Colonic apricot - general characteristics and suitable varieties for the Moscow region

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in the territory of Russia, apricots have grown a crop of trimmed coloniform trees

, you can grow this pattern, you can grow your pattern, you can grow a simple patterned varieties of apple-shaped prismatic

.Thanks to the hard work of scientists, in the modern suburban areas of the Moscow region can be found apricot colonic. The fruits of this tree are no different from the usual varieties that are cultivated in the southern regions of Russia. Their juicy flesh, pleasant aroma and standard size evoke a lot of positive emotions. In addition, the tree occupies a small area on the garden, which gives the garden an unusual look. What are these cute fruit handsome? Let's get to know them better.

Coloniform Apricot - External Features

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The name of this fruit plant indicates an unusual tree shape, resembling a slender column. A lot of side branches depart from it, the average length of which is about 20 cm. Depending on the climatic conditions, the tree can grow up to 3 meters, but this is only in the southern regions. Varieties of columnar apricots for the Moscow region grow up to 2 m in height, but this does not prevent them from abundantly bearing fruit.

In the first half of April, pinkish or snow-white inflorescences appear on the plant. A little later, it dresses in foliage oval or heart-shaped. Each of them has a pointed tip, which is typical of this type of fruit trees.

Coloniform apricot fruits in the second half of the hot summer. A lot of juicy fruits, weighing about 20 g, appear on elastic branches. Some giants reach 100 g. They are mostly painted in the following colors:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red-orange.
Read also: Choosing an apricot for the Moscow region - the best varieties of local selection

A bone is “stored” inside the fruit, the core of which is also eaten. Some chefs add it to apricot jam to give it a piquant flavor.

A bud that is on the top of a tree is considered the most vulnerable spot of the plant. If it suffers from frost or for some reason dies, the tree will give vertical sprouts. This leads to a violation of the unique integrity of the plant form.

In order to stimulate fruiting, gardeners regularly prun the apricot. In early spring or late autumn, they remove old branches, as well as shorten young shoots. The maximum length should be no more than 20 cm. If this procedure is not done in time, the tree will lose its original shape. As a result, fruits will be formed only at the base of the side branches. By adhering to this simple rule, one can enjoy an abundance of delicious fruit from an unusual tree every year.

Popular varieties of compact tree

On the territory of central Russia, several cultivars of colony-shaped apricots are cultivated, which tolerate cold winters and yield good yields. Therefore, gardeners consider each of them in the light of such criteria:

  • climatic conditions of the area;
  • growing rules;
  • yield;
  • biological features of a tree;
  • experienced gardeners reviews.
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Thaws are most dangerous for the colonic apricot during the winter period. At this time, the tree begins to awaken, which affects the growth of shoots and bud swelling. But with the return of the cold, they all perish irretrievably. Therefore, in Moscow, summer residents try to grow not only frost-resistant varieties, but also those that are able to withstand winter thaws. Some of them even recover after minor injuries. Consider the most appropriate options for such fruit trees.

"Prince Mart"

In some kennels, the tree is simply called "Prince", but this does not affect its performance. Apricot is valued for its high and stable yields in the Moscow region, the Ural region and even Siberia. This fruit tree can tolerate 30 degrees of frost for a long period and continue to bear fruit abundantly.

Coloniform Apricot "Prince Mart" is a self-fertile plant. Its flowering begins very early, when pollinating insects are not yet particularly active. The fruits have a bright orange color and a delicate velvety surface. On the side facing the sun, a pinkish or crimson hue appears in the form of small specks. The rounded shape of the fetus is slightly elongated, but this does not violate its external symmetry. The maximum weight of apricots is about 60 grams. The juicy and aromatic pulp of bright yellow color is distinguished by a sweet taste with subtle notes of acid.

Since the pulp is wonderfully separated from the stone, such apricots are often used for canning and cooking various types of jam. After heat treatment, the fruits retain the integrity and brightness of the original color.

The peculiarity of the variety is that apricots ripen almost simultaneously at the beginning of August, and during the hot summer, at the end of July. The first fruits appear already at 3 years after planting the tree to a permanent place. It is quite simple to assemble them, as the plant has a compact appearance and an accessible height of 2 meters.

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Another name for the variety - "Zoryany".Its main feature is resistance to various diseases and high frost resistance. It miraculously transfers the air temperature below 30 degrees, so it miraculously takes root in the Moscow region. The maximum weight of a single fruit can reach 100 grams, which gardeners especially like.

Fruiting of the apricot Star "Star" begins 2 years after disembarking on the dacha. The first inflorescences appear on it at the beginning of May, therefore the ovaries are not afraid of spring frosts. In mid-August, the tree bears bright yellow fruit with a sweet “blush” on the sunny side. Under the delicate skin, the golden flesh is hidden, which is not very juicy, but surprisingly aromatic. On average, about 10 kg of fruit are harvested from one adult tree.

Apricots of this variety are ideal for harvesting dried fruits for the winter.

Tree grows no more than 2 meters, which allows you to safely harvest. It does not require special care, except for timely pruning, feeding, as well as regular moisture.

Video about pruning of columnar trees

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