Peanut butter is a healthy product for health, taste and beauty.

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Peanut or, as it is also called, "peanut" originally from Peru, here for the first time during archaeological excavations were foundfruit. In 1890, the first nutritionist to produce and use peanut oil from America, who worked on the search for a dietary food of plant origin, is able, in its nutritional and energy properties, to compete with cheese, chicken eggs and meat. Peanut butter fully absorbs the pronounced taste and smell of this nut. A rich composition and thick enveloping texture makes it acceptable for use in a variety of areas - cooking, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Peanut butter, what is it like?

Peanut butter is a valuable dietary herbal product, comparable in nutritional and biological value to animal products. The production of peanut butter is based on 3 ways of :

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  1. Unrefined oil. It is a product of brown shades with a rich and bright nutty aroma and taste. Its production and use has been established in Asian countries.
  2. Refined oil. This product has a softer, enveloping nutty flavor and smell, its color varies from light to dark yellow. Such butter is produced and used in Europe and America.
  3. Cold pressed oil. Regarding the use and purity of this oil is the most valuable, it is used in medicine.

Contrary to all belief, peanuts are not a nut, it is a legume crop that, like all legume plants, grows on the ground!

Composition and caloric content of peanut butter

The rich composition of peanut butter explains its distinctive properties and characteristics:

  1. Amino Acids. Omega-9 oleic acid is about 60% of peanut butter, and omega-6 polyunsaturated linoleic acid is about 30%.Another 10% are saturated fatty acids - palmitic, alpha-linoleic, stearic, lignoceric, arachidic and others. These are all vital and indispensable components for human health.
  2. Easily Assimilable Fats. Compared to animal fats, vegetable fats are easier and faster to digest in the human body.
  3. Complex of vitamins of group B. Among them: B1, B2, B3, B5, B8 and B9.The role of these vitamins is assigned to the regulation of water-salt balance, as well as carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in the body. Vitamins of group B have a positive effect on hormones, immunity and appearance of a person.
  4. Vitamin D. This fat-soluble vitamin helps the growth and regeneration of the skeletal system, is necessary for the prevention of heart, cancer and endocrine diseases.
  5. Macro and trace elements. These elements include magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, copper, phosphorus, iron, zinc, cobalt, and others. All these components have a beneficial effect on human health, well-being and efficiency.
  6. Choline or Vitamin B4.Well-coordinated work of the nervous system is impossible without this valuable vitamin, it also participates in the synthesis of phospholipids, which is important for the prevention of fatty infiltration of the liver and the development of gallstone disease.
  7. Betaine. The effective work of the liver is impossible without betaine, it also contributes to the full digestion of protein from food.
  8. Antioxidants. This group includes vitamins A and E, contained in peanuts and butter from it. In modern life, an important role is assigned to antioxidants, which protect and restore the human body.

Scientists from Germany proved that peanut butter contains polyphenol resveratrol, which plays an active role in preventing overweight and helps in the fight against obesity.

This substance has proven to be effective in normalizing the balance of estrogens, has antitumor and antioxidant activity, lowers the concentration of blood cholesterol and improves liver function. Thanks to resveratrol, the production of collagen is activated in the human body, which has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails!

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The caloric value of peanut butter is about 600 kcal per 100 grams. This is a fairly high figure, like any other oily fat product. However, these calories should not be regarded as habitual kilocalories, their effect on the human body is completely different.

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Useful and healing properties

The unique composition of peanut butter provides a wide range of its use in official and traditional medicine. We learn all about the benefits and dangers of peanut butter!

Peanut butter - useful properties:

  1. Gall bladder. Peanut butter stimulates the function of bile formation and bile secretion, therefore it is an effective choleretic medicine.
  2. Liver. The oil is able to restore the liver cells and prevents obesity of the body.
  3. Digestive System. Peanut oil prevents inflammation in any of the gastrointestinal tract, has a disinfecting and wound-healing effect on the internal organs. Due to this, it copes well with gastritis and ulcers, colitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.
  4. Circulatory System. The high content of substances in the oil that affect blood clotting and hemoglobin synthesis contributes to the treatment of hemophilia and anemia in humans.
  5. Heart and vessels. Peanut oil reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, so it is used to prevent the formation of sclerotic plaques, to normalize blood pressure and to increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Regular consumption of peanut oil in food reduces the risk of serious heart and vascular pathologies - ischemia, stroke and heart attack.
  6. Nervous system. Choline from peanut butter is an active participant in the synthesis of lecithin, a building material for brain cells and nerve fibers. The systematic intake of oil in food provides high mental activity and concentration.
  7. Diabetes. Peanut butter lowers blood sugar levels, and is therefore recommended by doctors for use in diabetes.
  8. Vision. Oil has shown its high efficiency for the work of the entire visual apparatus.
  9. Leather. Peanut butter in the recipes for the skin provides excellent hydration and nutrition, has a wound healing and tonic effect, helps to cope with premature aging and dry skin.
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Oil can be harmful if it is abused in the diet if a person has an allergy to this food. With caution, people with bronchial asthma and a tendency to increased blood clotting should eat the peanut butter. The most useful is the product, independently prepared from natural peanuts.

How to make peanut butter at home

Peanut butter is an attribute of a healthy lifestyle, it gives strength and energy, allows you to look better and feel great, effectively fights aging and helps keep your body shape! How to make peanut butter at home? Preparing peanut butter at home is simple: dry roasted peanut nuts fall asleep in the blender bowl and grind them for a long time to an oily state. To facilitate the process of grinding to the nuts, you can enter a little honey or other vegetable oil. The finished product is recommended to send in the refrigerator. Naturally! Yummy! Easy!

Many are interested in the question: peanut butter and pasta - what's the difference? Peanut paste is a ready-to-eat high-calorie high-nutritional product, endowed with a peculiar taste due to various additives - salt, sugar, other types of nuts, chocolate, honey, etc. No less interesting and how is peanut butter different from jam? Jam is peanut fruit with sugar, boiled down to the state of jelly, with various berries and fruit juices added to taste and color.

Peanut butter, with a unique smooth texture and active unforgettable taste, will be an excellent option for a rich and nutritious breakfast. This delicacy will not damage the figure, will raise your spirits and energize for the whole day! It is worth trying - taste, satiety and benefit in one dish!

Peanut Butter for Breakfast - Video

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