Dill seeds - medicinal properties and contraindications for the body

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We can say with confidence that this green doctor grows in the garden of everyone who owns a cottage or a country site. Dill seeds, medicinal properties and contraindications of which are well known to knowledgeable people, can help you!

  • Dill Seeds - Useful Properties of
  • Dill Seeds - Contraindications
  • How to Brew Dill Seeds?
  • Dill seeds from parasites
  • From what do fennel seeds help?
  • Reviews on the experience of using seeds of dill

They are also called fruits, these small gray kernels have a rich composition of vitamins, valuable elements. With proper use and heat treatment( brewing / steaming), they become a real natural medicine, which in its effectiveness is not inferior to pharmaceutical preparations. Long since people knew the healing qualities of this product, today they are also valued.

Seeds of dill, photo:

With the word “dill”, many of us have an association with a bunch of spicy greens, which we use in preparing various dishes. However, if it is not cut off at the stage of fragrant grass, but left to grow further, the stem of the plant will become powerful, its “umbrellas” with valuable fruits will form from above. To taste, they remind aroma of greens, but much richer, richer with essential oils. Dill seeds are also widely used by culinary specialists, but at the same time they are an effective remedy for many diseases. Be sure to stock up with this natural medicine: collect fruit from umbrellas, dry, store in a paper bag or glass container. They can be stored for quite a long time, without losing their healing properties. Different sources call different numbers for the shelf life of seeds - from several months to 3 years.

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Fruits of dill( umbrellas), photo:

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Dill seeds - useful properties of

Let's begin with the fact that the seeds of this plant contain many useful chemical components, such as iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. The composition also contains carotene, sodium, potassium, sulfur, rutin, selenium, zinc. Rich vitamin complex - a distinctive feature of the seeds of a spicy plant: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, E, C, the caloric content of the product is 305 calories per 100 g. The presence of monounsaturated acids( petroselic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic),essential oils makes this product an excellent cardioprotector, optimizes the cardiovascular system.

Dill Seeds - Use:

  1. Strengthen the nervous system, calm, normalize sleep - applicable to adults and children.
  2. They have a bactericidal, antispasmodic, diaphoretic effect - for colds, acute respiratory infections, flu, and even pneumonia; a decoction from the fruits of dill is very useful. To get an excellent expectorant drug, dill tea is best mixed with a pair of spoons of honey.
  3. Seeds of dill, what is useful for the digestive tract? Their reception normalizes the digestive system, cleans from toxic substances, has a choleretic effect. To improve the flow of bile is better to take dry, crushed, can be a coffee grinder, fruit. They should be used as a powder during meals( drink water).Also, this tool suppresses manifestations of gastritis, heartburn.
  4. Can be used as a natural diuretic, recommended for various renal diseases, inflammations( decoction is consumed before meals).They help with cystitis, for this it is better to take the freshest fruits - the action will be much more effective.
  5. Natural laxative light, mild action. Dill decoction removes colic, manifestations of flatulence.
  6. Help reduce blood cholesterol levels, help with atherosclerosis.
  7. Seed treatment is used for hypertension( they help reduce pressure).Help as an additional drug in various diseases of the cardiovascular system. When angina is better to use pre-milled seeds, which are poured boiling water, infused for about three hours.
  8. Dill seeds are useful for lactation, decoction helps with insufficient milk production in lactating women, as well as in pregnant women with toxicosis. The active substances in the composition of the seeds of the plant contribute to the increase in the amount of milk, it is saturated with useful trace elements that are necessary for the child for harmonious development.
  9. With various ocular inflammations, conjunctivitis. It is necessary to moisten cotton pads with a decoction of seeds, attach them to tired, inflamed eyes.
  10. Dill seeds for newborns are used to relieve colic or swelling of the intestines. Dill Vodichka - the oldest remedy from the arsenal of all mothers. In addition, this broth helps to improve the digestive functions of the body of the baby.
  11. For a healthy complexion, removal of skin inflammations or irritations, you can also use an infusion of dill fruits, wipe the skin, and wash yourself.

Dill seeds can be used both inwardly and externally. The benefits and harms of use are taken into account in both cases. In the form of decoctions, all the useful components begin to “work” when they are ingested in the gastrointestinal tract, but skin or eye diseases are treated by external use of infusions.

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Dill seeds - contraindications

If this natural medicine is used improperly or too actively, then you can harm the body. You should not exclude an allergic reaction to the components of dill - all individually, someone dill seeds can help, and someone can aggravate the condition.

Contraindications are :

  1. Reduced pressure( hypotension) - when taking dill seeds or decoction of them, it can decrease even more, leading to a breakdown or even fainting.
  2. Do not use them, if you suffer from low acidity of the stomach - this product can reduce it even more.
  3. Individual Allergy - Seeds contain a large amount of essential oils that can trigger an allergic reaction.
  4. Critical days for women - this plant is able to thin the blood, therefore, in order to avoid excessive blood loss, it is better to refuse to receive dill decoctions. Also, this item applies to those who suffer from blood clotting disorders.

It will never be superfluous to first consult with your doctor - do not neglect this advice.

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How to brew dill seeds?

Broth or dill tea can be considered a universal recipe, revealing all the useful, active components of this plant. It is prepared easily, quickly, for this you need to take:

  • One tablespoon of seeds, pour 250 ml of boiling water, cook on low heat for about 10 minutes.
  • Leave the brew to infuse for about 1 hour( you can wrap the container with a towel), then strain.
  • If there is a desire, then before ingestion the broth can be heated to a temperature acceptable for drinking.

If you pre-grind fruit in a coffee grinder, the healing effect will be even better. You can also use the "medicine" as a powder, washing it down with a small amount of water.

How to make fennel seeds for newborns? For a child's body, a decoction is needed weaker: for 1 ounce of cold water, 1 teaspoon of fruit is taken, poured, brought to a boil. After the water boils, boil the seeds need about 5 minutes, then cool, strain through a clean cotton fabric. If the baby has not yet turned 1 month, then the amount of decoction in one step should not exceed half a teaspoon! You need to give the drug every 2.5-3 hours until colic passes. If the child is older, the dose can be increased to 1 tablespoon. This decoction is an excellent tool for constipation in children, give it to your baby before eating( feeding) and after it.

Cooking dill infusion, photo:

Dill seeds contain useful properties for women who are preparing to become mothers or are already breastfed. During pregnancy, before using the decoction of the seeds, you should always consult with your doctor. If there are no individual contraindications, then dill tea will help prepare the female body for milk production. After the birth of the child, this tool will contribute to the increase in lactation, if there is such a need. It should take 2 tablespoons of fruit, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. When the decoction is infused( about 30 minutes), it needs to be drained. Drink all day. A similar infusion can be prepared using a thermos - just pour 2 spoons of seeds with a liter of boiling water, close the lid tightly, and leave for 1 hour.

Seeds of dill during pregnancy ( if there are no contraindications) help to cope with toxemia, delicately solve the problem of constipation, improve appetite( if there is such a need), contribute to the elimination of edema. This is an excellent natural remedy to reduce pressure, improve kidney function, relieve anxiety, improve sleep, and calm nerves. Even if a woman, being in a position, cold or cough, then the most safe medicine will be a decoction of dill fruit. At the same time, the natural product has a great advantage over pharmaceutical preparations. If you have not stocked up on time with this “medicine” from your garden, you can always buy fennel seeds at the pharmacy. They are quite inexpensive, useful, safe, as they are gifts of Mother Nature.

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Dill seeds from parasites

In addition to the advantages described above, the fruits of this plant are an excellent tool for combating helminthic invasions. A big plus is that this drug can be used at different stages of helminthiasis, and they can be treated by adults and children.

Take a dessert spoon, fill it with 300 ml of boiling water, wrap the container with a thick towel. Insist 48 hours. After this time, the infusion should be consumed in a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. For a stronger effect, you can take the fruits of dill in the morning on an empty stomach. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of seeds, chop one, pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil. Then insist 3 hours, strain, take half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Parasite dill seeds can also be mixed with other herbs - the healing effect will be even stronger. Take one teaspoon of dried yarrow, tansy, dill, pour with incomplete glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon during a meal. Continue treatment for a month. Another good herbal composition with wormwood: take 2 teaspoons of dill fruit, chamomile flowers, wormwood, and tansy. Put a mixture of herbs in a thermos, pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for at least 10 hours. After strain the infusion, take 2 tablespoons three times a day, the course of treatment is 5 days.

Seeds of dill with traditional medicine are very often used as a very effective preventive agent, this trend has not bypassed the fight against parasites. This light water infusion can be consumed frequently, taking short breaks. This is especially true if you have pets - cats or dogs. Take 1 table spoon of fruit, grind in a coffee grinder, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 20-25 minutes, eat 20 minutes before eating. During the day, repeat this action 3-4 times. After seven days, take a break for three days, and then repeat again.

Decoction from the fruits of dill, photo:

You can also eat seeds in the form of a powder on an empty stomach: a teaspoon of ground seed is washed down with a glass of water( at least) half an hour before eating. The process of getting rid of parasites can take quite a long time, please be patient. Folk remedies often have a leisurely action, but then they are gentle and effective in the end.

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What does dill seed help with?

As mentioned above, this product helps to get rid of puffiness, slagging of the body( regular use), intestinal swelling. Dill is included in the lists of the most effective vegetable diets, and the transition to a diet rich in vegetables and fruits is often accompanied by flatulence. Decoction of dill seed qualitatively solves this problem.

dill seeds for slimming can be consumed in its pure form - 30 minutes before a meal, chew an amount equal to 1 teaspoon. For convenience, this dose can be divided into parts, carefully chewed until a homogeneous mass. It is also a great appetite suppressant.

Fruits of dill can be brewed, used for bathing - this reduces the "orange peel" on problem areas. At bedtime or to calm the nerves, such a bath also does not hurt.

A classic decoction for slimming is done like this: ground tablespoon of seeds is poured with an incomplete glass of boiling water, infused for about 15 minutes, filtered, consumed 50 ml 5 times a day( between meals).With a systematic ingestion of broth not only help get rid of excess weight, but cleanse the body, especially the large intestine. The ability of this plant( both fruits and herbs) to remove excess fluid, allows the use of seeds as a diuretic. At the same time, one should not forget about healthy nutrition, as well as physical activity, at least minimal.

This natural natural product really has a wide range of therapeutic, prophylactic action. Be sure to take him a place in your home first aid kit. In addition to the healing qualities, dill decoction has a rather pleasant, original taste, which you can always improve by adding one or two teaspoons of natural honey. Now you will know what value ordinary dill seeds, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of this ancient drug, which has not lost its relevance even now, have.

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Reviews about the experience of using the seeds of dill

My pancreas hurts very often - well, just does not allow me to forget about myself. And this summer, I somehow became fascinated by eating green dill and suddenly found that everything was safe inside me. Thanks to the dill! Now the summer is over, but I intend to continue my friendship with him - I will switch to seeds.
http: //irinazaytseva.ru/ semena-ukropa-poleznye-svojstva-lechenie-primenenie-protivopokazaniya.html
I use dill seed powder( grind the seeds in a coffee grinder) as a bilestone.
Alena Mazur
http: //narodnayamedicina.com/ semena-ukropa-poleznye-svojjstva-protivopokazaniya-primenenie /
For 20 years, I have been treating a spring allergy with a decoction of dill seeds, drinking 1 glass in the morning and evening. I start drinking 2 weeks before the onset of allergies. Allergy in this period does not even begin.
I was tormented by attacks - I couldn’t go to the toilet either small or large. Even on the wall climb. Doctors could not help. At the beginning of one of the attacks, I saw fennel seeds on the table. Grind in a coffee grinder 4 teaspoons with a slide. Ground dill seeds poured into a quart jar and poured boiling water. He waited until he cooled down a little and drank with the seeds together. And the attack passed. I still brewed and drank. In the morning I went to the toilet small - a dark brown liquid came out of me. For the past 15 years, no attacks, no pain. I am pleased.
http://detki-roditeli.ru/%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D1%83%% D0% BE% D0% BF% D0% B0% D0% BF% D0% BE% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% B7% D0% BD% D1% 8B% D0% B5-% D1% 81% D0% B2% D0% BE% D0% B9% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B2% D0% B0-% D0% B8-% D0% BF% D1% 80% D0% BE /

Growing dill - varieties, seeds, planting features

Growing dill - varieties, seeds, planting featuresSpicy Cultures( Lovage, Dill, Parsley, Celery, Basil)

I will talk about the plant, which is known to every summer resident, gardener, even people far from agriculture. The plant belongs to the umbrella family. This dill odorous or garden. Named so b...

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Dill seeds - medicinal properties and contraindications for the body

Dill seeds - medicinal properties and contraindications for the bodySpicy Cultures( Lovage, Dill, Parsley, Celery, Basil)

We can say with confidence that this green doctor grows in the garden of everyone who owns a cottage or a country site. Dill seeds, medicinal properties and contraindications of which are well kn...

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