Iron with steam generator or steamer: what to choose?

You also do not like to stand at the ironing board? Oh, this is the misfortune of all women! With a huge number of different household helpers, we still use the iron for about three weeks a year. It is better to spend this time for personal care. But even if you like to iron clothes( according to statistics, there are about 9% of such luckies), you still will not object to a new modern device that would facilitate this task. There is a way out: shops offer us a choice of steamer or an iron with a steam generator. But which one is better?

optics oASThe principle of its operation is simple: water boils in a plastic boiler, after which steam naturally rises up the hose. Steamer can be used within 30-45 seconds after switching on.

With it, you can:

  • iron clothes on weight;
  • remove unpleasant odor from the fabric;
  • sanitize soft toys;
  • clean and iron the curtains right on the ledge;
  • wash windows;
  • clean upholstered furniture.
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Still, the steamer will not be able to replace your regular iron: yes, it will iron the clothes well, especially from “naughty” fabrics, but will not be able to give it shape. A pleated skirt, pants with arrows and other things are too tough for him.

Steamer indispensable in the wardrobe, clothing stores, studios, as well as in the rental shops of evening and wedding dresses. It is better to choose it if you have a lot of things with sequins, beads, knitwear, wool or silk.

With it, you can freshen down jacket, coat or other heavy outerwear. Also, this device copes with cleaning: wet hot steam perfectly kills mites and germs.

How the steam generator works

In principle, using the word "steam generator" instead of the phrase "iron with a steam generator" is not quite right, because this device can weigh several tons and not fit into the room. But it so happened that life long names are reduced, and the iron with a steam generator was no exception.

A steam generator is a device from a tank of water, a flexible hose, and an iron. Sometimes, instead of the latter, a brush or a special conical nozzle for removing stains can be worn on the hose. It works a little differently: the water in the tank boils, steam appears, which is strongly ejected into the hose. That is, not in a natural way, as in a steamer, but under pressure. At the same time, steam is not wet, but dry, and its temperature is much higher.

The iron with a steam generator is able to smooth out several layers of fabric at once( housewives will appreciate the speed of ironing bed linen and towels).He will quickly make folds on clothes and easily cope with a mountain of linen.

However, he can’t do the cleaning: he will be able to iron the curtains, but not clean them.

Choose a steam generator is better if:

  • you have to iron a lot of things;
  • you do not like to be at the ironing board for a long time;
  • you have clothes made of delicate fabrics that are not easy to stroke with a regular iron.

The usual iron loses to the device with a steam generator at work speed. In addition, the water tank at the latter can hold up to 3 liters( usually a liter), so you will not have to add water during the operation. By purchasing a steam generator, you can safely put your old iron on the far shelf.

On the other hand, the steam generator is unlikely to be able to replace the steamer: it will not help you during cleaning, as it is not very convenient to carry such a huge device with you. Imagine: in order to iron the curtains on weight, you will have to not only rearrange the steam generator several times, but also place it on a small table, as the hose will not be able to reach everywhere. In addition, the steamer and steam generator have other differences.

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Differences There are several major differences between these two devices:

  1. The steamer produces wet steam with a temperature of 98-99 degrees, and the steam generator is dry with a temperature of 140-160 degrees.
  2. The steam generator supplies pressurized steam, and the steamer uses natural steam movement( as in a kettle).
  3. The steam generator is ready for operation only after 8-10 minutes after switching on, the steamer after just 30-45 seconds.
  4. An iron with a steam generator usually weighs more and costs more than an otparivatel.
  5. The steam generator works in both vertical and horizontal position, and the steamer is only vertical( otherwise water starts to spill out of it).
  6. The steamer is suitable for disinfection and cleaning, and an iron with a steam generator for ironing only.

Obviously, these are completely different devices that you need to use for different purposes. So which one to choose?

What is better to choose

? To make it easier for you to understand which of the devices suits you best, we have created the following table:

Features Steamer Steam Iron
Steam Wet Dry
steam temperature-based factor as well as a factor in the way to set a real-time value for a non-set-one-of-five( -from-a-way( if you want to be, this is how you want to be a real reason to be a good thing that you have to have to be an option that you have to get to be a nice thing that you like that you have to have you to have you to get( you are working like) template that you like this option( if you’ll be like that you like this option that you have to get your help that you’re like your other reason that you are a good thing that is your way of getting one of other of this option( if you need to have your help of this option that you are your your business name that you mean your help of your company that you mean your help of your company that you are using your your personal computer? Celsius
Ready for operation Up to the minute From 8 to 10 minutes
Steam is supplied Naturally( as in an electric kettle) Under pressure( as in a pressure cooker)
Ironing board Not need ASst make clothes form( folds) No Yes
Disinfection Yes Yes
possibility of stroke to weight easy At certain skill
Cleaning dust Yes No
Maneuverability Good Hardly

Choose steamer if:

  • you have a lot of non-standard clothes with decorative inserts;
  • you want to simplify the cleaning of the house;
  • you have your own studio, shop or just need to periodically refresh things, eliminating odors and cleaning dust.

Get an iron with a steam generator if:

  • you want to simplify ironing;
  • disinfection of things is important for you( high temperature and dry steam also perfectly destroy dust mites and germs).

We hope that after this article we will be able to buy exactly the device you need. And let your household chores decrease, freeing up time for more interesting tasks.

Read also: how to choose a steamer for clothes, which is better than an iron or steam generator

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