Characteristics and description of tomato variety Pink leader

Among the most sought-after pink garden varieties of tomato, the Pink leader can be distinguished, which has proven itself thanks to its positive technical characteristics. A unique, according to the description of the sweetish taste of the fruit allows you to use these vegetables not only in fresh form, but also in the preparation of salads, sauces, as well as in homemade preparations for the winter.

Table of Contents

  • Sting of Seeds for
  • Diseases
  • Main Events for
  • Diseases and AspectsThe pink leader belongs to the ultra-fast-growing varieties, the period from germination to maturity is 85-90 days.

    Tomato bush is classified as a stem, as it is compact and powerful main stem. Decorate the plant rather large leaves of green. The inflorescence is simple, stem with articulation.

    Fruits are colored pink or tinged with red and have a rounded shape. Characterized by an average density, fleshy and in weight reach 120-150 g .

    The average fruit weight of the variety is 120-150 grams.
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    Tomatoes have a pleasant sweetish taste without pronounced sourness, due to the high sugar content of tomatoes.

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    The positive characteristics that convince that this variety is a suitable candidate for taking place on the beds include:

    • abundant yield , which is 12 kg per 1m2 of area and 1.5-2 kg from one bush;
    • excellent tastes and high nutritional value;
    • resistance to adverse environmental conditions;
    • invulnerability to dangerous fungal and bacterial diseases;
    • possibility of growing in open and greenhouse conditions ;
    • preservation of the presentation during transportation;
    • is a source of vitamins B, C, PP and a powerful beneficial antioxidant - lycopene, which is responsible for the health of the heart and blood vessels, which reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis.

    A minor flaw in the variety is the in the average size of the fruit and their thin sandpaper .

    Vegetable growing technology

    Sowing seed for seedlings should be carried out in March or April , depending on the growing region.

    Sowing seeds for seedlings

    Tomato seeds Pink leader

    First you need to prepare a plant for planting, soil and seeds. Capacity can be very different, but a good solution would be to use special containers with lids to create the greenhouse effect. Planting material can be purchased at a specialty store or can be collected independently from the resulting crop.

    Before sowing the seeds, should be heated and processed by in a solution prepared on the basis of potassium permanganate, and also checked for germination.

    Any universal soil suitable for seedlings, including those consisting of equal parts of peat and sand.

    When sowing, seeds should not be embedded very deeply. At the end of planting, cover crops with film material or glass and follow all necessary rules for the care of seedlings, which will positively affect the quantity and quality of the future crop. After the appearance of two leaves, you should perform an pick-up with , transplanting it into separate containers.

    A couple of weeks before planting, seedlings should be prepared for the conditions in which they will grow in open beds. To do this, should be reduced to watering and every day take out the containers with seedlings to fresh air under the direct rays of the sun, feed them with fertilizers and carry out preventive treatment against pest diseases.

    Dive seedlings must be made after the appearance of two leaves

    Planting seedlings in the ground

    At the planning stage of future beds it is very important to choose the site that should be well illuminated by and be heated by the sun and protected from the wind, and differ in nutrient, loose, moisture-consuming soil.

    Zucchini, cucumber, cauliflower are considered good predecessors.

    This will promote active growth and minimal use of fertilizers. Prepare the beds in the autumn months, digging it up and enriching it with the necessary fertilizers.

    In spring, when the air temperature warms up sufficiently, the site is again dug up, is regularly loosened, weeds are removed, and the planting process can be started.

    In order for plants to feel comfortable enough, when planting seedlings, apply the 50x40 cm scheme, place up to 8 tomato bushes on one square meter.

    When planting seedlings on a garden bed, carefully remove the plants from the tank and place them in the prepared holes that have been spilled beforehand with warm water. Saplings down to the cotyledon leaves and sprinkle around the soil substrate, a little compacted.

    When transplanting into the ground, seedlings need to be deepened to the cotyledon leaves

    . Main care measures

    The Rose Leader does not require special care. To obtain a rich harvest, it is enough only:

    • to control the level of humidity throughout the entire crop growing cycle, as drying will threaten fruit shredding, yield loss and plant death;
    • loosen the soil after each watering, it will enrich the soil with oxygen and prevent the formation of a dry crust on the surface of the earth;
    • as needed weed , removing weeds;
    • to form bushes , leaving 1-2 well developed strong stems;
    • to feed with mineral complexes or special fertilizers for tomatoes;
    • gradually remove the lower leaflets, which cause air stagnation in the surface zone, which leads to the emergence of plant diseases;
    • to carry out prophylactic measures aimed at preventing infection of vegetable crops with diseases and invasions of pests.

    Properly performing the full range of care work will help avoid diseases and enjoy delicious fragrant fruits.

    Diseases and their prevention

    Variety Pink leader possesses good immunity against diseases inherent in tomatoes, but this does not exclude the likelihood of late blight infection, gray rot, brown spot.

    Quality seed is one of the conditions for a good harvest.

    To avoid yield losses and save money, it is better to resort to effective preventive measures, which include:

    1. Compliance with crop rotation. Do not plant tomato seedlings in the previous place earlier than five years. As well as planting tomatoes away from planting potatoes, which is the primary carrier of infection.
    2. Use only quality planting material .Before sowing, take all necessary measures to prepare the seeds for planting.
    3. Compliance with the rules for soil preparation and planting according to all standards, which is considered a guarantee of successful plant growth.
    4. Creating a comfortable environment for the normal development of tomatoes.
    5. Proper fertilization with .Do not use manure and fresh compost for vegetables, only humus and well-rotted compost.
    The main thing in time is to notice the first symptoms of infection of a plant with an infection, quickly recognize the disease and properly improve the tomato bed.

    . Method of obtaining seeds.

    . When purchasing vegetable seeds in a store, most gardeners come to the conclusion that what is stated on the packaging does not correspond to reality. Therefore, resorting to a simple method to independently collect material for future planting.

    As practice shows, the seeds collected by the hands of have a high percentage of germination of .Moreover, the acclimatization of previous generations is the key to strong and healthy seedlings.

    Only large and ripe fruits of the Rose leader,

    , will be suitable for collecting seeds. For collecting seeds, you should use only large and ripe , no signs of disease or fruit. It is better to be in the stage of technical ripeness and collected from the first lower stem of the bush.

    The process of obtaining seeds yourself involves the following steps:

    1. Wash the fruits well with water and cut them across, carefully removing the seeds with a spoon in a clean glass jar.
    2. Capacity cover with gauze cloth, placing warm on the fermentation.
    3. should be constantly mixed with the contents of the in order to avoid the appearance on the surface of the film or mold.
    4. In their own juice, the seeds should ferment for three days at temperature indices of 23-25 ​​degrees. The signal to proceed to the next step in the process of obtaining seeds will be the emergence of a characteristic odor, bubbles on the surface and clarification of the juice.
    5. Put the fermented mass on gauze and rinse with water, cleaning the seeds from mucus and pulp. Then dilute a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and pour the seeds. High-quality specimens will sink to the bottom, and unsuitable for cultivation - will pop up.
    6. Clean seeds should be dried for a week at a temperature of 25̊ degrees on a saucer.
    Store the obtained seeds in a paper bag or a bag of cloth, placing them in a cool dark place. Avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity during storage.

    Good germination planting material has maintained for 4 years .

    The pink leader is a proven and favorite variety of many gardeners. Planting this unpretentious variety and completing all the methods of farming and cultivation, you can enjoy the first crop of sweet pink tomatoes in three months.

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