Raspberry or Standard raspberry: varieties and care for seedlings

I would like to introduce you to the experience of Mikhail Vasilyevich Gulenin in the cultivation of standard raspberry varieties. The standard raspberry( popular name - raspberry tree) is one of the newest promising areas of mallivino breeding. The first plants of this type in our country were obtained in Moscow at the Institute of Horticulture VSTISP( 1987) by Professor V. V. Kichina from crossing a standard-1 donor with the Stolichnaya variety. Since 1993, this is already a new variety - the raspberry tree Tarusa, which was a breakthrough for the Russian agronomic science.

Stamba raspberry( raspberry tree) Penguin

At the end of the 90s, a stamb variety Krepysh was obtained in the VSTISP, in the early 2000s - the Tale.

Standard raspberry( raspberry tree) Tarusa

Tarusa, Sturgeon and Fairy Tale are varieties of standard rattle non-repairable type with a fruiting period in Kuban from mid-June to mid-July.

The shoots of a raspberry tree( shtambova raspberry) are straight-growing, stocky, up to 1.5 m in height with dense wood and a non-opening tip very similar to small sturdy raspberry trees. These qualities make it possible to grow such plants without special supports, trellis and garters, which significantly reduces the cost, facilitates the care of plantings, and allows them to be cultivated in field conditions. Fruit buds on the stem of a crimson tree are very densely 1-2 cm, so during flowering and fruiting plants look very elegant.

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People christened such a raspberry as a “raspberry tree”.The varieties Krepysh and Tale surpass Tarusa in quality of berries. Ruby berries, large from 4 to 10 g, beautiful conical shape, dense, with good removal and transportability. Tarusa has light-red berries, 4-8 g.

At the Kokinsky stronghold of the VSTISP branch, under the guidance of Professor I. V. Kazakov, work was also carried out in this direction, but only on remontant raspberries. In 1994, scientists S.N.Evdokimenko and V.L.Kulaginoy received the first in Russia remontant variety of the standard type - Eurasia, derived from seeds from free pollination of interspecific remontant forms. As a variety, it has been propagating since 2005.

The raspberry tree of the Eurasia variety has straight shoots up to 1.2 m, large, dark crimson berries 4-5 g of conical shape, dense. The beginning of fruiting - the end of July, picking berries stretched for two months. Before winter, all the stems are completely cut to the ground.

Young escape of a crimson tree Penguin

Later, the same scientists of the Kokinsky stronghold obtained the standard remontant variety Penguin, suitable for both manual harvesting and machine. Direct-growing shrubs, non-settling, bush height 1.1-1.3 m, dark crimson berries, round-conical, large 4-5 g, dense. This variety of raspberry tree is distinguished by its high level of logosity and transportability. After ripening, fruits can hang for up to 5 days without loss of quality. The beginning of fruiting in the Kuban - from mid-July. Fruiting amicable until the end of August, completely gives the harvest. The second wave of the harvest on belated shoots from October to frost. All shoots of a crimson tree the Penguin are cut to ground level before winter.

Stamp raspberry, as well as the usual, loves well-lit areas with fertile, well-drained soil. Rows for better lighting, it is desirable to place from south to north.

The soil must be prepared in advance( for a month).A 60 cm wide strip is being prepared, into which 1 bucket of humus is put into 1 linear meter, 150 g of nitroammofoski, a glass of ash. To dig up the earth on the bayonet of a shovel or loosen a motor-cultivator.

Stambovaya raspberry( raspberry tree) can be planted from mid-September to late autumn, in spring from early March to late April, and even in winter, if the soil and weather allows.

Seedlings have one line 50 cm apart. In a dug hole add 1 tablespoon of nitroammofoski, put a raspberry seedling, cover the roots with soil, trying to deepen the root collar no more than 2-3 cm. Then the shoots are cut off above the ground, leaving 25-30 cm.water at the rate of 5 liters per bush.

In the spring against the spread of fungal, bacterial diseases, raspberry bushes must be treated in March with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid and in May, before flowering, with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or topaz 10 ml per 10 l of water.

A gallic mosquito causes great harm to the plantations of the raspberry tree, as well as to other varieties of raspberry. Gallitsa causes great damage to the crop. Against her, young shoots are sprayed on a mass flight around 10 and 20 May with one of the solutions: Aktelik or Bi-58 - 15 ml per 10 l of water. The same treatment should be repeated at the end of July, when the second generation of mosquito leaves.

Standard raspberries are also demanding for watering, especially during fruiting, so they need to be carried out throughout the growing season after about 5-7 days( about 5 liters per bush).To prevent the land from drying out in the summer, from the end of May the soil is mulched with a layer of up to 5 cm of husk rice or sunflower, mowed grass, etc. In early spring( March) the raspberry tree is fed with a solution of urea - 50 g per 10 liters of water) or infusion of kuryak, mullein.

In May, before flowering, they feed up with a solution of nitroamofoski or nutrivant drip - 2 tbsp.lTen liters of water for 3 bush.

A good effect is given by foliar dressing on a leaf once a month, starting from the moment of budding with solutions with the Ryazanoch for Berry Crops microelements - 1 tsp.10 liters of water or "Nutrivant plus fruit" - 2 tbsp.l10 liters of water.

Under adverse weather conditions( frost, heat, sunburn), mechanical damage, the oppressed plants are sprayed with the anti-stress preparation Aminokat 30% - 2 tbsp.l10 liters of water. In late July, only otplodonosivshie cut out from the standard varieties Tarusa, Fortress, Fairy Tale. At the end of September, bushes are formed: 5-6 strongest shoots are left on 1 bush and the top is cut by 10-15 cm.

Penguin and Eurasia, which bear fruit on annual shoots from the end of July, are reparative sorts of raspberry treepart. Only the root winters. This allows you to improve the bushes, avoid diseases, reduce the number of pests, to get a guaranteed harvest for the next year.

The interest in the cultivation and cultivation of raspberries in the Kuban gardeners is constantly growing. Now with the advent of the standard varieties( crimson wood), the opportunity for farmers or farms to grow large areas of this crop without trellis and garters opens up, which reduces labor costs. Maliculture is one of the most promising areas in agriculture. With proper care, compliance with the technology of cultivation, gardeners and farmers can achieve high yields of this beautiful berries, always in demand in the markets of the Kuban.

When writing, materials from the newspaper Niva Kuban with the application “Nivushka”, 2014 were used.


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