Fodder beet is actively used in feeding farm animals during the cold season. The root crop contains in its composition a sufficient amount of fiber, dietary fiber, which not only benefits the livestock, but also increases the level of milk and cows and goats.
Table of contents
- Description and characteristics of fodder beet
- Yellow Ekkendorfskaya or red - which sort is better to plant?
- How to plant in open ground?
- Proper seed planting scheme
- care during growth Diseases and pests
- Harvesting and storing
crop Description and characteristics of fodder beet
Fodder beet is a two-year-old plant that leads the mary family. In the first year of growth there is a thickening of the root, and sockets of the root part of the foliage. The following year, dormant buds are replaced by flowering shoots that bear fruit and seeds.
As a rule, vegetables rise above the ground. Formation of fodder beet occurs at the expense of the semiperinated knee.
A large number of pectins, dietary fiber and mineral salts in the composition can improve the level of assimilation and digestion of hay and silage in animals.
Yellow Ekkendorfskaya or red - which sort is better to plant?
A popular vegetable in agriculture came to our region from the Far East and India. It originated from wild beets. To date, the vegetable is grown in all regions of the country.
What kind of beet is better to plant at home? Red, yellow or pink? This question can be answered by reviewing the most popular varieties of this vegetable:
- Lada. Oval-cylindrical roots are colored white or pink-white. Despite the high degree of density, the vegetable pulp is rather juicy. The plant persists until harvest season. The flowering of vegetables is short. Variety Lada resistant to cercopiasis during storage.
- Hope. The elongated oval root crop is painted in red tones. White flesh juicy. The head is small, slightly convex greyish. Fruit variety, however, is prone to chalcosporosis and powdery mildew.
- Milan. The single seed hybrid grows small. The root crop is recessed into the ground, only a small part of its greenish hue rises above the ground. The variety is sufficiently resistant to cercopes.
- Vermon - the result of crossing triploid type, having a medium size. Cylindro-conical vegetable slightly immersed in the ground. A part of the beet that sits in the ground is painted white, the upper part is green.
- Jamon - triploid hybrid. The conic-cylindrical medium-sized vegetable is colored orange. Root stalks are short. Productivity is low, however, only to a small extent susceptible to disease.
- Particular attention should be paid to the variety of yellow Ekkendorfsky. Very popular grade not sensitive to low temperatures. It is easy to plant in open ground on the plot.

How to plant in open ground?
Fodder beets can be planted in the ground only when the soil temperature reaches 8 degrees.
As a rule, it is possible to sow already at the end of March. 14 days after sowing you can see the first sprouts.
Proper seed planting pattern
When planting, you should follow the recommendations, namely:
- Conduct tillage using herbicides, which will reduce the emergence of weeds.
- The depth should not exceed 5 cm.
- Sit down keeping the distance between the laying of seeds of about 40 cm.
- Run the crops, which will preserve the soil moisture.

Care during the growth of
To obtain a rich harvest, one should strictly follow the basic rules for the care of fodder buryak. The vegetable is not picky, so the agrotechnology of cultivation is available and does not present much difficulty.
Plant care rules:
- Timely loosening and weeding. In cases where the soil is crusted, this indicates a serious lack of oxygen. According to the scheme of planting a root crop, the procedure of loosening is supposed 48 hours after planting. Tillage is carried out using a flat cutter, which is subsequently applied after each watering. Weeds are weeded until the bead tops are closed.
- Systematic watering, which depends on weather conditions. It is necessary to provide the most abundant watering on dry days when the air temperature exceeds 30 degrees during the period of growth and formation of the root crop. A month before harvesting, watering stops completely, increasing the shelf life of the vegetable crop.
In the case of a rainy autumn between the rows should be made slots that allow excess fluid to leave.

Diseases and pests
Unfortunately, beetroots are very fond of pests. To protect the plant is required systematically as a preventive measure to use mineral fertilizers. Compost is required when carrying out the autumn soil digging. About 35-37 tons of fertilizer will be required per hectare. You can also include in the fertilizer wood ash( about 2 quintals).
Harvesting and storing the crop.
Harvesting can be done using agricultural equipment or manually. As a rule, the choice of the method of harvesting depends on the area of sowing beets. Potato harvester can be used to collect fodder roots.
The beginning of October is considered the optimal collection time. However, it is worth remembering that remove the beets from the ground before the temperature drops to 8 degrees.

After harvesting, the roots are dried slightly and sent to save in a storage facility that is equipped with a ventilation system. The temperature in the room should be within 1-2 degrees.
Observing all the recommendations you can grow a rich harvest of beets, which will please the grower. The most important time to implement weeding beds and watering plants. As soon as the sprouts become the owners of 2-3 leaves, it will be necessary to thin out the plants, leaving only the strongest specimens. In addition, after each wetting of the soil, urgent loosening between the rows is required, which will preserve the natural process of air mass circulation. Thus, oxygen will get to the root system of the vegetable crop, which will enable the root crop to develop properly.