Tomato seedling - why it fades, turns yellow and can even die

How pitiful it is to see that the seedlings of tomatoes, which we nestle at an early stage of development, suddenly begin to wither, and the leaves to turn yellow. All the reasons why seedlings of tomatoes, peppers wither, fall or its leaves turn yellow can be combined into two main groups. These are, above all, mistakes in the care of young saplings and diseases or pests.

  • Why seedlings fade
  • Why leaves of seedlings of tomatoes

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seedlings fade. But the reason is not one. It would not be a pity to you, but you will have to at least one sapling pry out of the ground and carefully examine the top and the roots. And pay attention to the earth.

Any seedlings love moisture. Tomato seedling is no exception. But if water is stagnant in the tank in which you grow seedlings, the roots can suffocate. It is in this case that the reaction of seedlings - wilting of the leaves. What should be done first? Make drainage holes in the bottom of the tank or, if they exist, make them wider so that excess water can flow into the drain pan.

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The second reason for wilting is too dry air in the room. Tomato seedling loves heat, but if you put it next to a hot battery, then dry air can cause sluggishness of seedlings. In this case, tomato seedlings should be placed away from the heat source and it will come to life. Do not forget to spray it. Spraying moisture will increase the humidity of the air and provide additional moisture to the leaves.

The third reason is drafts. Fresh air is good for seedlings, but cold air flows from an open window leaf are destructive for young leaves - they wilt. This trouble is also easily repairable - move the containers with the seedlings of tomatoes to another place or for some time do not open the window, do not make a draft.

Well, the fourth reason is elementary - drying up of the soil, insufficient watering. Just water the seedlings.

All the reasons listed above are the errors in the care of tomato seedlings, which are easy enough to eliminate. But the same mistakes can turn into more complex problems that are harder to deal with.

Excess moisture and stagnant water in transplanting tanks can lead to a very insidious disease - blackleg. How to define it? Easy. Examine the stem of a sapling. It begins to darken from below, and the stalk becomes softish, may fall. The roots of the seedlings look healthy and the leaves wither. And then the roots and the whole plant perish. At this stage, the plants can no longer be helped.

If you notice signs of the disease at the very beginning, when not all seedlings are affected with the black leg, but only a smaller part, the only way out is to transplant healthy plants into another produced dish filled with new healthy soil.

But best of all, if you warn in advance this disease. It helps to avoid its irrigation with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

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Why the leaves of tomato seedlings

turn yellow The reason for this is not one. Experts identify as many as six factors that contribute to yellowing of leaves. If you pay attention to it in time, then there is a high probability to help tomato seedlings and eliminate the causes.

  1. Yellowing of the lower leaves after transplanting seedlings to the ground at a permanent place. This happens usually in the case when the seedlings grew in small pots or cells. And after transplantation, the roots began to grow rapidly, taking away food from the lower leaves. Try to prevent the root system from overgrowing - begin transplanting plants until the earthy roots are completely covered, then root growth will be natural.
  2. The leaves turn yellow, giving off a blue color when the upper part of the plant or the roots experiences sharp fluctuations in temperature. This is a cause of malnutrition. It was already mentioned above that it is desirable not to allow overcooling of tomato seedlings.
  3. Yellowing of the lower leaves only occurs when the root system is severely damaged when transplanting or loosening the soil. In order for the plant to recover, it needs time to grow new roots and leaves.
  4. Lack of moisture can also cause yellowing of leaves. As is known, the tomato plant has a long taproot, which receives moisture and nourishment from the depths. And if you water your tomatoes only from above with a small amount of water, then this main root doesn’t have enough. The basic rule of watering tomatoes - water rarely, but plentifully.
  5. When yellowing it is worth paying attention to where, in which part of the plant the leaves turn yellow. With a lack of nitrogen on the leaves appear yellow spots. If there is not enough calcium, then the top of the tomato begins to turn yellow. If tomatoes get a little copper along with nutrition, then the leaves in the lower tier of the plant turn pale and yellow. The lack of sulfur leads to the fact that the leaves not only turn yellow, but also thicken, become firm to the touch. Few manganese and iron in the soil - the leaves, too, first turn yellow and then dry. The edges of the leaves turn yellow - not enough magnesium. The top of the leaf turns yellow - not enough phosphorus, and the whole leaf - phosphorus, on the contrary, a lot.
  6. Fusarium fungal disease is another cause of yellowing of the leaves. To determine whether a plant or another cause suffers from this disease, it will help not only the yellowness, but also the simultaneous lethargy of the leaves, as if the tomatoes have not been watered for a long time. Of course, prevention of fusarium will help best. But, if after all this happened, treat seedlings 3-4 times with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks, for example, Fitosporin.

Good luck with your harvest!

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