In the post-revolutionary years, agriculture began to be actively developed in the Oka River area. Owners of small plots noted that they receive the maximum yield from the cultivation of cucumbers. A number of varieties were gradually selected, and a special cultivation technology was developed, which are now known as Lukhovitsky cucumbers .
Table of Contents
- - This is a collection of several varieties of , which are grown in the Lukhovitsy region, near the Oka River. Cucumbers were isolated in a separate form due to the small size, high density and characteristic crunch of fruits during the meal.
The special microclimate of the region had serious significance for growing crops. It is characterized by high humidity.
The most famous varieties of Lukhovitsy cucumbers include:
- Vyaznikovsky;
- Murom;
- Mirinda;
- Libell;
- Graceful;
- Adam;
- Solinas;
- Lukhovitsky f1.
Lukhovitsky cucumbers - a collection of several varieties
In most cases, the bushes have an average climbing ability. On the plant is formed from 2 to 4 ovaries.
Fruiting begins early .Varieties are early ripening. Fruit maturity occurs within 1-1.5 months after sowing.
According to the description of , the length of the fruit reaches 5-7 centimeters .The shape is elliptical, even. Cucumbers differ in the same size. Weight ranges from 90 to 100 grams.
Peel tender green color with a scattering of small tubercles. The taste of the fruit is intense, the smell is strong, cucumber.
Lukhovitsky cucumbers are demanding to care. They are grown in high warm beds. Plots choose light, windless.Watering produces abundant , as needed. Top dressing is carried out several times per season.
How to grow lukhovitsy cucumbers:
Advantages and disadvantages of Lukhovitsy cucumbers
Thanks to the use of several different varieties, gardeners were able to collect the maximum number of advantages in Lukhovitsy cucumbers.
The advantages of the form include:
- compact size and smooth shape;
- the same length, which facilitates their conservation;
- cultivation in the open and closed ground;
- high yield;
- good taste;
- earlier maturation;
- lack of bitterness;
- crispy, juicy flesh without voids;
- long-term storage;
- disease resistance;
- possibility of transportation.
Advantages of the species: no bitterness in fruits, crisp juicy flesh, early ripening
Hybrid forms, especially Lukhovitsky-f1, are distinguished by high yields of and resistance to the effects of pests and major diseases. With the observance of the rules of agricultural technology with one square meter yield up to 10 kg.
Despite the large number of advantages, the variety has one major drawback. Lukhovitsky cucumbers demanding care .They are not suitable for breeding novice gardeners.
Features of soil preparation and site selection for breeding
Lukhovitsky cucumbers prefer areas with fertile soil and good solar lighting. Another requirement for placement is the absence of wind.The site preparation work is carried out in two phases: .The first begins in the fall. It consists in the preparation of trenches for ridges and the preparation of humus.
The second stage is held in the spring, when the snow has not melted. It consists in the formation of high warm ridges into which adult seedlings are transplanted or on which special seedlings are formed.
Future beds are prepared using a special technology:
- Digging trenches 40 centimeters deep.
- Fertile soil is deposited separately.
- Trenches are enclosed by wooden boards, 25 centimeters high, the width of one ridge is 80-100 centimeters.
- In the spring, the prepared ridges are scalded with boiling water. It destroys pests.
- At the bottom lay out a layer of film and cover it with sawdust with urea. The height of the layer is 12 centimeters.
- The second layer is manure heated to 50-60 degrees. The third is fertile soil.
- A dark film is laid on top of the soil. It allows you to create the necessary microclimate and prevents the appearance of weeds.
- After 3-4 days, holes are made on the film in increments of 30-40 centimeters. They are planted seeds for germination or already adult seedlings.
How to plant and grow Lukhov cucumbers:
Preparing cucumber seedlings
When growing cucumbers in open ground, you must first prepare the seedlings. This is due to the fact that with strong temperature fluctuations at night and daytime, the seeds may not germinate.
Sowing seeds for seedlings produced in greenhouses .To do this, they are prepared in a special way:
- The bottom of large greenhouses is laid out with straw. It plays the role of heating seedlings from the root system.
- Pre-prepared soil is piled on top of the straw. It consists of a mixture of land, peat and humus.
- Then laid cucumber seeds. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in warm water or a weak solution of manganese. Seeds sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
- The greenhouse is closed with 2 layers of plastic film.
Seeding is done in early spring, before the snow melts. Early planting allows you to get the first harvest in late May. In a greenhouse, seedlings are 1-1.5 months.During growing seedlings it is important to observe the temperature conditions. To do this, the layers of the film are periodically opened and closed.
Watering is done as needed. Also allowed germination of seeds in special peat pots .
Sowing seeds for seedlings produced in greenhouses or peat pots
. Features of
care. Care for Lukhovitsky cucumbers is to create a special microclimate. It is formed in a warm greenhouse. For cucumbers, it is important to maintain a constant temperature regime. The temperature in the greenhouse is 23-25 degrees.
On hot summer days, additional airing is required. It is carried out by removing the first layer of the frame of panic. In the case of cooling produce additional warming.
The plants are watered with warm water .Its harvested in tin tanks that heat up in the sun. Watering plants is done as needed in the evening.
Variety demanding fertilizing. For fertilizer use solution Sudarushka, Kemira-Universal, slurry, bird droppings.Top dressing is done in two stages: .At the first stage, the concentration of fertilizers is reduced by 2 times, after 7-10 days produced according to the recommended standards.
It is important to maintain a constant temperature, airing is required.
Pest and disease control
Lukhovitsy cucumbers are resistant to diseases and pests. High stability is provided by a high degree of sampling among different varieties of cucumbers.
The main problem with the cultivation of late-ripening and autumn varieties is powdery mildew .It leads to drying out of the plants lash. The main method of dealing with the disease - the search for more cold-resistant hybrids.
Harvesting and storing the crop
Lukhovitsky cucumbers are an early ripening variety .With an early and warm spring, the first harvest is obtained in the middle of May. The period of fruiting begins in 1 - 1.5 months after transplanting into the ground.
The varieties are characterized by high yields of .Up to 6-7 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush during the season. To increase the yield, greenhouses are collected that have reached medium size.
The secret of the same size of cucumbers is harvesting every other day. This time is enough for growing Zelentsa to the desired size.Fruits are used for fresh consumption, cuts, salads, preservation and pickles.
The cultivation of Lukhovitsy cucumbers has proven its effectiveness with years of research and extensive experience of gardeners. Currently, the popularity of the method is actively growing.
Technology is used not only in the garden plots, but also on an industrial scale to obtain a high-quality and abundant harvest.