Important care at home for indoor jasmine


Indoor jasmine is grown in greenhouses and rooms in several forms. The plant conquers gardeners - lovers of its extraordinary beauty. It differs from other flowers by its constant bright green color of leaves and stem, abundant year-round flowering and aroma. To grow indoor jasmine at home, he will need care. The photo shows a bush plant variety.

Most flower varieties do not shed their leaves for the winter, but some species try to free themselves from the lush crown and flowers, resting during the cold season.

Types of indoor jasmine

The care of indoor jasmine flowers is carried out depending on the type of plant. The main ones are shown in the photo:

  • jasmine with large flowers;
  • Jasmine Bis;
  • jasmine with numerous flowers;
  • jasmin colophagous;
  • Jasmine officinalis;
  • Jasmine Sambuck.

Jasmine is a delicate flower and it does not tolerate a temperature drop, does not tolerate cold. Gardeners, who managed to grow at home and multiply the plant, do not cease to boast and admire them. Providing proper care, maintaining the temperature and knowing how to cleverly plant young shoots, gardeners can grow not one, but several plants of extraordinary beauty. So, how to care for indoor jasmine?

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Read also: Planting and caring in the open field for the wonderful marigolds is possible under all the power. To grow a plant and achieve its flowering it is necessary to provide him with proper care. In practice, there are cases when gardeners invest a lot of power for the active growth and flowering of jasmine, and he dies.

The causes of wilting plants can be different:

  1. Sudden changes in air temperature.
  2. For a long time the plant is under direct sunlight.
  3. Insufficiently moistened soil.
  4. Excess moisture in the soil.
  5. Low humidity.

It is recommended to grow jasmine at home by experienced professionals who can not only grow a plant, but also achieve its permanent flowering.

Lighting criteria for indoor jasmine

The plant was brought from the tropics, so the flower likes bright rooms. Caring for jasmine room at home, you should not put the plant on the windowsill under the influence of direct sunlight as in the photo.

Under the influence of light, the plant begins to sprout, dissolves its lush, deciduous crown and blooms for a long time. When exposed to direct sunlight, jasmine dries and fades. Jasmine breeding is possible on the bedside tables near the window. The room is the most illuminated place. Under the influence of artificial light, the plant will not bloom, and let new leaves.

Some varieties of jasmine from late autumn to mid-spring( during a period of declining solar activity) shed most foliage and sleep, gaining strength.

Maintaining the temperature for reproduction of indoor jasmine at home

If you maintain the temperature in the room from 21 to 26 degrees Celsius, indoor jasmine will grow and bloom as in the photo if taken care of at home.

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The plant does not tolerate sudden changes in the temperature of the surrounding air. At indications on the room thermometer below 15 degrees the jasmin can not only be dull in development, but also completely wither. Depending on the type of flower, it transfers winter in different ways.

Wintering in warm temperatures loves jasmine - sambac. During the period of rest from the flowers, the temperature of 18 degrees Celsius of the surrounding air is enough for him. In order for the plant to start blooming profusely and for a long time, gardeners prefer to give the plant a temperature shake and hold it for several hours with a thermometer reading of 10 degrees. At the same time, the air humidity should be very high. Having been in such conditions, jasmine will bloom in the near future, and will long delight with its appearance of a gardener.

How to properly trim indoor jasmine at home

Pruning jasmine is carried out regularly. The plant tolerates crown formation well. Professional gardeners give the plant a new look in the period of abundant flowering. The main pruning of branches and foliage is carried out in the springtime. In this period, the plant( depending on the species) gains strength and begins to grow fruitfully.

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By giving the correct form of jasmine, you can achieve growth intensity and prolonged flowering with an unforgettable scent. The photo shows a plant after spring pruning.

Cut the branches of the plant in half. This method helps the plant to release more young twigs. Particular attention is paid to dry branches, leaves and possibly remaining flowers.

How to propagate indoor jasmine

In order to propagate a perennial indoor plant at home, it is necessary to trim the cuttings correctly. They are prepared in the warm season, during the rest of jasmine from flowering.

How to plant jasmine? The cut young twigs are planted in small pots filled with a mixture of fertilized soil and sand. The stalk is inserted into a specially prepared soil cut down to a depth of two centimeters.

When maintaining the air temperature in the room not lower than 20 degrees centigrade, cuttings will begin to take root in one month. After completely filling the small pot with the root system of the plant, jasmine must be transplanted into a larger container. With active growth, the plant requires a transplant once a year. When jasmina turns three years old, he will need care as an adult flower. The plant can be pruned, pruned cuttings from it for further reproduction and transplanted every two and a half years.

Jasmine cuttings do not have to be placed in a glass of water for root development. Individually, a small pot with fertilized soil is sufficient.

Indoor Jasmine Care Tips - Video

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