How to clean celery

Celery fragrant - spicy vegetable, which came from the countries of the Mediterranean Sea. On the content of vitamins and useful trace elements it occupies one of the leading positions among vegetables. Due to the high content of essential oils, the dishes and salads give a specific bright aroma. All parts of the plant are eaten both raw and processed. And in this article we will examine the types of celery and how to clean it properly.


  • Types of Celery and
  • Useful and harmful properties of the
  • How to eat celery and its characteristics
  • Usage of celery and its characteristics.resembling parsley, only much more massive. In the first year, the plant forms a powerful rosette of dark green leaves with beautiful gloss, fleshy cuttings and a strong white root or even a root crop. In the second year in early spring, green leaves appear, and by mid-July, the plant is already flowering, in August the seeds ripen and the celery dries almost immediately.

    The appearance of celery depends on the variety to which it belongs: leaf, petiolate, root.

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    Celery Bundles

    Leaf celery is grown to produce the aromatic green , rich in plenty of vitamins. It is eaten fresh, in salads, as a seasoning for soups and other dishes.

    This kind of greenery has thin petioles and a hard root - both are not suitable for eating.

    Celery celery is cultivated for petioles and leaves. Petioles reach a width of 4-5cm, very juicy, oily, contain a large amount of essential oils, vitamins, useful minerals. First and second courses, dietary low-calorie salads are prepared from them, they are added to pickles and preservation to give a spicy, bright flavor and a pleasant taste.

    Root celery is grown exclusively because of the root crop, , which resembles large white beets and reaches from 500 to 900 grams of weight. Root - a real storehouse of vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is used both fresh, and in salads and hot dishes.

    Leaf and petilate species are sown directly into the soil in early spring or in winter, and the root is planted in a seedling manner.

    Useful and harmful properties of the stems and roots

    Stem Celery is the most valuable food and has amazing healing properties. All the useful qualities of a vegetable would have to be listed for too long, but the most basic ones are: has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive systems.

    A useful vegetable contains a large amount of proteins, vitamins of group B, carotene, vitamins E, K, C, valuable amino acids - nicotine, asparagine, tyrosine, essential oils, trace elements - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese.

    Celery has the following effects on the human body:

    • slows down the aging process, helps fight dementia;
    • helps to restore water-salt balance;
    • essential oils relieve nervous tension, increase efficiency, vitality, resistance to stress;
    • has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, thereby restoring blood circulation and normalizing high blood pressure;
    • due to the high content of vital minerals, vitamins B, PP, E, C positively affects the condition of the skin, hair, lips and eyes;
    • root has a diuretic effect; daily consumption cleans the kidneys and urinary canals;
    • salads from raw vegetables with the addition of grated root vegetables should be consumed during diets, diabetics, vegetarians;
    • regular consumption of celery greens relieves heartburn, flatulence, constipation, stomach cramps, as it helps the digestion of food and removes toxins from the body.
    Different parts of celery close-up on the table

    This is not all the useful properties of the wonderful vegetable.

    But such a strongly active therapeutic agent cannot be equally useful for everyone, therefore, there are also contraindications:

    • for urolithiasis in order to avoid the movement of stones and exacerbation of the disease;
    • with varicose veins, the presence of blood clots;
    • due to the high content of essential oils is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, colitis and enterocolitis.

    How to eat stem vegetable

    All parts of the plant are equally useful and applicable in food. But since most of the essential compounds, vitamins and trace elements are destroyed during heat treatment, celery is eaten raw, cleaned beforehand. Young green leaves - as a seasoning for salads, fish and meat dishes.

    Root crop is peeled, and juicy white pulp in a grated form is added to fruit, vegetable and even meat salads.

    How to clean the stalks

    Juicy, crunchy, fragrant flesh of the petioles is a great ingredient for salads, appetizers, sauces. But not many people know that in order to fully enjoy the taste and aroma of green stems, they must be thoroughly cleaned.

    Celery Roots in an

    Basket The top layer of the petioles consists of hard, long fibers that make it difficult for the to chew on the vegetable. Therefore, before eating, cutting into salads, need to cut the top layer with a regular or economy knife.

    If there is no fiber when breaking the stem, it means you can start chopping or cutting the vegetable.

    Methods for the proper preparation of dishes

    The dishes of petioles and celery root may not be so rich in vitamins and fiber, but they certainly will have a savory taste and aroma. Vegetable is used for cooking soups, vegetable stews, side dishes, as a filler or additive to sauces. It can be boiled, stewed or roasted in sunflower or olive oil.

    No doubt, celery is exactly that vegetable that should be constantly on our table in any form. Such a useful product can not be excluded from the diet. According to doctors, nutritionists, daily use of the product will have a positive effect on the entire body, the work of internal organs, the condition of hair, nails and skin.

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