Top dressing and fertilizers for corn

Corn, like any vegetable crop, requires attention and responds to care. Making the necessary fertilizers and dressings at the right time significantly increases the yield, improves the quality of the product.

It is important to notice in time a shortage of necessary substances in the soil and to react. Also, farmers often try to feed corn after sowing and use for this purpose some microfertilizers, folk remedies, saltpeter. All means to fertilize need to make according to the regulations.


  • need for fertilizing corn
  • Types fertilizing and application rates for good growth and harvest
    • Organic
    • Fertilizers
    • Nitrogen
    • Potash and phosphate
    • Foliar application urea
  • Advantages and disadvantages of fertilizers and folk remedies

need for feeding

corn Besides making drumdoses of basic fertilizers in the cultivation of light or "tired" land, requires feeding.

Feeding includes one element. And carried out only after the discovery of a clear shortage of this element in the soil.
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Vegetable always signals this. leaf color, size, quantity, quality of inflorescences and a cob. In time spent dressing correct the situation.

If there is a shortage of any element, corn itself will report this.

. Types of fertilizing and application rates for good growth and yield.

There are many types of additives, each fulfilling a specific role. Do not wait until the vegetable goes into the fasting phase.

Black land steppe regions most often suffer from a lack of phosphorus and nitrogen elements. Introduction of a planned fertilizer before planting does not cope with the main task, as top-dressing of this kind is quickly washed out or loses its strength in the summer, when the corn picks up color, begins to form an ear.

Forest-steppe, more northern regions need complex mineral fertilizer. Feedings are also produced as a deficiency is found.

needs to be used at one or another fertilizer at different times of the year , since their validity period is different, as is the period of the splitting of elements into substances digestible for corn.


The main fertilizer for corn is organic.

Vegetable readily responds to the introduction of manure and black earth soils into loamy and sandy soils. Organics contribute in the fall, but in the spring, before planting, it will not be superfluous to close up the black soil in the planting holes.

Fresh manure for corn can only be used as a solution of mullein

Fresh manure should be used only in the form of mullein, poured with water in a barrel, and aged for 3 to 5 days.

10 kg.fresh manure need to fill 50 liters of water. After 5 days, dilute 1 - 2 liters of the present mullein per 10 liters of water. Apply directly under the root after thorough watering of at the stage of the beginning of the formation of the spike bearing .

The lack of organic matter can be recognized by the following features:

  • Light, thin stem of a sprout;
  • The soil around the stem becomes a crust after the soil dries.

Mineral fertilizers

A mixture of organic and mineral composition increases the yield and reduces the possibility of disease, allows the plant to adapt more easily in areas with difficult weather conditions.
A mixture of mineral fertilizers and organics can increase the yield of

Gardeners, who independently calculate the amount of the necessary substances should take into account that when combining mineral substances and organic matter, should be kept at a ratio of 2 to 1 .The more organic compounds you make, the less mineral you need.


In the spring - mainly fertilizing, 50% of the total amount is buried in the soil, and the remaining 50% is fertilized, since nitrogen is quickly absorbed by the soil.

The first top dressing is made by with the formation of the first 5 leaves of , the second - at the time of formation of the peduncle .

Lack of nitrogen is easily recognized by the state and color of the leaves. Their thin, unlike healthy plants foliage and color, turning into a yellowish, they say about the lack. At the first detection of such changes, you should immediately take actionIt shows itself well for the rapid reduction of nitrogen in the soil ammonia water.

Treatment with urea solution can increase yields by 15-30%

Experienced farmers and gardeners immediately after the end of flowering, process the plant 30% with urea solution every 10 days. This trick increases yield by 15 - 30%.

Potash and Phosphorus

These elements most often contribute together.

  1. Due to the presence of phosphorus, potassium is more easily absorbed by the plant.
  2. With these elements, the plant gains the desired mass, it tolerates cold more easily;
  3. Potassium requires for proper distribution of water in a plant;
  4. Phosphorus is responsible for for the timely, high-quality formation of grains and sheet;
  5. The use of these components reduces the incidence of rzoy.

If the plant lacks potassium, this can be understood by such signs as:

  • The edges of the leaves begin to acquire a wavy shape;
  • Sheet turns dark green;
  • Light spots appear on the tips of the leaf, which eventually turn brown.

Phosphorus starvation can be seen in the early stages, and most often a young plant is susceptible to it:

  • On a small sprout too green leaves;
  • Plant Growth Slow;
  • The edges of the lower leaves from the inside begin to acquire a purple hue.
During phosphorus starvation, the leaves of the corn may acquire a purple hue.

During the growing season, at the stage of 6-7 leaves, the following are inserted into the row spacing:

  • Superphosphate at the rate of 3kg / ha;
  • Potash fertilizers - 0.5kg / ha.
Abuse of potash fertilizers should not be in the vegetation stage and the formation of grains. The bulk is made with the main dressings in early spring.

Sheet top dressing with carbamide

This is the most rapid and qualitative method of nitrogen transfer to a plant. It is relevant when the plant has not yet had time to experience the nitrogen hunger. Urea improves the permeability of fertilizer elements through the sheet. It is readily used as a conductor for the application of top-dressings of various species, the application of pesticides.

is used for healthy plants. At a temperature not higher than 20 degrees, in calm weather.

Most often, a solution of urea is used together with sulfur and magnesium, which are just as easily absorbed by the plant through the leaves.

Treatment solution must be a maximum of 5 - 6%, otherwise you can burn the leaves. But at the same time, the flow rate of the solution should be at least 250 l / ha.

Sheet top-dressing of corn with urea

Advantages and disadvantages of fertilizers and folk remedies

The advantages include the following conditions:

  • With the use of fertilizers, the plant receives all the necessary trace elements that are not enough on light soils;
  • The plant less sick ;
  • The plant is less susceptible to pests;
  • Yield increases ;
  • Reduces the risk of "starvation" of land for the next year.

The disadvantages can be attributed only to the inept handling of top dressings:

  • In the race for the yield of , the saturation of the ground with artificial fertilizers for a long time deprives of its fertility ;
  • Saturation of products with trace elements can cause allergies and chronic diseases in humans.

Proper use of fertilizers, both during the main autumn and spring, and foliar dressing, will bring a healthy, harmonious harvest. If you are not sure of the need to make one or another element, you should make sure and only after that use it.

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