of facilities are advised to remove it from the filters and submersible pumps to those ahead of time is not out of order. It is especially important to follow the steps in the winter.

The reason for the deterioration of water quality may also serve several other problems. Let's look at each in detail.

Poor facilities closing cover

Well it must be opened only when the water is extracted from it. At other times, his mouth must be tightly covered with a lid. Otherwise, airborne dust and dirt are bound to fall into the pit, and "to do their dirty work."

Tightly closed - reliable protection

Tightly closed lid protects the contents of the tank and from direct sunlight because ultraviolet light contributes to the rapid growth of algae

Wrong gate made by meltwater

It should be waterproof capital "interlayer" ring around the upper casing oscillator. The thickness of the clay lock must be at least 50-100 cm.

Failure to comply with this condition in the tank will penetrate perched, which together with a garbage bears, waste products and blurry pieces of soil.

Rupture suture compounds

No matter how well were sealed joints in the well, with the annual freezing of the soil in them can be formed cracks.

After bad embedded sutures seep into the mine surface ground water, which are present in the composition of domestic waste and fertilizers. Correct situation can be repaired crack mortar with addition of water glass.

The offset design of the rings

The shift of the structural elements is possible for various reasons, among them - improper installation and environmental factors.

Variants displacement of the Rings:

  1. The bottom of the barrel - arises from the impact of silt. We'll have to tear the place to gloss over the grout
  2. Popping the top rings - it is due to the freezing of the soil. It is necessary to pull the pins subjected to shear ring with thick wire.

To seal large joints better to use "tension" cement grade NC-80 or 87. Material, characterized in a high elasticity is used in the construction of tunnels and underground metro.

Clean well - a source of quality water

On how well will be cleaned properly, it depends largely on the duration of uninterrupted operation of facilities

To completely get rid of dirt and eliminate defects in design, it is necessary to be defined in advance so as to clean the well is better, and if necessary hold the tank repair.

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Pure water in a clean sump

A truly pure, tasty and safe to use well water can only be in pure pit

Rules of maintaining cleanliness in the well

If the flow rate of the water supply corresponds exactly to the needs of the owners, in the construction of the water will not stagnate and blossom

Caring for the well dacha

Not dredged in a timely manner, stagnant water wells in the summer - one of the main reasons for the appearance on the walls of the mold and mildew

In the periodic cleaning of the wells need

Periodically cleaned of impurities is required every diversion structure, regardless of its wear and shaft material

Pure water in a clean sump

Pure water in a clean sump

Rules of maintaining cleanliness in the well

Rules of maintaining cleanliness in the well

Caring for the well dacha

Caring for the well dacha

In the periodic cleaning of the wells need

In the periodic cleaning of the wells need

wells purification technology

Well shaft type unclog the country in two ways: the traditional manual and using the drain pump.

Hand cleaning method pretty simple. It includes two stages: mechanical cleaning and chemical.

mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning involves the removal from the inner walls and the bottom of the water structure mud deposits and slime accumulations

First pumped from the reservoir water. Then, the bottom of the well is lowered ladder on which will move the cleaner during operation. Its task - clean sponge or a brush bottom and the shaft wall by the layer of accumulated dirt and slime.

For wells that are used year-round, such cleaning is recommended every 5-7 years. The intervals between cleaning need only monitor the water quality.

If the analysis shows that the structure is correct, it is not necessary once again to "balamutit water." Wells constructed in suburban areas, the operation of which is seasonal in nature, need to be cleaned once a year.

automated way It is the application of the drain pump, which lifts off the bottom yl and simultaneously purifies water.

Application of the drain pump

The main advantage of the choice of an automated method is the lack of necessary cleaning descent into the mine

Job of cleaning waterworks pump performs. The desired effect is achieved due to discharge produced water circulation unit.

fluid passing through the filter is cleaned, and then a high pressure is discharged back into the mine, which raises from the bottom silt and sends them to the filter side.

Let's look at each of these two methods in detail.

Preventive manual method

The timing of the work

Masters specializing in repair work waterworks, it is recommended to clean the well of the country in late summer. This is due to the fact that a minimum filling debit by the end of summer, the water balance of groundwater sources.

Absolutely can not devastate the mine during the spring flood. Liquefied water saturated ground, in which after emptying the tank ceases to exert pressure barrel water simply can rush back into the mine.

Tools for mine clearing

Due to the fact that the water in this period, the well is at its lowest level, cleaning the well and can perform on their own, without involving professionals for this purpose

If the well is operated only in the summer, preventive cleaning should be done more often.

Since the "cleaning" action is very time-consuming and unsafe at work is important to observe safety precautions. In this case, without a reliable insurance can not do.

Work to perform better in the daytime. For its production should bring a pair of helpers. One master will work in the mine, the other two - to insure at the surface.

Please note that at the level of penetration less than three meters there is a lack of oxygen. Therefore, the task of assistants that are on the surface - to monitor the well-being of cleaning and, if necessary, joint efforts to remove it from the shaft.

Protective clothing for cleaning

To carry out cleaning is better to put on a special "outfit": rubber boots, a suit of thick water-repellent fabric, protective helmet

Cleaner must wear a safety belt, to which in the future will be fixed rope. Prior to immersion in well bore should ensure that no hazardous gases on the tank bottom.

To do so, first lowered on a rope in a mine bucket with a lit candle in it. If everything is in order, and gas in the mine is not - candle will continue to burn.

Preparation of necessary materials

To carry out mechanical cleaning is required:

  • stairs;
  • support rods;
  • lifeline;
  • playground on the ropes;
  • Wooden swing for the descent of man;
  • metal brush;
  • a scraper or hoe;
  • spatula or trowel;
  • felt or fur roller.
  • bucket.

All safety equipment, including retaining straps and locking mechanism can be rented. Of the materials necessary to prepare disinfectant compositions and concrete mortar.

Stairs on which the cleaner is to operate, it is desirable to equip the support platform. It will help to distribute the load over a large area, minimizing the risk of "sinking".

Options mine drainage

Drain shaft either manually or with a pump. Manually scooping bucket effective only if the source fills slowly and has a small depth. However, while you pull the filled bucket and pour it off-site, the same amount of water has time to re-gain the reservoir.

Drain submersible pump

To simplify his task and accelerate pumping water drain pump, use a submersible type or surface execution

The units come in two types:

  • Submersible - are placed in the water and run near the bottom of the mine. It works effectively both in pure and in contaminated water.
  • surface - pumps installed outside the well, but only the suction hose drops to the bottom. Such pumps are capable of pumping water from mines, depth of not more than 8-10 meters.

If the well is located on the quicksand, it can not be completely devastate. This can lead to the fact that the floaters will move, as part of the design of rainwater thereby quickly silted up.

Pumped from the reservoir water should be given a sufficient distance. Otherwise, after a short time it is leaked through the soil would again within the shaft walls.

Owners of wells, installed in clay soils, noted that such pumping helps to restore and even increase the flow of water.

Under pressure, resulting from the variable lowering and raising of the water column, not only reveals the old clogged capillaries, but new ones appear.

Processing and bottom walls

Cleaning the walls of the well is scraping plaque from the inner surface of the concrete rings. The upper half or two meters of the mine easier to clean off the ground, and downstream areas - installed on the bottom of the ladder well.

Processing tank walls

In order to prevent structural damage to the walls, better clean with a soft brush, metal or thick foam sponge

After completion of the cleaning of walls operate bottom cleaning filter. He usually made with three ingredients: crushed stone, gravel and sand. This combination of different materials allows the structure to ensure maximum quality of water filtration.

To replace the natural filter bucket scooped the old gravel and sand. The upper layers is recommended to completely remove and replace them with fresh gravel. The thickness of the filter layer mound should be at least 40 cm.

Progress of the work shown in the photo-report:

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The first sign of well contamination

Muddy brown water - the main indicator to conduct cleaning water intake

Contamination of well trunk

Will signal the need to perform cleaning rust and sticky coating on the walls of the manhole

Dredging silty clayey sand

If the well shaft is recessed in the silty water-saturated sand, the so-called quicksand, it will have to be cleaned more often

Device for cleaning

To scoop yl and dirt out of the mine, using a special lifting device

Unit with a rope to lift the bucket

On two boards mounted unit with a wound on his rope, which is attached to the bucket

Lifting sludge and dirt from the well

One of the workers collects yl and dirt into the bucket, raises it to the second surface

Removing the bottom of the filter for flushing

The bottom filter should be raised upward to perform disinfection and flushing

Removal of sediment from the bottom of the well

All deposits from the bottom of the well must be collected and removed, so that they do not create conditions for the accumulation of new

The first sign of well contamination

The first sign of well contamination

Contamination of well trunk

Contamination of well trunk

Dredging silty clayey sand

Dredging silty clayey sand

Device for cleaning

Device for cleaning

Unit with a rope to lift the bucket

Unit with a rope to lift the bucket

Lifting sludge and dirt from the well

Lifting sludge and dirt from the well

Removing the bottom of the filter for flushing

Removing the bottom of the filter for flushing

Removal of sediment from the bottom of the well

Removal of sediment from the bottom of the well

Sealing and strengthening joints

The cleaned surface should be examined carefully. It is well to be visible all the flaws.

Strengthen the damaged joints easiest, smeared them a concrete solution, which consists of water-repellent impregnation. They will provide a watertight structure.

The application of concrete mortar

Liquid concrete mortar is applied onto the working surface with a spatula, carefully closing up all chips and cracks

For filling large cracks masters recommend to use special types of compositions "Penekrit" or "Penetron"Forming with them gidroplomby.

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Crumbling joints in the well

During the operation of the well, built of concrete rings, welds between weathered and destroyed

Exposing the joint between rings

The exposed joints of concrete rings passed domestic waste water and floodwaters, contaminating ground water

Destruction of edges and edge w / w ring

Over time, lost the strength of concrete, crumble the edges are broken chamfer

Repair after cleaning the well

Particularly acute appeared during operation after cleaning defects occur walls. Upon completion of cleaning should be repaired shaft

Prepare well for repair

Before applying the repair mortars problem areas of embroider, chipped debris was removed from the well shaft

Treatment of joints repair pastes

On the destroyed joints and similar defects freshly applied repair mortar and gently leveled by hand or with a spatula

Sealing of the well walls shaft

To consolidate the results and extend the service life of the well wall must be sealed

The sealed joint between the w / w rings

The coated wells sealant wall more resistant to water and salts

Crumbling joints in the well

Crumbling joints in the well

Exposing the joint between rings

Exposing the joint between rings

Destruction of edges and edge w / w ring

Destruction of edges and edge w / w ring

Repair after cleaning the well

Repair after cleaning the well

Prepare well for repair

Prepare well for repair

Treatment of joints repair pastes

Treatment of joints repair pastes

Sealing of the well walls shaft

Sealing of the well walls shaft

The sealed joint between the w / w rings

The sealed joint between the w / w rings

"Impregnation" chemical composition

After performing the cleaning the bottom and walls of the well, disinfect the tank. To this end wall structures coated with 10% bleach solution. Excellent cope with the task, and special types of compositions "Whiteness", Which can be purchased in DIY stores. The remainder of the solution should be spread evenly over the bottom of the shaft.

the walls of the processing can be performed with a solution of potassium permanganate usual.

Impregnation of disinfectant

master task - all the walls are impregnated without omission by covering the surface of the bottom up, for applying the liquid solution is convenient to use a roller or a fur brush broad

Since chlorine vapors hazardous to human health, the chemical treatment should be performed in the goggles and a respirator.

Introduction into operation after cleaning

After completing its mission, establish in its place the pumping equipment. Filter equipment can be cleaned with a strong pressure by washing with water and special means.

At the final stage of waiting for a natural filling the well with water and leave it for two / three days. Then, re-pumped fluid reservoir and refilled, estimating state.

Water should be transparent color, to be deprived of all kinds of impurities and odors. Before you can use the water for its intended purpose, let it settle. This may take a day or two.

Cleaning the drain means

Most cleaning operations in the well shaft can be performed with the use of technology. It is only necessary to organize the circulation of fluid. To clean the bottom of the well shaft set pump equipment. It will pump water to the surface.

The unit is mounted on the stand in a width of 10-12 cm. This is necessary in order to eliminate the delay device yl. Pressure hose assembly is lowered to the bottom of the storage tank installed nearby. For this purpose, you can use an old bath or trehsotlitrovuyu barrel.

To the top of the barrel is mounted blower unit, which is pumped water back into the well.

Purification reservoir drainage process

To create the required density of the jet, which will serve as a scraper unit is equipped with a special gidronasadkoy

Cleaning the wells is performed alternately including both units:

  • drainage pump will release well from the dirty water;
  • pressure pumpGenerating a dense stream will clean the walls and bottom of the tank.

Manipulate gidronasadkoy, removing deposits from the walls of the shaft, it can be both the earth and the stairs. Precipitated during pumping mud removed manually, using for this purpose the nebulizer and the specific chemical compositions.

During the procedures necessary from time to time to raise the pump and clean the filter elements. The procedure is performed as long as the filters will not cease to form deposits.

Thorough cleaning hydraulic structure operate using more powerful pumps with large filters which are able to pass through a contaminated water with inclusions of clay fibers. The procedure is carried out in several stages, to conduct which may take up to 2-3 days.

After completion of the major cleaning to maintain cleanliness in the shaft should be once or twice a year run drainage pump. Frequency of procedure depends on the characteristics of the soil.

Additional information about the selection devices for cleaning of the wells are presented in this article.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

One example of how to clean the dug well on their own, using the drain pump:

Planning to clean the system manually in order to simplify your task masters recommend to use the grader. With such a small ladle equipped with two meshed blade can clean the bottom of the reservoir quickly and efficiently.

How to operate the tool, graphically described in the video:

Regular performance of the well shaft simple cleaning procedures will improve the flow of water and improve its quality characteristics.

Do you have personal experience of cleaning the well? Want to share effective practices or ask questions on the topic? Please leave comments and participate in the discussions - the feedback form located below.

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