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Any villager wants to grow and collect strong, healthy vegetables, fruits and fruits, but the conditions in the beds are far from ideal. Copper vitriol, whose application in gardening has long proved its effectiveness, is one of the most well-known fungicides that oppose pathogenic fungi.
The experience of using copper sulphate in gardening and gardening is more than a century. During this time, other chemically active compounds appeared, but copper sulfate is in demand today. Thanks to copper, this compound not only protects plants from dangerous diseases, but also has a beneficial effect on the quality of the crop.
Precautions during the application of copper sulfate in horticulture
The thoughtless use of copper sulfate can lead to the accumulation of copper in the fertile layer of soil and water, Burns and damage to tissues of cultivated plants, as well as to undesirable health effects rights.
Therefore it is important to adhere to:
- recommended for sprinkling of trees in the spring dosage of copper sulfate;
- terms of processing of certain garden crops;
- safety in the work with chemicals, that is, use personal protective equipment.
Before working with copper vitriol the grower should take care of the presence of glasses, a respirator or a cotton-gauze dressing, gloves, work clothes and easily cleaned shoes. The solution is prepared in a separate container that does not have contact with food and drinking water.
During the treatment of trees with copper sulfate in the spring or other ways of using the fungicide, ensure that there are no unprotected people and animals close by. To prevent dangerous evaporation of the chemical, it is used at an air temperature below +30 ° C.
Terms of processing the garden with copper sulfate
The effectiveness of treatment with copper compounds depends on following the instructions, choosing the dosage and the correct period of application. When to spray trees with copper sulfate, in spring, in summer or in autumn?
A solution of copper sulfate is an active chemical fluid that has a drying and even burning effect. Spraying it with leaves and young shoots will not only protect against fungi, but also lead to damage to plants. In addition, sulfate copper acts only on spores, without affecting the overgrown mycelium. Therefore, copper sulfate is an excellent prevention and medicine for garden plantations with the appearance of the first signs of defeat.
The drug should be used for prophylaxis. This is facilitated by the processing of the garden with copper sulfate in the early spring, when the leaves on the trees and shrubs have not yet turned around, or in the fall, after they have fallen.
At the same time, the saplings are sprayed with copper sulphate, which helps to get rid of spores of fungi that accumulate in the surface layer of the soil and with wind or drops of water transferred to the plants.
On the green leaves, copper sulphate and preparations based on it are used accurately for treatment and prophylaxis until the spores from affected cultures are scattered to healthy plants.
Methods of using copper sulfate in horticulture
Instructions for the use of copper sulfate in horticulture describes the preparation as a crystalline powder of blue or blue, which, with a long stay in the air, becomes less intense, but returns if copper sulfate dissolves and contacts moisture.
The most widely used means are as follows:
- affordable, effective antiseptic;
- fungicide for the pre-planting preparation of tubers, seeds, treatment of trees and shrubs;
- a preparation for improving the quality of soil with a low concentration of humus and copper deficiency.
On soils with high sand content, on peat bogs and other areas where plants suffer from copper deficiency, the powdered preparation can be applied in the early spring and winter.
Copper vitriol is consumed at the rate of 1 gram per square meter, previously mixed with a small amount of substrate. On cultivated soils, the means, in order to avoid the accumulation of copper, are introduced at intervals of 4-5 years, in parallel, carrying out a crop rotation.
The use of copper sulfate in horticulture in spring is not limited to powder. The soil is decontaminated with a solution in a concentration of 5 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water. This measure helps to save annual crops from fusariosis, various kinds of rot, black leg.
At the height of vegetation, that is, in the middle of summer, if the plants show signs of chlorosis and oppression of growth, the ground beneath them is watered by a weak one, about 1 gram of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water, solution.
High concentration. 100 grams per 10 liters of water, copper sulfate wins the pathogens of moniliosis, scab, klyasterosporiosis, anthracnose and powdery mildew, coccomicosis, wilting and a number of spots. The active liquid perfectly disinfects damaged areas on the trunks of fruit and ornamental crops. In this case, the sphere of application of copper sulfate in horticulture covers:
- stone fruit crops, including plums and cherries, apricots, thorns, cherries and peaches;
- pear and apple;
- fruit bushes, for example, all varieties of currants, raspberries and gooseberries;
- grapevines.
In late autumn, a solution of 50 grams of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water is sprayed with roses. The seedlings are disinfected, once immersing the root system into the liquid. The same procedure, but twice as weak solution, seedlings of garden strawberry and others green plants, and the chemical activity of the liquid is reduced by the addition of additional components.
Before you plant copper sulphate for its use in horticulture, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of funds.
The average consumption for adult trees is 10 liters. On dwarfish, young specimens and tall shrubs required up to 2 liters, and for ordinary shrubs takes a half liter of liquid. During the processing of plants, it is monitored that the solution is not only on the visible parts of the trunks and branches.
How to plant copper sulphate for use in horticulture
The solution of copper sulfate has a limited period of activity, so it is prepared before spraying fruit crops, processing planting material or green plants.
How to plant copper sulphate for spraying trees? The blue powder is dissolved in a small volume of water, and then the liquid, stirring, is brought to the required concentration. The treatment should be started immediately.
The best time for spraying is dry, windless weather with a moderate cloudiness, the plant closes from direct sunlight. It is convenient to carry out treatment in the early morning or evening, after sunset.
Since the action of copper sulfate and preparations on its basis lasts about a week, and to achieve the desired effect should take at least 4 hours. If in the initial period the plants fall under rain or watering, the effect of vitriol will decrease.
With a mass of useful properties of copper sulfate, this agent has a serious drawback - increased acidity. Because of her solution burns green parts of plants, young shoots and roots, so the scope of vitriol is very limited.
Lime helps to neutralize the toxicity of copper sulphate. Such a mixture, dissolved in water, is called Bordeaux liquid, has all the antifungal properties of vitriol and at an average level of toxicity does not cause serious harm to garden crops. Among the diseases given before the Bordeaux liquid, scab, late blight, mildew, anthracnose, rust and cercoporosis.
- Preparation of the lime-based and copper sulfate-based agent for use in gardening chemicals are mixed separately from each other in plastic or glass containers. Metal dishes are not suitable because of the aggressiveness of components!
- In white lime milk, gradually, constantly stirring, pour in a blue liquid.
- Finally, the solution is filtered and used as directed.
For the spring application of the Bordeaux liquid, its concentration may be higher than in summer. Spraying of trees is carried out by a 3-c solution, and for the processing of green bushes of roses, strawberries, perennial flowers and bushes make a sparing one-percent composition.
A little less effective is a liquid based on copper sulfate and soda ash. But such a mixture is easier to make by draining two previously made solutions. Her drops on leaves leave no traces, and for better adhesion to the surface, you can add milk, soap or carpentry glue.
At the disposal of the summer resident there are many ways of applying copper vitriol in horticulture. The main thing is to use this tool correctly, without causing damage to plantations, soil, or people around.