Choosing air conditioning in the apartment - what you need to pay attention to?

Air conditioners are one of the most important inventions of mankind - this useful technique allows us on the hottest summer days( and many air conditioners also have an air heating function, which makes it possible to create optimal temperature conditions during the cold season) to feel comfortable and cozy. The modern market is literally replete with a variety of models of climate technology, so the question of how to choose air conditioning in your own house or apartment in our time is very relevant. Our article is designed to answer it, and to make sure that every reader after reading it could make a successful and correct purchase.
- 1 What types of air conditioners for an apartment and a house are
- 1.1 Find out how to find a window for an air conditionerapartments and houses
There are 3 main types of
- window devices,
- split systems,
- mobile.
Let's analyze each air conditioner individually in order to better understand what it is and, in the end, to choose the right model for your housing.
Window Air Conditioner
This is an ordinary monoblock air conditioner, the installation of which is carried out in a window opening or wall. It is distinguished by its low cost - in comparison with the other two types, this is the most economical solution. Deciding to choose a window model for living space, you can save a lot.
Not all such air conditioners can, in addition to cooling, also heat the air, however, if you look carefully, you can find such ones. Power window technology varies in the range of 1.5-5.5 kW( it all depends on the specific model).
Among the disadvantages of this type of climate technology, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the reduction of the space of the window opening due to the placement of the air conditioner in it. This leads to a deterioration in the lighting of the room by sunlight. In addition, the window air conditioner makes a lot of noise, so it's best not to choose it for a quiet room.
However, there are significant advantages, and if you ask the question “How to choose the right air conditioner,” then they may seem to you very meaningful and relevant, and you decide which option is better for a house or apartment not to find:
- High efficiency;
- Very affordable value;
- Multifunctionality and increased cooling capacity;
- Equipment maintenance can be done independently;
- Installation of window devices is not complicated, so it can be done with your own hands.
For residential premises - perhaps the most popular and common form today. It is used not only for apartments and houses, but also for offices.
In contrast to monoblock devices, split-systems consist of two blocks - external and internal. These blocks are connected by special cables and pipes, due to which the refrigerant circulation becomes possible between them. Many people decide to choose the split system, because it boasts a large number of useful functions - air heating, ventilation, etc. It also has the following benefits:
- Silent work( quite an important moment for the room in which people live);
- Can be mounted anywhere;
- Ease of control - this is done using the remote control;
- Saving settings during a power outage;
- High operational safety.
At the same time, wondering which air conditioner would be right and best to choose, you should know the disadvantages of split systems. They should be attributed to the cost, because a high-quality split system will cost not the smallest amount, frankly. In addition, these air conditioners need professional installation, which will cost extra.
Split systems, in turn, are divided into several subspecies - wall, duct, and column( placed on the floor).Premises of large dimensions are usually equipped with column models. Channels have a channel internal unit, and the wall ones are in the greatest demand and are distinguished by comparative cheapness.
Mobile products
Are bought in most cases in small apartments and rooms. It is better to choose such conditioners for modest metric areas. Mobile devices can not be called compact - when compared with their monoblock counterparts, the mobile is more cumbersome. However, their installation is very simple and is carried out without the assistance of specialists - such products are equipped with wheels, with the help of which they are rolled to any place.
The main advantages that encourage buyers to choose this type of air conditioners:
- Installation, as such, is not required at all;
- Remove heat from a room with a special hose to the street;
- Cheap.
For the sake of fairness, it’s worth mentioning the shortcomings. Mobile devices are characterized by a high degree of noise and a small cooling capacity.
How to calculate the required power
An important aspect in the question of how best to choose air conditioning for an apartment or house, is the correct calculation of power. This should be paid a lot of attention, because if you buy an insufficiently powerful model, it will not be able to effectively cope with the tasks assigned to it. The air conditioner will be subjected to wear and tear operation, which will significantly shorten its service life. While the model with excess capacity for a particular room will need to be often turned on and off, which also adversely affect the duration of the operating period.
The following instructions will help you to carry out the correct calculation of power by area of the room and its other characteristics:
- Every 8-10 square meters of space require 1000 W of power. Calculate how much is needed in your case.
- Add another 20-30 percent to the resulting number if direct sunlight enters the room for at least half a day.
- Electronics generates heat when working, so this moment also needs to be taken into account. Plus to the available figure the heat released by the equipment is about 30 percent of the power consumed by each device.
- The heat emanating from people cannot be ignored either. Each person who often or always is in the room is 100 watts.
Now that you have calculated the required power in W, it needs to be “converted” to BTU.The fact is that air conditioning is an invention of American experts, and the inch system of measures is used there, and the power of climate technology is traditionally measured in BTU .1 BTU is 0.2931 W( 1 W - 3.412 BTU ).Transfer power from watts to BTU .
This table will help you better understand the issue. Approximately the following values are used:
The power ofPremium air conditioners are the most expensive devices, but at the same time the highest quality. In the event of unforeseen situations, they are turned off, thereby maintaining performance for many years. This is achieved through reliable protection systems. In addition, this technique is technically well equipped. Premium class is mainly represented by products of high-tech Japanese companies. In particular, it is Mitsubishi and Daikin . Many consumers make the choice of air conditioning for their own apartment in favor of middle-class products. These are European and Japanese manufacturers, such as Toshiba , Panasonic , etc. These devices are of good quality, but they are louder in comparison with the premium segment and have a simpler, and therefore less reliable security system. Their service life is also significantly less. The cost, of course, is lower than that of elite air conditioners.
The budget class is the cheapest, but the quality here is appropriate. And there is a significant variation in the quality of air conditioners in this class, which is not in the 2 segments listed above. These include Korean and Chinese products( LG , Samsung ).In such air conditioners there is no protection system against improper use, they are equipped with a minimum number of control sensors( this means that they can function in a narrower temperature range, and when they go beyond its limits, the technician is doomed to malfunction and failure).As for the noise of work, in this criterion, budget class products are slightly inferior to average products.
The possibilities and functions of air conditioners
In terms of the number of functions available, the air conditioners of all three classes are about the same. Virtually all modern devices, whatever class they belong to, have standard functions - air heating and purification, cooling, the ability to control with the help of a remote control, ventilation. This is the main functionality, but models are also being produced that can boast additional functions:
- Air drying - if it is important for you to periodically reduce the humidity in the room, after all, it may also be necessary in certain situations, then you should choose an air conditioner with this mode. When activated, the temperature in the room practically does not change.
- Air flow direction adjustment - with the help of movable louvers air can be directed in any direction. It is very convenient and eliminates the likelihood of drafts. The cold air, thanks to this function, can be directed not at the people present in the residential building, but under the ceiling, and then it will itself be evenly dispersed throughout the living space. Exactly the opposite with the warm - it is advisable to send it down.
- Multistage air purification - allows you to more effectively and more deeply solve the problem of air filtration. Air conditioners with this function will be most welcome in areas where more thorough cleaning is needed.
- Night mode - the activation of this mode ensures a smooth decrease in temperature by a couple of degrees within a few hours and the subsequent shutdown of the device. The air conditioner works quietly, without disturbing the sleep of the residents.
- Timer - allows you to set the on and off time of the air conditioner.
Such functions as air ionization and oxygen saturation are not rare.
In pursuit of a consumer, manufacturers constantly improve and supplement their products with various functions, but not always the benefit or tangible effect of them corresponds to the price tag.