Detailed description and characteristics of the hybrid variety of tomato doll

Every gardener dreams of an ideal variety of tomatoes, but this, alas, does not exist. But scientists have learned to display hybrids with fully balanced characteristics. Among these hybrids, the hero of the article is the Kukla tomato variety, which is described below.

Content Contentshybrid variety. A novelty that has managed to prove itself perfectly. It is prolific and resistant to diseases and pests in greenhouses and in the open field. Early, determinant variety, universal purpose. In height reaches 70 centimeters, requires a garter and pasynkovaniya. Productivity of 7-10 kilograms per square meter.

Early ripe variety of tomatoes Doll

Fruits do not crack for a long time, they tolerate transportation well. The fruit of the classical form, red-pink color, glossy, weighing from 150, especially large to 400 grams. It has a pleasant, "tomato" aroma and fleshy pulp, sweet-sour taste. Perfectly distinguished himself as a lettuce tomato. Small fruits are well suited for canning. The juice is pleasant to taste, about 7% sugar, rich in vitamins.

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Breeding and growing region

It is best to grow these tomatoes in the greenhouse, but if the summer is long and warm, you can also in the open field. Breeders tried to bring a variety with good immunity. But you shouldn’t test it and plant tomatoes where other moths have grown before: eggplants, peppers or potatoes - they all have the same pests and diseases.

Tomato Doll is suitable for growing both in greenhouses and in the open field.

By planting this particular tomato, you can save space, since the Doll is just like the Masha Doll, a rather fruitful variety. Landing time in a ground or greenhouse varies by climate.

The air temperature on the street at the time of disembarkation should be 12-15 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages of

Advantages: versatility of fruits, high taste, yield, minimal labor costs, strong seedlings, medium-early variety, due to which the phytophthora does not have time to hit it, and the fruits spawn quickly, together and there are many. Bushes are compact, suitable for growing both in greenhouses and on beds. Disease resistant, easy to care for. Germination of 95-100%.

Tomato pulp A dense, fleshy doll, with a characteristic sweet-sour taste and a pleasant tomato smell

Disadvantages: seeds collected from the fruit do not have the characteristics of the mother plant. But this is offset by buying new ones from the breeder. It is advisable to water in a timely manner. Also, the determinism of the variety will seem to someone a disadvantage, because after the ovary, the tops of the tree cease to grow and do not give more fruit.

Planting seeds

Buy seeds in the store, they must be fresh enough. Before sowing, they should be soaked, previously wrapped in cloth, in clean water. Sow them in March-April, for 40-45 days before planting in the greenhouse, in drawers 4-5 centimeters deep, with soil for “seedlings”.

Planting seeds is practiced in March-April.

Seeds are lowered to a depth of 0.7-1.0 centimeters, sprinkled with earth, watered and covered with film, creating a mini-teplichka. Between seeds there should be a distance of 2-3 cm. The greenhouse should be ventilated periodically. When sprouts appear on two leaves, they can begin to actively water.

You can dive shoots in separate containers or in the same box, but at a greater distance( 5-7 centimeters).

At the expiration of time, planted in the greenhouse, where the doll gives the best harvest. Count on common sense, no need to pay attention to the lunar calendar. If the greenhouse is small, tomatoes can be left in boxes and kept for a while inside the greenhouse, and then transplanted into the ground. Before planting watered. Plant strong shoots, about a centimeter in height of 30 , at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other. At such a distance it will be most convenient for them to care for and harvest.

The best crop yields are tomato variety. Doll shows in the greenhouse

Days after 7-12, after they take root and take root, tomatoes can be watered( preferably in the afternoon) under the root, loosened( to a depth of about 5-10 centimeters) earth andfertilize.

Watering should not be carried away, just follow the soil, so that it does not dry out.

If there is no such possibility, then the soil can be mulched, for example, with sawdust, straw or peat - this will reduce the evaporation of moisture.

After the appearance of the first flower brush( which usually follows a 5-7 leaf), a tomato stepson. Pasting is necessary so that the plant does not spend strength on extra shoots. So the fruits will ripen faster.

Tomato growing conditions

Traditional Doll care, like for all other tomatoes, consists in weeding, watering with warm water, protection from insects. Also, the first time a tomato may require feeding, and then tying up the supports. Tomatoes prefer a sunny place and light soils rich in humus, with a neutral reaction .

It is advisable to cover them from drafts. Water in a timely manner and weeding from weeds, as well as prevention from diseases and pests. Otherwise, it is a very unpretentious variety, for which it is fervently like by many novices and experienced gardeners.

Peculiarities of fruiting

Medium early fruit ripening. Until the moment of fruit formation, about 80-90 days pass. The 4-5 ovaries are formed on one hand, each containing 5 fruits. Shoots are limited in growth. Fruits are distinguished by high commodity-taste qualities, rich in glucose, starch, fiber,

pectin substances. Diseases and pests

Excellent immunity, resistant to verticillosis, tobacco mosaic. Young tomatoes are often attacked by the Colorado potato beetle. Adult plants "Colorado" are not afraid.

Young tomato tomato plants can be attacked by the Colorado potato beetle

Insecticides should be used, as well as, in some cases, growth regulators and stimulants.

Tomatoes will grow best and give a decent harvest in the place where cucumbers, garlic, onions, cabbage or parsley grew last year.


Doll is a beautiful, versatile variety. It has a number of significant advantages, it is characterized by precocity and rich fruiting. Perfect for growing novices, even in dubious areas. Remember, to get a quality result, you need to grow healthy plants, creating the best conditions for their early growth.

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