Proper cultivation of marjoram from seeds

Growing marjoram from seeds is also possible in vegetable gardens, as an ornamental, spicy and medicinal plant. Because of its flavor, it is used in cooking in many countries around the world.

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What is the marjoram

Marjoram is a perennial plant of the Origanum genus of the Cluster family. In many regions, it is grown as an annual crop, since it is thermophilic and does not tolerate severe frost .

The plant is not high, grows to half a meter. Erect stem has a silver color with gray - felt leaves. Spike inflorescences are painted in pink, white or reddish color. Flowering occurs in July, August.

Fruits ripen at the end of summer, contain a large amount of essential oil and are used in traditional medicine.

There are two types of marjoram: leaf and floral.

  1. Leaf - a bush has a branched stem with dense greens. There are few flowers on the plant.
  2. Flower species - has not as strong stems and roots as the leafy species. But even though it is called floral, it has few flowers.
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History of

origin Consider the Middle East, Central Europe and North Africa as their homeland. The ancient Greeks considered marjoram as a magical flower. They thought he was returning love and betraying courage. The Romans considered him the strongest aphrodisiac.

Nowadays, the plant has found the use of in cooking and traditional medicine .

Growing marjoram in the garden plot

Growing it in the garden plot is not an easy task. Since the culture of is very demanding on the care of .

Soil Requirements:

  • The soil should be fertile and light prepared from autumn. Garden beds are made in a sunny place, protected from drafts.
  • After selecting the site, the soil must be fertilized. On the nutrient soil plant will appreciate the rapid growth. To this end, before the planting, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil: potassium salt, superphosphate, urea. The dosage is determined after studying the instructions for use.

Seed sowing time for seedlings

Seeds of marjoram
It is possible to grow marjoram in the open field only in the southern regions. In central Russia, it is better to grow seedlings, as small seeds may not germinate in open ground.

Planting seeds for seedlings starts in April month. To do this, you must purchase seed from reliable manufacturers.

Seeds are sown in nutrient soil, superficially. The seed container is covered with glass or plastic film and stored in a warm place for germination. For good germination, the temperature in the micro-pot should be +22 degrees .

Seed germination occurs on day 20 after planting. In order to grow, you must be confident in your abilities and know all the details of growing.

Care of the seedlings of

As soon as the seeds hatch and the first leaves appear, the film is removed, the sprouts of swoop down and place in a warm greenhouse according to the 5x5 scheme.

Two weeks before planting in open ground, seedlings are hardened by .To this end, the air temperature is lowered daily until the seedlings are used to the open air. The optimum temperature for good growth: day +20 degrees, at night +16 degrees .

Seedlings from seeds

Planting seedlings in open ground

After the seedlings have grown strong and the spring frosts have receded and the land has warmed, the marjoram is planted in a permanent place.

Garden beds make in a sunny, windproof location .Seedlings are planted in a nutritious, moist soil in rows. The distance between the rows is 40 cm , and between the bushes 20 cm .

The seedlings are planted in well-spilled soil, a handful of compost mixed with the earth is added to each well, a seedling is planted with a clod of earth, the soil is tamped and moistened.

Seedlings fully rooted in 14 days. In the first days after planting, the plant must be sheltered from direct sunlight and carried out a constant watering. After the seedlings have taken root, watering is combined once every 10 days with bait: 15 grams of saltpeter per bucket of water. This amount is enough for 1Q.meter.

Marjoram is a bushy plant. Therefore, on the site enough to plant 15 seedlings. These bushes, with proper care, will provide foliage and flowers for home use for the entire season.

grows well in loamy or sandy soils , as it is well heated by the sun. Marjoram grows best in garden beds, where they used to grow potatoes.


Care for marjoram:

  1. Watering
  2. Loosening and removing weeds
  3. Feeding
  4. Prophylaxis against diseases
Care for marjoram should be as high as possible, otherwise it will not give a rich harvest

Learner Achievementsif not received due attention.

Watering and Loosening

Marjoram - plant is moisture-loving and drought-resistant .Watering is done in the morning or evening with warm water. Until mid-summer, regular watering is carried out, during flowering and fruit formation, watering is reduced and carried out after tog, as an earth crust is formed.

Land loosening is necessary after each irrigation. Timely removal of weeds, is a good prevention of many diseases.

Top dressing

The plant is fed 21 days after the landing of the to a permanent place. To do this, use complex fertilizers: 10 grams of potassium salt and urea, 20 grams of superphosphate is diluted in a bucket of water.10 liters of solution is enough for a strait of 1Q.meters.

Prevention of

Diseases Young plants are often exposed to by Alternaria .To prevent this from happening, plants are treated with fungicides.

The defeat of the marjoram by

alternaria. The larvae of the maidra moth can also live on the marjoram. You can get rid of them by treating the soil and the plant with insecticides.

Harvesting and storing the crop.

Harvesting is carried out by twice per season. :

  1. In the summer, only the leaves are torn off.
  2. In the fall, clean the entire plant. It can be harvested for the winter.

The first - in the middle of summer, the second - in the beginning of autumn.

The entire leafy part is cut off with a sharp tool at a height of 8 cm from the soil surface and thoroughly cleaned of soil and dust.

There are several ways to dry marjoram:

  • plants are bundled and is hung in a ventilated shade. It can be an attic or a place under a shed.
  • Plants are laid out on a horizontal surface with a newspaper covered with .
Drying of marjoram in bunches of

Marjoram cannot be dried in the open sun of , as the sun's rays lead to loss of essential oil. Dried marjoram is sorted, to identify damaged and yellowed leaves.

Healthy, dried herbs are ground into powder, packaged in dry jars and removed in a dry, dark place.

If you know all the agrotechnical subtleties, marjoram will give your favorite dishes an unforgettable touch of taste and aroma. And also help with many diseases.

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