The unique healing properties of willow bark and its contraindications

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Willow bark, which has always been known for its healing properties and contraindications, has been actively recommended by folk medicine. White willow, also known as willow, is a perennial tree( Willow family).Its bark has a characteristic grayish shade, and the crown is distinguished by a spreading hemispherical shape.

When harvesting willow bark?

The bark is most often used for medicinal purposes, and a little less - leaves. For the preparation of bark suitable period of early spring. From it prepare infusions and decoctions for therapeutic and preventive effects on various diseases.

The bark of the willow has many medicinal properties and contraindications; therefore, before using this drug, you should make sure that it is harmless to the body. Raw materials for the treatment of certain diseases are collected from trees that have already reached the age of 6 years.

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Preparation of willow bark has some nuances, which many do not know. It is not necessary to collect medical raw materials from all the trees that you find. This process adversely affects the growth of willow, so it is advisable to do the workpiece in moderate quantities. This will preserve the population of trees in a particular area, and therefore you will always have the opportunity to collect a new batch of therapeutic agent.

Properties and composition of willow bark

The willow bark has healing properties and contraindications that are actively expressed due to the chemical composition of this tree. The bark is saturated with a substance called glycoside salicin. This is a unique in its properties natural component, which was discovered by the German scientist Buchner as early as the beginning of the 19th century.

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A little later, the Italian professors managed to isolate from the substance "sálix" - well-known salicylic acid. It is on this basis that official medicine, the aspirin, already familiar to everyone, appeared in official medicine. However, at the moment salicylic acid is obtained by artificial means, as it is very expensive to extract it from the bark of willow( white willow).

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It is the presence of this substance in the bark that explains the beneficial effects of willow. So, when taking salicin in the form of tinctures or decoctions in the human body begins to produce salicylic acid. Its effect is less harmful than the effects of synthetic aspirin. Studies show that its long-term reception adversely affects the work of the digestive system.

Useful properties of willow bark

Natural salicin is used as:

  1. Anesthetic.
  2. Hemostatic.
  3. Diuretic.
  4. Antipyretic.
  5. Anthelmintic.
  6. Anti-inflammatory agent.

That is why willow bark is recommended for the following health problems:

  • cold;
  • diseases of the bladder, intestines;
  • headaches;
  • stomach disease;
  • internal bleeding;
  • climax.

Methods of application of willow( willow)

The following recipe is recommended for the preparation of therapeutic broth:

  1. One tablespoon of willow bark should be filled with boiling water. To do this, it is desirable to use enamelware.
  2. Next, water with raw materials must be boiled for another half hour using the “water bath” method.
  3. Broth should be strained while still hot.
  4. Next, it is necessary to pour in more boiled water( initial volume).
  5. Means is taken several times a day, one tablespoon for half an hour before meals.

Joint inflammations are also actively treated with salicin. Due to the anti-inflammatory action of willow bark, it is used in the treatment of rheumatism, osteoarthrosis, and gout. Willow is used in folk medicine for diseases such as arrhythmia, diarrhea, jaundice, as well as oral cavity problems.

Like most medicines, it is not recommended to use a willowbark decoction for women bearing the fruit, as well as for children under 16 years old. Individual intolerance to this remedy may also be a contraindication to admission. Before use for medicinal purposes should consult a doctor.

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Video about the healing properties of willow bark

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