be reanimated? He conquers the scent of flowers, brilliant green leaves and the ability to create from it a bush, tree or bonsai at home. In the closed contour of greenhouses, apartments, offices grow flower myrtle ordinary. It is believed that this paradise tree, rooted on the ground. Than I conquered the myrtle of room gardeners
In the Mediterranean, myrtle is a tree up to 4 meters high. All parts of it are healing, not for nothing that the name translates as balm. The common myrtle has retained its beneficial properties. Only growth has become lower, more than a meter in height in room conditions does not rise. But the obedient branches can be sent according to the designer's idea, and even grow a small grove of trees on a tray. Myrtle ordinary flower, look at the photo compositions it can be infinite.
It will take many years, jewelry work will be required before the master makes such a miracle from the bush. This is art. But a simple fragrant bush myrtle is not easy to grow. In Germany, every girl used to take care of her tree from the very young age. When she got married, the flower became a talisman of a young family. The more beautiful the bride had the myrtle, the more family happiness was prophesied to this family. Subtext could be such an understanding. If a girl has found an approach to a flower, she will also understand her husband, tame her, and there will be happiness in the family.
Myrtle is known as a cult plant not only in ancient Greece. It is a symbol of marital fidelity, peace and tranquility in the house and now. Wedding wreaths of Vervish myrtle and roses symbolize the loyalty of the spouses.
Myrtle brings home health. Sheets of culture emit a pleasant smell, the flowers are fragrant. Scientists have determined that a small bush destroys up to 80% of microbes flying in the air. The smell of a flower has a calming effect on all inhabitants of a room - it pacifies!
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For colds, inhalations with vapor with leaves of myrtle are useful. And when the plant blooms with white and pink flowers, it is impossible to look away from him. Dried his berries - spice.
Myrtle ordinary, taking care of him at home
Creating conditions under which the plant thrives, sharing a home with a person is not easy. And myrtle is a special plant. It requires love and care more than other residents of the windowsill.
The main task for the development of the flower is the ability to provide him with a cold wintering. In the conditions of a city apartment with central heating there is hardly a bright corner with a temperature of about 10 degrees. Save the situation can a closed loggia or balcony, where in winter you can keep the plant myrtle ordinary.
Let's start with the fact that we bought a flower in a store, grown in far Holland. Beautiful tree conquered its bright foliage, healthy look.
But it took a little time, and it became clear that the leaves begin to dry out and fall off. And although there are many of them, the bush is still fluffy, but the urgent need to look at what happened to the roots made me carefully remove it from the container. There, among the tangle of tangled roots, there was almost no land. An incomprehensible composition, similar to household rubbish and granules of some substance, probably, fertilizer, which the plant feeds on. It is necessary to transplant myrtle, it is common practice for all purchased flowers, transplanted after a two-week quarantine.
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Care for myrtle ordinary includes the following actions:
- transplant;
- pruning;
- lighting;
- content temperature;
- mode of watering, wetting the leaves, fertilizer;
- troubleshooting.
Transplantation of plants is carried out in a pot with a good drainage hole. The pot is taken more than the one in which the plant is settled. The roots are freed from the substrate and sown in the new land of the desired composition. The barrel does not bury. Create a drainage layer of at least 5 cm. The soil consists of half of the sod land, the second half represents equal shares of peat, sand and humus. In the future, flower transplantation should be done by transshipment, if the myrtle does not dry out and the roots are healthy.
Pruning or nipping growing crown is necessary so that the branches do not stretch out and the plant is compact. After spring pruning, the plant quickly releases young leaves and begins to bloom.
Cut off tops can be rooted to get young myrtle. The cuttings are germinated in water, then placed in a light soil under the hood until new leaves are started.
The room where the myrtle is contained should be bright, with good air exchange. The direct rays of the sun will dry the foliage and it will begin to fall off. In summer, the plant loves to be outdoors. In winter, the room should also be bright, cool, with high humidity.
Watering the plant should be moderate, but often, so that the earth is constantly wet, but not wet. Water should not contain chlorine and hardness salts. It is better if it is filtered in a jug with carbon cartridges. Regular spraying with a moss pan will help keep the desired moisture around the myrtle.
Myrth ordinary should not be allocated a place in the bedroom. Its essential oils are stimulating, and restful sleep will be disturbed. For the same reason, do not use myrtle drugs at night.
Twice a month during the period of warm maintenance, since March, it is necessary to do fertilizer irrigation with universal fertilizers. If a green tree is grown or bonsai is formed, fertilizers are taken for ornamental houseplants. For a flowering bush you need to take a different composition, with a predominance of phosphate salt.
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Is it possible to reanimate the dying plant
As soon as the drying, falling leaves become noticeable, you need to arm yourself with a magnifying glass. Perhaps a spider mite wound up on your flower. The first sign will be the yellowing of individual leaves. It can settle if the leaves are rarely moistened, and in the room dry air. If the yellowing of the leaves is massive, then the reason may be in the overflow and rotting of the roots.
In the presence of live twigs, the plant must be revived. First, revise the roots, remove all damaged ones. Sprinkle the slices with crushed coal, then with Kornevin. Ground part of the free from the leaves, perform a deep pruning. Leave only live twigs. Land for landing take light so that it does not hold water. Frequent watering should be done with Kornevin micro doses. And wait, maybe the plant will come to life. It is better not to bring the flower to such a state.
The content of myrtle of the ordinary house - video