Instructions for use of growth stimulator hb 101

The drug hb 101 is a universal stimulator of immunity and plant development for use in agriculture. Producers define it as a vitalizer - “life-carrying”.Vitalizer is based on natural components that are safe for the environment. Let's talk about the instructions for use below.

Table of Contents, storage, security measures

  • Vitalizer HB-101 Reviews
  • Manufacturer and release form of the stimulator hb 101

    Vitalizer HB-101( hb-101) created by Japanese scientists. Used in crop production since 1982. It is imported from Japan more than 50 countries, including Russia( since 2006).

    Two forms are marketed:

    • liquid extract( volumes: 6, 50, 100, 500 ml and 1 liter);
    • granules( packaging 10 g, 300 g, 1 kg).

    Each form( dry and liquid) is an independent drug. The granules do not prepare a solution, they are only suitable for application to the soil surface.

    Composition and mechanism of action of the drug

    Vitalizer is not a product of chemical synthesis.

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    This is a multicomponent extract( concentrated extract) from vegetable raw materials: plantain leaves, foliage and cypress bark, pine and cedar bark and needles. The extract contains various organic substances and mineral elements.

    Bottle with liquid preparation hb-101

    The liquid version has a water base and includes available compounds of nitrogen, sodium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, iron. Active silicon is especially important: it helps plants to better absorb nutrients, activates the mechanism of protection from the weather, diseases and pests. Other important components of the vitalizer are organic compounds with high biological activity: terpenes, saponins, etc. The concentrate is dissolved in water and applied by watering or spraying.

    The granulated form of the vitalizer additionally contains oxides of many macro- and microelements. The solid base is a zeolite, a special silicate( 76% silica).This is a kind of "sponge", charged with useful substances, which gradually pass into the soil within six months. Pellets scatter on the ground( without embedment) and work in the surface layer of the soil.

    Complex has an impact in several directions. Biologically active ingredients act at the micro level - on the plant cell membranes. It improves nutrition, respiration and photosynthesis. Resistance to various pathogens and weather stresses increases. Entering into the soil activates the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms.

    Existing analogues

    The composition of the Japanese vitalalizer is unique, and its full doublers do not exist. A series of preparations based on coniferous extracts( with triterpene acids) have a similar impact mechanism: the Russian( Siberian) Silk and its updated version of Novosil, as well as the Belarusian Ecosil.

    Special active acids isolated from Echinacea plant materials are contained in the immunomodulator Zircon( from the Russian company NEST).Active silicon is presented in anti-stress fertilizer Siliplant( from NEST).

    Packaging of the drug hb-101 in granules
    All these drugs are not hormonal and act gently( at the recommended dosages).

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    fertilizer Advantages:

    • impact on all crops;
    • the ability to make at any stage of plant development;
    • independence of the region, microclimate, soil;
    • cost effectiveness, efficiency in micro doses;
    • compactness, ease of storage and transportation;
    • neutral acidity;
    • suitability for any farming systems( both “organic living” and “chemical”);
    • absolute safety for wildlife.


    • relatively high cost;
    • result is not always quick and obvious ;
    • requires an integrated approach and multiple, regular application;
    • overdose can cause inhibition in the development of plants.

    The effect of the use of

    Vitalizer is able to manifest itself in several aspects. His help is especially noticeable in stressful situations.

    Dilution of a solution of the preparation HB-101
    1. The germination of seeds is accelerated, the germination rate and the growth energy increase.
    2. Improving survival rate of planting material during disembarkation, transplantation.
    3. Observed earlier flowering and fruiting.
    4. The number of buds and ovaries increases, as well as the mass of fruits and the total yield( sometimes by 200-300%).
    5. Increases the nutritional and vitamin value of fruits, decreases the content of pesticides, heavy metals and nitrates.
    6. Increases crop yield.
    7. Р asthenia successfully withstands bad weather, stress( heat, cold, drought, dampness, shading, burns, freezers, mechanical damage, etc.), attacks of diseases and pests.
    8. Improves the appearance of plants( including flowering and ornamental deciduous crops, conifers, lawn).
    9. The effect of soil fatigue is reduced, more rare crop rotation is possible.
    10. The earth is becoming more fertile, cleaner from an environmental point of view.
    When used together with fertilizers and pesticides, the vitalizer makes it possible to reduce their dosages, but its effectiveness increases.

    Operating Instructions

    The most versatile liquid form: suitable for all cultures, regardless of the phase of their development. The tool is very economical: from a 6 ml vial of up to 12 buckets of the finished product. When watering it will be enough for a quarter of a hundred, while spraying - for a whole hundred.

    Preparation of the working solution

    It is convenient to measure the liquid - the bottles are equipped with a dosing pipette.1-2 drops of the extract are stirred in a liter of water( 1 ml per 10-20 liters of water).The solution is not recommended to store, it is better to prepare immediately before use.

    Application solution:

    1. Spill the soil before sowing or planting( up to 3 times with a weekly interval).
    2. Presowing seed soaking:
    • peas, beans, beans - for 1 minute;
    • cabbage, radish and radish, greens, cereals - for 3 hours;
    • other crops( tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, roots, flowers, etc.) - for 12 hours.
    Spraying tomatoes with HB-101
    1. Pre-soaking tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, roots - soaking from half an hour to three hours.
    2. Spraying any seedlings - 3 times.
    3. Watering seedlings an hour before transplanting.
    4. Watering seedlings and seedlings immediately after planting in the ground.
    5. Spraying or watering( can be alternated) of any annual crops( as well as room perennials) every 7-14 days throughout the growing season.
    6. Spraying or watering of perennial herbaceous plants, bushes, trees - 3 times per season( with an interval of at least one week).
    7. Ephedra, yellowed after wintering, are treated weekly for a month, alternating spraying and watering.

    Rescue dying coniferous plants

    At a height of 1 meter from the ground( for dwarf forms - below), drill a thin hole in the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees, going deeper by 40 mm. Use a syringe to inject a strong solution of HB-101( 5 ml per glass of water).

    Use of

    granules HB-101 granules are applied to the ground surface( without sealing) - laid out or scattered. The term of their "work" - up to six months. Approximate dose - 1 g( 1 cubic centimeter) per 1 square.meter.

    1. Layout of granules on the tree and shrub circle, and also in the root zone of herbaceous perennials - in spring and autumn( young trees - 1-2 g, adults - up to 6 g).
    2. Sprinkling in the spring on the lawn: 1 g per 1 square.meter.
    3. For pot and tub crops - 4 pellets per liter pot.
    Vitalizer NV-101 is a great helper for growing mushrooms, forcing flowers, in hydroponic plants.

    Joint application of

    Stimulator HB-101 can be mixed with any fertilizers and preparations, except:

    • other stimulants;
    • chemical nitrogen fertilizers( carbamide, nitrate);
    • oil based products.

    It is useless and even harmful to overestimate the recommended dosages.

    Top dressing of seedlings with the preparation nv-101

    Expiration dates, storage, security measures

    There are no restrictions on working with the vitalizer. The concentrate retains its properties for a long time, regardless of storage conditions. When watering and spraying there is no need for special protection equipment. HB-101 does not pose a danger to human health and the environment, but it is recommended to use it only for its intended purpose and to keep it away from small children.

    Vitalizer NV-101 Feedback

    Valery( Moscow): “I am engaged in coniferous plants, I collect a collection of junipers. The preparation NV-101 has been correcting uneven crowns for a decade. Unilateral application of granules and spraying stimulates growth in the treated area. "

    Irina Gicheva( Omsk region): " We have two large lawns at the cottage. Following the advice of friends, after the snow melted, one of them scattered dry hb-101.The grass on it has grown noticeably more powerful and greener than on another lawn, which fed only with mineral fertilizer. ”

    Lyudmila Orlova( Novosibirsk): “ Every year I soak in the “envashka” hyacinth bulbs before winter forcing. Checked: they then throw flower stalks three times more powerful than untreated ones. ”

    Yurchenko G.P.(Volgograd region): “Our family business is growing tomatoes for sale. Since the planting of the Japanese Vitaliser on a regular basis, they have noticed that there are far fewer diseases, both in the greenhouse and in the street beds. And the fruits are growing much faster than before. "

    Kan Alexander( Leningrad region): " On my own land I fertilize only with manure, ashes and HB-101.Harvested collect much more, than lovers of “chemistry” neighbors. ”

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